It's completely ridiclous!


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Star Tama

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Jul 31, 2006
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I have looked at topic after topic about girls who have some crush on some guy and it always annoys me and now here I am. ARGH! There is this one boy who no matter what always has my attention. In the lessons I have with him I can't concentrate and find myself focusing on him instead. I spend lunch and break watching him run and around and talk to his friends and I barely focus on my own friends! It's ridiculous and I'm starting to think there's something wrong with me. Surely it's not healthy for someone to occupy that much thought space in my head. There are moments when I think about asking him out and then I think "Are you crazy? He'd never go out with you! The image you've built for yourself means everyone (apart from you friends (well sometimes)) thinks your a stuck up not it all!". :(

I'd like some advice on how to foget him or even just some comforting words to make me feel better. I've been able to deal with every other crush I've ever had until now. Now I don't know what to do . :(

don't worry. growing up, you do start being more attracted to the opposite sex, and then there's that one person you crush on so much it kills you. nothing to be really ashamed of, there's nothing wrong with you. hormones after all. :p if you must get him off your mind...try focusing on other things that you know won't trigger any thought of him. like, do a quiet activity or relax and empty your mind or something. it helps me whenever i can't get something off my mind.

if it makes you feel any better, me and a couple of my friends have or have had those same problems..but we're all like, super hormonal teenagers. :eek:

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I use mind tricks for things like that. Personally, I think it helps to invision myself picking up whatever is on my mind and sticking it into a box and then punting it out of my brain. If you keep doing this, it may help your brain to learn to stay off that subject so you don't dwell on it.

Another thing I have learned to help with things like anxiety is to distract myself for a second so I can switch my flow of thoughts. I only half do this so if you actually use this technique it may really help in many different aspects, but what you do is when you're at your house, when you start thinking about this dude yell "STOP" and slap your thigh. Keep doing this when you can. When you're in public and start to dwell just think "STOP" in your head and slap your thigh.

I hope the last one wasn't too confusing. Basically in both techniques you teach your mind to switch the stream of thought so you can concentrate on other things. -_-

When something occupies my mind way too much to be healthy, I usually distract myself. Usually I will go off and talk to one of my friends. In your case, maybe you should talk to other guys. Something I am curious about: What is it that makes you so drawn to him? Think about that. Maybe you'll realize something. I dunno. xD

Hmm.. that's really helpful! :(

The only thing I can't do is talk to other guys. (I've built some major social issies for myself -_- )

Also when I think about why I like him...I honestly don't know why. He's annoying, loud and thinks to much of himself. (though he is smart and I think it's a shame he wastes it)



don't worry. growing up, you do start being more attracted to the opposite sex, and then there's that one person you crush on so much it kills you. nothing to be really ashamed of, there's nothing wrong with you. hormones after all. -_- if you must get him off your mind...try focusing on other things that you know won't trigger any thought of him. like, do a quiet activity or relax and empty your mind or something. it helps me whenever i can't get something off my mind.
if it makes you feel any better, me and a couple of my friends have or have had those same problems..but we're all like, super hormonal teenagers. :(
Yeah, what vanilla said. Anyway, its ok! You like him, though, thats for sure. But thats what happens if you get older. Maybe just say "Hi, my name is <your name>" or somthing. JUst let him at least know you exist, then maybe you can get to know eachother.

Don't worry. A crush will pass over time. Perhaps if you want to build off of it, talk to him, Get to know him. If you want to just forget the crush, for one thing, don't necessarily forget about "him" so much as the crush. He's a human being, if he talks to you be nice to him even if you're over the crush. To get over the crush, perhaps spend more time away from him, or just spend more time with other guys and perhaps you'll begin liking one of them. Hope I helped. ;)

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