Ive Just Realised


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football princess

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Corby, Northampton, UK
Ive been on TamaTalk for 1 year and Errr..... *Counts* 5 days :)

Ive only just realised by looking at 1 of my posts ;)

Here is how I found TT:

I was bought and V1 For my 12th birthday and I went on the internet to find tips and at the top of google it said "TamaTalk". I clicked the link and found lots of help and advice in 1 of the forums, I cant remember which xP

I didnt know weather to Join or not, This was ont he 24th of April I think, Might have been 25th. Then the next day I came back on TamaTalk and Joined ;) I posted an Introduction and got Lots of Friendly Responses :D

I ♥ TamaTalk! :D

Aimme ♥

Wow, that's a pretty sweetness story. Happy 1 year anniversery!

How I found TamaTalk: Well, I was on Tamagotchi.com and I was looking at Tamagotchi topsites. I looked and found TamaTalk at the top of the list. So I clicked on the link. I went into the forums and mostly read Tamagotchi logs. Now this was in August of 2006. But it was later in the month. So, finally, after being on TamaTalk for probably about a week or so, I asked if I could join. And here I am now. 8 months of being on TamaTalk and I have almost 5,000 posts!

;) Thanks for being a great part of Tamatalk- for a whole year! :)

The one reason why I like TT is because of it's friendly community. :(

You're making it better everyday!



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