Is this normal?


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Really good, pal! I also have been trying to control my dreams, but I failed.

Most of my dreams are lucid but some are totally out of my control. Like this one where this random guy gives me a half eaten box of chocolates and the next day a guy captures me and asks me to become a ninja :(

I can control my dreams! Although there are some dreams I can't control, I can still control my dreams eg. control which direction I'm walking, what clothes I'm wearing, where I am. It's really cool but I want to talk to other people who have my condition or people who know about it so...yeah...but I'm confused :D
Me too. Sometimes, that is...

I have those types of dreams quite often. I think it is pretty cool. But I usually have nightmares.


I think it is normal.



If I could control my dreams, I would have Kaden as my boyfriend! :wub:

yeah lucid dreams. I had one before.....I didn't relize I was asleep until someone told me and made me wake up....creepy.

I can control my dreams! Although there are some dreams I can't control, I can still control my dreams eg. control which direction I'm walking, what clothes I'm wearing, where I am. It's really cool but I want to talk to other people who have my condition or people who know about it so...yeah...but I'm confused :eek:
I can control my dreams too! It's fun! Usually in my dreams there is no sound. I wonder if it's normal...

I have only had 3 of them!

One of them was, my friend took chocolate from me and in my mind I knew what was going on so then I took the chocolate and ran! And I wanted to run and take the chocolate! It was so cool.

I believe those are called Lucid dreams. It's really cool when it happens. I have had it happen a couple of times, but not for a while. I've heard that people use those kinds of dreams to practice speeches, or take the time to think things through that they can't figure out during the day. That's pretty cool!
Yes, actually. I have lucid dreams all the time.

You can control your dreams.

yeah, i can.

for example, if i'm having a scary nightmare XD i can just say "wake up!" and i wake up. simple.

dreams you can't control are meant to b normal, and dreams you can't control are meant to b an angel telling you something... XD

I had another lucid dream lastnight! o.o

My pet mouse was dieing and then I strongly thought "Dont Die! Dont Die!" And then I Prayed and she came back to life. It felt amazing when I woke up ;]

omg i had a lucid dream just a couple of days ago.....i dreamed that i was fighting in a battle with a weird person that looked like jillian from the biggest loser show :angry: i could even feel the pain from a burn that i recieved in my "dream fight"! it was really scary yet really cool at the same time. usually the dreams i remember the best were the lucid dreams. if i was being controlled in my dream, then i can't really remember wat happened.

i get those every night they are so cool i can even spell do math and read in my dreams too! it is so cool

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