It's Not Fair!


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rockstar 55

Well-known member
Sep 5, 2006
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Why is it that the West Coast gets Tamagotchi's later then the East Coast? It's not fair! I don't even think the V4 is at the West Coast yet because I don't see it in any store in my town! This is just wrong! We should write a complaint about this! Anyone who agrees with me should PM me or write a reply in this topic. We the people, of the West Coast have the same right as the East Coast to get our new Tamagotchi's on the same day! They could get them in the stores earlier and release them on the same day as the East Coast! :p :kusatchi:

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Maby where you live they have not shipped them out to yet, see, I live in California and I have a V4 and I went to Toys 'R' us today and they had about 40 tamas there!! :( .

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The west coast gets more first because Califorinia(Where Bandai's main headquater is for U.S. Bandai) is closer to States such as Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and some other states. The shipping gets to those states faster because they are closer. It takes a LONG time to transport tamas all the way across the U.S.A right? So don't complain- late tamagotchi shippings is better that none, right?

I live in Oregon and when the V4 first came otu everyone on the East Coast got their Tamagotchi. Well I went to Wal-Mart the next day and they didn't have any. I asked the toy depart ment guy and he said they get shipped from the East Coast to the West Coast.I ask, why can't we just get them shipped to the places and have them all released on the same day? That would solve my problem. :( :wacko:

I live in Oregon and when the V4 first came otu everyone on the East Coast got their Tamagotchi. Well I went to Wal-Mart the next day and they didn't have any. I asked the toy depart ment guy and he said they get shipped from the East Coast to the West Coast.I ask, why can't we just get them shipped to the places and have them all released on the same day? That would solve my problem. :( :wacko:
Sometimes certain stores don't have it 4 a while. Like I live in Washington and Target did not get v4's till mid March.

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