It's getting to be impossible.....


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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2006
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New Jersey
Well I've ALWAYS wanted an Androtchi. (this guy :mametchi: ) I have had about 100+ tamas, and can you believe it? None were Androtchi. I have tried EVERYTHING. Feeding them less, feeding them more, playing alot of games, not playing any at all, everything. I dont want to debug, because I want to take pride in it. Can someone help me? If you have an Androtchi, or have had one in the past, how did you get it? I really wanted one ever since I got a tamagotchi. Thank you so much. Aaaand, I've always wanted Masktchi too. (this guy :ph34r: ) So if you have any help on getting him, thanks. Help is greatly appreciated.


TTG42 :lol: :D

For the V4 and the V4.5, it does not matter how you care for your tamagotchi- it depends on the skill points. So, what version are you using? I can help you with any version.

I never got an Androtchi. Check the growth charts. Androtchi may only be able to be obtained if you are on an even generation, or on an odd.

You get one if you dont take good care of your tama..... ^_^ ;) Isnt that wierd? Maskotchi is so cute!

I do know how to get Masktchi on the V4 ;)

Well, I would say either average or bad care if you want to get a Masktchi on the V3 ^_^

Good Luck :(

I have an Androtchi.

Do you have a V4?

Because if you do it will have to evolve from either a Mame or Universal boy teen with

more fashion points then smart or social.

Which version is it? If it is a V4 then here is a guide how to get him.

Baby= must be boy

Child= Harutchi, to be in with a good chance.

Teen= Young Mametchi or Young Androtchi.

Raise its kindness skill points higher than all the rest about 60+ should be good enough.


Take bad care of your tama to get this.


Child= any

Teen= Hawaiktchi or Ojyotchi

Take care of it quite bad, but raise the kindness skill points.

When it evolves into a adult, it should be a Masktchi, if it isn't don't be sad i have the same problem but with Kuchipatchi :(

Hope i helped, and have a great tama-talking day!!!! :(

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