Is This Normel (I Can't Spell It Right)


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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2007
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On My Version 4.5 Tamagotchi I Have An Otokitchi And It Is 45 Years Old And Then The Battery Died Is This Normel (I Can't Spell It Right)

having a tamagotchi that old is NOT normal. It is probanly a glitch. If you wer talking about the battery, then yes, that is normal

An Otokitchi or Ojitchi can live a long time. Once they evolve into old timers, it's just a question of how well you care for them.

Some die quite quickly, others keep going for days and weeks :wub:

45yrs is a good age for a tama - well done :D

On My Version 4.5 Tamagotchi I Have An Otokitchi And It Is 45 Years Old And Then The Battery Died Is This Normel (I Can't Spell It Right)
It is quite normal, no need to worry.

As you may know, Otokitchi and Ojitchi are both old folks so they can get up to much older ages

than most other tamagotchi so it is perfectly normal.

No need to worry.


I have never heard of one that old. Though, i would have to say it's ok, because it is an elder tamagotchi form. If the battery died than it's just a flaw. :) ;) :p

Wow you must have taken very good care of your tama to get it to that age Congratz :)

I think Kyliesmum had a record of over 100 a tama called Jack i think

45 days, very nice! Your tama has lived for 45 days! You have taken extreme care for your tama, so bravo.

I believe a few years ago someone reported an Angelgotchi or Tama Angel that was over 100 years/days old. Its the oldest tama ever I believe, or at least the only reported one.

But 45 yrs on a connection is just outstanding!

... I think Kyliesmum had a record of over 100 a tama called Jack i think
For anyone who is interested, Kyliesmum did indeed raise a tama and kept it alive to a very ripe old age :)

Aaron was 145 yrs old when he died. Here's a link to Kyliesmum's Blogagotchi, if you scroll down the page to the entry for June 6, 2007 you will see some pics and a tribute to Aaron ;)

All the time i don't feel like playing any games on my tamagotchis. i have like 27 skill points

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