It was a Mimitchi and then a Kuchipatchi


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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2007
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One day, one of my darling friends was playing with a battery-depelted tama v3 (had the cross signal already and they downloaded it) when they dropped it and it turned from a cute mimitchi :mimitchi: :mimitchi: :kusatchi: to a kuchipatchi! :wub: :lol: :lol: :lol: .At first i didn't believe it, but then she came over and proved it. Is this a glich due 2 low battery or does it just happen? And my friend really wants to know too! (it happened yesterday)

From the sneaky swan

;) :nazotchi: :mimitchi: Milliaswan :blink: :blink: :blink:

Yup, that's a glitch alright! When the battery is low, glitches like to happen. Also when Tamas are dropped! So the combination of the to makes a glitch.

;) GG :nazotchi:

i havent had that glitch happen to me. to be honest i never had any poroper glitches with my tama.

yeh its probably a glitch like GozuruchiGuy said!


yeah probably a glitch. your friend dropped it right? That would probably happen if it has been dropped, got water spilled on it, low battery, or it just happens. :(

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