Is your handwriting neat or messy?


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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2006
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imaginary land
Just a quick question..

By the way, there's no need to be modest. I see a lot of people degrade their handwriting like unconfident artists do. 0__o Which makes no sense if you think about it.

I myself have messy handwriting, although it improved a bit after learning the uncial script (You'll notice that my "D's" are one stroke, curving upwards, like the uncial "D". Note the "D" in Fred, Dog, etc.)

Now my handwriting looks a little, I dunno, jaunty if I don't rush. Also, I learned calligraphy ( Uncial script, and I know the roman italic. ) so that my handwriting doesn't ALWAYS look ugly.

Yes, a lot of observation on handwriting. ^^; Uhm.. yeah.. one of the things I overthink. So, what kind of handwriting do you have?

Oh, and if you can do calligraphy too, I'd love to know o3o

My writing is a little messy in my opinion, but people say I've improved over the last few months. Tey now say it's really neat. xD

I think it's a little messy and sometimes it's very neat. I don't know it's in the middle.

I guess mine is pretty neat. I'm proud of myself making that improvment since 1st grade! Im going to be in 7th grade. :furawatchi:

s his handwriting or printing? If printing, it's somewhere in between. If handwriing, I don't know how to handwrite! D: Oh noes!

To tell you the truth, it's actually quite neat.

I've been practicing for ages, so I figure that's the reason. :p

I have very bad handwriting (I actually thought yours was nice.) During core class and study hall, my handwriting looks very nice (compared to my usual handwriting), but in all the other classes, it's horrible. My seventh period I can't even read my own handwriting, which causes problems when I'm supposed to use the notes I took for homework.

My handwriting is actually neat and easy to read. :) (My teacher actually gave me an 'award' that happened every two weeks, just for neat handwriting)

I normally write in cursive. It's okay, I suppose. It's not super fancy or anything and it gets the job done lol.

-EDIT- It's from an old topic and I still write the same. xD

-EDIT2- Made it rightside up for those who dislike craning their necks o.o

-EDIT3- I promise this is the last edit!! Just comparing my cursive to my print.

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According to some my handwriting looks like either chicken scratch or child-like writing. I can't write really small it hurts my hands to badly. Good news I write just a little bit better then my father does, just barely though. People have also told me I do everything backwards from how it suposed to be done. ^^;

I think mine's messy but my teachers and friends always say it's neat so I don't know


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