Is this weird?


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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I like to narrate my life in my head. xD I know, I sounds weird and stupid.

But, if I'm really upset and feeling alone, sometimes I'll say in my head, "As she sat there, a million thoughts filled her mind. She felt so alone, so sad......she leaned back and closed her eyes, worrying about the days to come." I will even do that if I'm simply walking down the street or at school. For example..."She stared at her test like it had nothing written on it. She didn't even budge when she was told to start. She had no clue what to do."

xD Any of you as weird as me?

I do that

I'm writing a manga and my friends and I are the characters so we narrate our days:)

Ohh yeah. I do that a LOT. Especially if Im alone.

Sometimes, after I say something, anything, I would think in my head, She said. It's one if my habits.

I told my teacher about it, and she said that creative minds think like that. Especially ones that have the potential to become a writer one day ^-^

xD. It's normal! Whenever I made cereal or something, I made it look like a cooking show. xDDD

OMG! You have NO idea!!! I do that ALL the time. I thought I was the only one! :blink:

My teacher says it out loud though. XD

She goes ON AND ON talking and then she says, "She said grabbing her texta..." and everyone got sick of it. xD

I do that sometimes in my head when Im sad and start laughing my head off and everyone goes o_O


I like to narrate my life in my head. xD I know, I sounds weird and stupid.But, if I'm really upset and feeling alone, sometimes I'll say in my head, "As she sat there, a million thoughts filled her mind. She felt so alone, so sad......she leaned back and closed her eyes, worrying about the days to come." I will even do that if I'm simply walking down the street or at school. For example..."She stared at her test like it had nothing written on it. She didn't even budge when she was told to start. She had no clue what to do."

xD Any of you as weird as me?
i love doing that XD it's so fun, and such good writing practise.

I do that in class lol out loud haha...

The class will be quiet because they run out of things to say and then i mumble to myself something along the lines of "And the normally chatty class remained silent, one student waiting for the other to make a statement" then everyone looks at me like I am queer haha.

I do tht all the time in my head as well xD

As she write this comment to this particular topic, she stared at some of the responses. Thinking they are intelligent people, she used her retardedness as an advantage so she could attract many people going "WTF, this is Spam, I am repor---

....Sorry. Had to take advantage of the topic. xD

We should make a topic in fun stuff saying narrating what happened today. Because I love doing this. xD


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OMG I mezmorized by the show Oliver! an i love the music so somtimes i pretend that i am in london! everyone is creeped out by it :(

xD. It's normal! Whenever I made cereal or something, I made it look like a cooking show. xDDD

I am sooo sorry but I nearly died.

That happens to me only it's not my voice, it's an actual narrarator it it's so loud I can barely hear myself think, It developed when I was five. His name is Brendon...



I do that 8D


And I talk to myself, and randomly start singing songs I like... and the sort xD

I do that when I get bored with my life and want to make it more interesting.

Then I make my own Mission Impossible theme music as I walk around the house..

No, I'm not that weird, but I don't think you're weird for narrating in your head either. :]

Only when I read a lot and words get stuck in my head.

I hate when that happens D:

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