It's been two years already?


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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2005
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The Chicagoland area
Okay, so most people here don't exactly know me, but as you can see from my user info, I've been here since 16 March 2005. Today is 16 March 2007.

In that time, I've been befuddled by the V1's, tracked my Connexion V2-from-eBay saga, watched the approach of the V3 (but never got one...) and now there's a V4 that I still know pretty much nothing about.

Nearly all of the familiar faces from a year ago have retired, and I feel that maybe I must as well. Or not. It depends if I decide to re-re-start one of my V2's again, just for fun, and not to track the progress and family tree of.

So, my TT'ers, how long have you been playing Tamagotchi? How long have you been on TamaTalk? Let's talk about stuff like that.


PS: Is it just me, or has the (Non)TamaTalk section been moved out of the WOYM? forum?

as you can see (just under the avvie, in the bit labelled 'joined:') comparatively, I'm a newbe. (It's been two months allready!?!)

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on my old account i joined march 25, 2005 so i've been here for a year and a half.

I've been here for a year-and-a-half.

When I joined TT, I owned 3 tams. Now I own 15. Yay.

Many familiar faces (or in this case, usernames) have left.

When I joined I had 0 posts. Now I have [2,195] posts.

And much more.


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I didn't eve notice it until today but I have been on here for a year now, faceas I saw when I first joined are still here. Except for tenniswinner shes barely ever here though.

I don't know how long I've been here, I'll have to check.

I have had a tama for [i think] two years.

I made a topic like this and they are not aloud. They are consiiderd celebraty and attention seeking. I know, weird right?

Anyway....I have been on here for 1 year.

I have only been a member for 3 days already and I am having fun looking at all the topics in here!! Ecspecially that one about the dog that almost got killed by another dog.It was sooooo sad to me! :furawatchi:

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