it sucks


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Sep 15, 2009
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Don't you think that it really sucks when people pick on you for having a tamagotchi? I had one at school the other day and everyone calls me Tamagotchi Girl now! It really annoys me!! I'm proud to have my tamas! Why can't people accept that?!?

I feel sorry for you about what you said. There's nothing wrong about bringing a Tamagotchi to school. I love Tamagotchi's as much as you do. Sadly, there's people in the world who picks on people who are different to them. When they pick on you, they are just dumb. I know you're not. You know what we say, being different is what makes you special.

Mm, I find that just a tad sad. Like making fun of someone just because they like and use a certain thing. Don't take any notice of those people, you like Tamagotchi's, you bring yours to school, they can't stop you doing that. ;]


I find it amusing how some people will pick on others just because they are different.So what? you have a tamagotchi? its not hurting anyone.

I really know how you feel.

I bring my Tamagotchi to school quite a bit. Often people then pick on me because to them, "I have no real life friends".

Honestly, why can't people just follow the quote "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all"?

It's a bit annoying that people are determined to be so "involved" in your life.

I've gotten quite used to the looks and stuff though. I've been bringing my Tamagotchi to school since 3rd grade (and I'm currently in 8th), and if I choose to stop bringing it to school, it's my decision or the school's. Not because of my classmates.

And I think I actually like to be different. It's what makes me stand out from the rest of the crowd, and not just "with the group" like everyone else.

My advice is for you to just ignore them. They can't control what you do and don't do. Bring your Tama if it makes you happy. Stand out from the crowd. :)

Honestly, why can't people just follow the quote "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all"?
Well that takes all the fun out of....EVERYTHING.

Well that takes all the fun out of....EVERYTHING.
acctually, it makes it better

cause if u can't say anything nice but u say it anyway then its makes people feel bad about themselves,how would it make u feel if i called u a "liar" or "fat"?

(not really,just an example)

and its no fun when you take everybodys self esteem out of them,that is no fun

Don't you think that it really sucks when people pick on you for having a tamagotchi? I had one at school the other day and everyone calls me Tamagotchi Girl now! It really annoys me!! I'm proud to have my tamas! Why can't people accept that?!?
There's this kid at school who always calls me Tamagotchi Boy. We could be like superheroes or something! Tamagotchi Girl and Tamagotchi Boy! To the rescue... that is at this point undefined!

There's this kid at school who always calls me Tamagotchi Boy. We could be like superheroes or something! Tamagotchi Girl and Tamagotchi Boy! To the rescue... that is at this point undefined!
Teehee that would be fun ^^ lol This stupid guy hasn't stopped. I try to ignore him but he's very in-your-face.. :/ I think he's really stupid, and everyone else tells him to get over it, but he still carries on!! :( I will do my best to ignore him though. Thanks for all your help guys!! *hugs everyone who was nice to me* teehee.

Cute_Decora_Gal~ ;)

i felt like that when i was your age as a teen

now i still like it, though i am almost-30 and i still play with it.

so don't care about whatever they say to you

just be happy they cant change that.

it says 8+, not 8 to 10.

so that "person" is totally wrong.

If you're saying that it takes the fun out of everything, that just tells me you pick on other people.
No, it takes out the honesty in everything. If I go shopping with my friends and I find a hideous outfit that I thought would look good, I want to be told it's hideous and not to buy it, not be told "OMG it looks so good" just so they don't hurt my feelings.

Me and my friends are.....brutaly honest I guess you could say.

No, it takes out the honesty in everything. If I go shopping with my friends and I find a hideous outfit that I thought would look good, I want to be told it's hideous and not to buy it, not be told "OMG it looks so good" just so they don't hurt my feelings.
Me and my friends are.....brutaly honest I guess you could say.
Well in that case, yes.

But making fun of other people's hobbies and interests is a no-no.

Heck yeah! I'm sick of it! I actually had this v3 when I was in 2nd grade, and these absolutely -insert five favorite swears here- girls actually took them out of my desk during recess and smashed it with some rocks and stuff.

And now they do drugs and shoplift >_>

I don't let things like that worry me anymore. People can say what they like, but the only way they can have any power over me is if I take their words to heart. This is why I don't.

Heck yeah! I'm sick of it! I actually had this v3 when I was in 2nd grade, and these absolutely -insert five favorite swears here- girls actually took them out of my desk during recess and smashed it with some rocks and stuff.
And now they do drugs and shoplift >_>
:eek: No way! Its one thing to say mean stuff but actually breaking someone's stuff?!? And now theyre doing drugs? They've gone wrong in life.

As for the person who is doing this, they seem to have stopped now, but i'm not totally sure.

Last year there were two grade eight girls who came to school with Tamagotchis and they got picked on... by one of my friends.

So I stood up for them by saying they're cool. xD Way to humiliate myself, but oh well.

Stand up to the bullies who tease you. Not to the point of violence or anything like that, but just stand your ground. Ignore them if you have to. Most kids have had a virtual pet of some sort anyway.

I don't know why people make fun of stuff,I find it stupid and when people laugh at me,I give em a dirty look,and say"you loko really retarted when your the only one laughing,it must not be funny"

Nine times out of ten,they play with em too,dolls ,everything.

im 11 and i play with barbies,theres no crime against it.

People call me the grudge cause of my long hair.Down to my knees always infromnt of my face.But ahwell,they cant make fun of me cause none of em know what tamagotchis are.Shows what they know.

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