Japan, what's it like?


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If you want to go to Japan, don't let earthquakes stop you!

Japan tries very hard to earthquake-proof all of it's new buildings.

If you're really worried about it, you can check this map that shows recent earthquake activity and it's magnitude.

I don't know but my brother went there and made it through!Don't think the negative.

Here's a link to a site that shows the active volcanos in Japan. I doubt that any volcanic eruptions would be close enough to affect major cities (like Tokyo or Kyoto), so I wouldn't worry about volcanos.

Japan is a place that makes everything in other countries easy. They have tests so hard that our SATs look like the alphabet. They have housing so expensive ours looks like a steal. (And I live in an area where houses are expensive.) Food is so expensive that it looks like you eat for free where you live. And the highest rate of suicide is right in the teens. Bullying is such a big problem; even TEACHERS will bully the students.

Lovely place, eh?

Japan is a place that makes everything in other countries easy. They have tests so hard that our SATs look like the alphabet. They have housing so expensive ours looks like a steal. (And I live in an area where houses are expensive.) Food is so expensive that it looks like you eat for free where you live. And the highest rate of suicide is right in the teens. Bullying is such a big problem; even TEACHERS will bully the students.
Lovely place, eh?
But Japan has a 99% literacy rate, crime is 5 times lower in Japan than in the Unites States, and Japan is years ahead of the rest of the world in technology.

Sure, Japan has it's bad sides just like everywhere else in the world, but it also has it's great sides.



So, yeah. I do think Japan is a lovely place.

Japan is a place that makes everything in other countries easy. They have tests so hard that our SATs look like the alphabet. They have housing so expensive ours looks like a steal. (And I live in an area where houses are expensive.) Food is so expensive that it looks like you eat for free where you live. And the highest rate of suicide is right in the teens. Bullying is such a big problem; even TEACHERS will bully the students.
Lovely place, eh?
Yeah they also go to school 7 days a week. It's easier if you move to Japan when you're an adult because switching school to Japan may (I didn't say will) be hard since education here is different, even though we have most of the same subjects they have.


On the other half though they get a lot of fun stuff over in Japan. Most of the stuff they have will never come over here.

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The money system is easy! :) For example, if you have 1000 Yen,It would be $10.00 in US Money! :D

The money system is easy! :( For example, if you have 1000 Yen,It would be $10.00 in US Money! :D
not quite. It's slightly less than $10.00

And by the way, I used to study the country, becuase

1. I had to do a project on it

2. my couisin lived there

3. my friend's sister lived there

I also like anime and I enjoy trying to speak thier language. I have been doing pretty good in my internet classes, too.

anyway, It's a great place. What city are you going to first? Sure, earthquakes are common, but the buildings are made with a special protection system that absorbs the impact. It's located at the bottom of the building and makes it to where they sway instead of fall over. If you happen to be in a large building during one of these times, you probebly would freak, but you would be in no danger. How else do you think they're able to keep such high buildings up that long?

I'm sure that if you're going, you know a bit about thier language right? I found a site that has plenty of phrases if you want to check it out. By watching japanese anime you can learn a lot of phrases. I have a full page of phrases I learned just from watching anime. :angry:

anyway, here it is. Japanese phrases

I also know this one site. This site also tought me a good bit.

You might want to go ahead and get a good taste for sea food, because that's what most of the food is. I really like sea food. (my dad's taking me to a japanese sushi and steak bar this summer, yum!) I've never had sushi, but I'm sure I'll like it. I've already visualized what it would taste like. It also helps to not listen to what other people say about the food there. People's taste buds are very different. I've found that if you look at a new food (no matter what other people say) with a positive attitude, then there is a much greater chance that you'll like it. (When I tryed burssle sprouts with this attitude, I found that I liked them. Same with coliflour and even tomatoes. there isn'a vegitable out there that I don't like.)

I'm thinking about moving there, too! I've been working really hard for my preperations. My japanese is doing great and I've learned a lot of body language that is very important in japan. (some of it is more funny than others)

I'm sure that it will be fun. I wouldn't suggest getting a home next to the beach though. (if you're moving there) you would have a high chance of getting hit by a tsunami or typhoon. Especially if i is on the east side for typhoons and tsunamis on the west. (that is where the worst of both of the were I think. My memory smucks)

Well, good luck!

Use a monetary transfer machine (or whatever those things are called). I've always wanted to to to Japan. I took a Japanese class and am learning Japanese right now.

It's the rainy season now so mudslides will happen. So if you are outside the big city, you need to watch the hills.

Cultural differences.. Koncho! :D Not good.

Public bathing! No thanks!

People watching in Shibuya!- Fun!

The students there are not all so wonderful and productive. There are plenty of little punks who hate school. I think the great literacy rate is due to everything being subtitled. If you watch a lot of Japanese TV, you will notice constant subtitling.

There is also a major flock mentality. They all look so much alike so they like what they know (understandibly). They love to express their individuality but at the same time, they seem to take comfort in looking simliar to eachother.

They are perhaps the most racist country in the world. Study up on that if you care to learn more and understand why I said that. That kind of info might not be easy to come by.

They love Americans.

That's all I can think of right now.

I would still love to visit for a month or so and see it all for myself.

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Well I have seen Busch Gardens, Tampa Bay Florida. A good 3/4's of the staff was Japanese XD Yeah, Japanese like Americans. But not the Huge Anime Tards who think Japanese live on Anime and Sushi

Japan has been developing Earthquake Proof Buildings, they also go to school Year round with 2 Week Vacations every Semester. They are years ahead of America, they even have American Animations from Cartoon Network just arriving such as Fosters Home which has been around since 2004 in the States

90 Yen is Roughly 1.00 USD. All you need to do is go to a Bank when your leaving the States and transfer money, they will give you the exact same amount of money. Except in Japanese Currency

And Remember, Japan is on 2 Tectonic Plates. There are going to be Earthquakes.

A place like Japan I've been to is South Korea.

One word: trendy.

There are alot of amazing sights to see. It's really gorgeous.

But lots of parts are very dirty and industrial.

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A place like Japan I've been to is South Korea.One word: trendy.

There are alot of amazing sights to see. It's really gorgeous.

But lots of parts are very dirty and industrial.
Well, even tho they are close, they still have some differences.

South Korea and Japan are very different in their climate(not ALL THAT different)

and the Koreas actually don't have as many Earthquakes.


anyways, 1 yen=.008068 USD

That might help if you have a calculater.

It would also help to memorize the number, yes it is hard to remember, but if you come up

with some kind of songish thing than you might be able to rememer it better.








good luck.

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