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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
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Well, this time last year I bought a music star, well my parents bought me it. Now, i've lsot it AGES ago, and I really want another music star. My parents are kindly buying me another music star today. Is it worth it?

PPssshhh. YEEAAHH! Its a tamagtochi!! xD
Not really,what if you find the MusicStar after your parents buy you a new one. Its really hard to take care of two tamas. I was running eight at the same time and four of them died.

~ ^_^ UYY40 ;) ~

Yess, but she said she lost the other one she would only be taking care of 1 then. so, yeah. and i took casre of 6 at a time, and thhey all lived, so.... and im not trying to be mean, sorry if it seems so :(

oh, sorry. i miss under stood your post Ura YOungYattaci. And i gues so, but its only vrs. your 8. I mean, music stars were very easy for me. They were probbably the easiest ones i took care of-(and i have had saveral V3's and V4's. A V4.5, a V 5, 3 music stars, and a color) I mean, they were extremely easy for me, but i started to do worse and wrse because i got llaaazzzzyyy. Yeah. Soory for the rant...

Dude it's all good, if you don't wanna run it just take the battery out or don't even activate it until you want to =)

Not really,what if you find the MusicStar after your parents buy you a new one. Its really hard to take care of two tamas. I was running eight at the same time and four of them died.
~ :p UYY40 :puroperatchi: ~
i was running 12 at the same time and they were all healthy and happy.

i guess it depends on how much time you have.


the tamagotchi music star is fun...but it can get boring/annoying.

many people find it to be the 'worst version' because you have to buy your own food, and you'll have trouble if you're a street musician, which many people, including myself, have started off with on the first, second, or even third generation. :(

if you want to keep yourself entertained, i suggest you save up for a tama-iD. :)

it is definitely worth it.

i was running 12 at the same time and they were all healthy and happy.
i guess it depends on how much time you have.


the tamagotchi music star is fun...but it can get boring/annoying.

many people find it to be the 'worst version' because you have to buy your own food, and you'll have trouble if you're a street musician, which many people, including myself, have started off with on the first, second, or even third generation. :(

if you want to keep yourself entertained, i suggest you save up for a tama-iD. :huh:

it is definitely worth it.
i agree. the music star has only like 40 chars. others have over 70! B)

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