Item Descriptions?


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Well-known member
Aug 26, 2007
Reaction score
Nevada, IA
I have jeans, a skirt, a cap... a Latin CD... I HAD a bow and sunglasses, but those disappeared after use. The CD I can't use..? I also have a mirror and a weird tama thing that has no face and is called "!!".

Can someone give me a list of Music Star items and what they do?

Also, is there any word on a growth chart? Does weight, stats, stress all affect what it turns into?

Tama-Zone is currently working on a growth chart. At the moment, I can't see any relationships between stress or stats and the character's evolutions, though there seem to be odd/even generation adult characters, like in the v1, v2 and v3.

By the looks of things, odd male generation characters are Mametchi, Shimashimatchi, Kuchipatchi, Tarakotchi and Gozarutchi.

Even male generation characters are Kuromametchi, Togetchi, Dorotchi, Robotchi and Tosakatchi.

Odd generation female characters are Mimitchi, Memetchi, Furawatchi, Sebiretchi and Masukutchi.

Even generation female characters are Chantotchi, Makiko, Onputchi, Meidotchi and Kunoitchi.

There's an item chart on Tama-Zone now. It shows which items are one-time-use and which can be reused. Here's the link:

!! is the clone. When you use it, a twin of your current character will visit and they will play together. The !! is multiple use.

You can't use the CD because you don't have anything to play it in. Check the shop, and buy the stereo if you see it. CDs are one-time-use items. The stereo can be re-used. It will play tunes without a CD.

The mirror is necessary to use makeup. The mirror is multiple use. Makeup is one-time use.

Tama-Zone is currently working on a growth chart. At the moment, I can't see any relationships between stress or stats and the character's evolutions, though there seem to be odd/even generation adult characters, like in the v1, v2 and v3.
By the looks of things, odd male generation characters are Mametchi, Shimashimatchi, Kuchipatchi, Tarakotchi and Gozarutchi.

Even male generation characters are Kuromametchi, Togetchi, Dorotchi, Robotchi and Tosakatchi.

Odd generation female characters are Mimitchi, Memetchi, Furawatchi, Sebiretchi and Masukutchi.

Even generation female characters are Chantotchi, Makiko, Onputchi, Meidotchi and Kunoitchi.
How about Violetchi? :angry:

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