Is this normal?


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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2007
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Portland, Oregon
I have a tendency to believe that my dreams are going to actually happen in real life. For example, if my friends are beating me in a dream, I will repeatedly ask them the next day if they have any intention of hurting me. I've heard from people that it's a manifestation of insanity to believe in one's dreams, but I don't know. While I've never met anyone else who believes in their dreams, I try to reassure myself that everyone is like this at some point or another. But are they? Is there anyone else here who believes in their dreams?

Hmm. I believe in my dreams, even if they are about Fruits Basket and Torchwood.

You never know what'll happen, but just don't get paranoid. ^^

I used to. I used to think whatever happened to me in my dreams, a similar situation would take place in real life.

By the way, I don't think you should keep on asking your friend whether or not they have an intention of hurting you, because you might find soon enough they will say, "Yes."!!!!

I didn't really believe in my dreams. But sometimes they actually do come true. O_O For example, I once dreamed that my family and I went to a restaurant and I dreamed what they ordered, what the waiter looked like, etc. Because I keep a journal of my dreams, I was very surprised about three days later during the weeked, because my family did actually go to the same restaurant, ordered the same food, and the waiter looked exactly the same. It was creepy, and no, I'm not lying. Please don't flame me. D=

You're not insane. It's a good thing to believe that your dreams will actually happen, because sometimes they might. o.o

Who knows? I believe that dreams might come true one day in your life, I think it actully depends whether you believe it will happen.



I hope my dreams dont come true. Most of my dreams are: zombies attack me, people chase me around the mall with guns, and that the whole world dies except for me.

Sometimes I do wake up and think that my dream was the day before. It's weird. example- I'll have a dream my mom bought cereal. I'll wake up, go to the kitchen, and the cereal will be gone. It takes me a while to figure out what's going on.

As Dr. Phil says, it's not normal if it messes with you living your life.

Dreams are on odd sort- they are a reality for that moment and then that reality fades into the waking. Dreams DO have connections with reality. No dream is 'just random' but is some how connected to your subconcience. Maybe the big issue isn't about your thinking dreams are also reality but your trust relationship with others.

Keep a dream journal. When you wake up immediatly go to the last thing you remember and trace it backwards. Play it in your mind a few times till you are sure you have it down and write it or record your voice on your phone/tape recorder [if you voice record, go back later and put it into writing, it's easier to keep up with]. When you have about ten dreams or so, sit down and try to analyze them. Circle reappearing things in your dreams and try to find connections with them.

Happens to me all the time... with every dream. Maybe its insanity, I wouldnt doubt it, but I dont think so. I think it is just how you think, nothing wrong with that. Alot of things in my dreams do come true, so I guiess anything can happen. You never know.

I dont think it is something to worry about though.

I believe in my dreams. I've had a few actually happen D:

I remember when I was near 14 I had a dream that there was a car for me waiting the garage. My mom at that time had been talking about getting me a car. I woke up and checked the garage. No car xP

A lot of people tell me it's deja vu. I kept a log of dreams for the longest time. What happened, wasn't deja vu. I actually had dreamed it. It happened the other day in Tamachat actually.

I don't think there's anything wrong with it. So long as you can still sort dream from reality.

Yeah as SK says, its fine if you can basically sort dream from reality.

It sounds like (although I'm not sure) that you seem to be worrying about it too much, thinking you might go insane etc.. Do you like obsess over weather they are real or dreams? Or are you not too bothered? :furawatchi:

Dreams often reflect what you happened to you IRL, or will happen, too. So, did you know you were going to the restaraunt? If no, then creepy. 0_o

Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night with a bad dream, I believe that it is really happening, but later on I think about it and realize it's not. I don't think I've ever experienced what you are experiencing right now.

call me a liar

i dont care

i have psycic dreams constantly

they may not happen the same way,

but they happen

all the same


i dreampt i was late to my classes and was forced to sit next to my ex

then at the end of thr class he kissed me and dropped me a note (i didnt have an Ex)

my bff later showed me this note...

dear Ashley,

Im sorry

i love you

dont leave me

stay with me


love Rafiel

she was late 2 all her classes that day 2 :mellow:

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