Jealousy problems.


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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2010
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Your backyard. O.O
Okay, I get jealous extremly easy. There's two boys that I like. I've liked them since 6th grade, but lets start with one story at a time.

First story

The first boy I liked, instantly became my best friend on the 2nd day of school. And this girl, she thought she was all that, and some how, she found out that I liked him. She told him that I liked him in 7th grade and he automatically stopped talking to me. He started hanging out with her though. I got so jealous.

Second story

In seventh grade, I became really good friends with this other guy. And my best friend was his girlfriend. I got jealous. But not even two weeks ago, he told me he liked me. And when school started, I think was trying to ignore me. But the same girl who told the first guy, started hanging out with the second guy. As you can tell... I have jealousy problems.

Any help how to stop being jealous would be greatly appreciated. :nazotchi:

There's nothing wrong with feeling this way.

Some people ( I know I do 3: ) just get jealous very easily. It's human nature, and there's no real way to stop it.

It's not so bad to be jealous once in a while. In fact, it can even be a little healthy ! ;D

Think this: you wouldn't watch a person flirt, or take advantage of someone you love, right?

No, you wouldn't. You'd feel jealous. And that's exactly your case. You're fighting to maintain your relationships, which is very normal.

It shows that you care about a person, but also that you can't take them for granted. ;]

But, feeling like you must make someone feel bad in order to make yourself feel better isn't healthy; it can also be dangerous.

So long as you're not jealous enough to actually harm someone, you'll be fine. :]

Just remember that you're good enough the way you are. <3

Good luck ! 8D

It's really not as big of a deal as you think. Just don't let your friend know that you're jealous. That could mess with your friendship.

As for the first guy, he wasn't the right one for you if he stopped hanging out with you for no good reason. Don't worry about it. In time, you'll find the right guy. Usually they don't come around while we're still in middle/high school. :)

Jealousy isn't a problem, it's perfectly normal to feel that way, especially in those situations, I don't blame you. Basically what everyone else said, I pretty much agree with them.

Jealousy is all part of growing up. One day you may realize there is no need to be jealous over silly things like that, but for now, it's only natural.

that girl is trying to get you angry.

or she was raised improperly, maybe around other girls like that.

ive been with my bf for 3 years. we went to this party, and right in front of me, a girl was hitting on him. but i trust him.

trust is big. and its true, if he goes away like that hes a flake, not worth it.

now, this girl you were talking about, maybe you shouldnt hurt her, but its not like you shoul just let her but in cause she may want to continue on to each next guy friend you have.

it would be figuring out her psychology. obviously shes trying to disturb your peace. but why?

why you?, to try to put myself directly in your shoes, id give her nasty looks alot to express my feelings about her through my eyes.

a person like that id suspect has verylittle respect, for others and even herself.

you dont really wanna stoop down (waaaaaaaay down) to her level, cause youre better than that.

i dont like confrontations, fighting, arguing. but maybe ask "what are you trying to do?" or "what do you want from me?" or "whats the point of all this?"

i know you probably should warn the friends you make about what shes been doing, shes trying to take your friends away.

maybe shes concentrated on you cause she has nothing to do with herself. well...OBVIOUSLY.

it reminds me of my sister, copying off of me, taking my phrases, taking stuff, and you know what?

i dont talk to her. :) but its a bit harder when you have to see the person mon-fri. and ill be wishing for your current circumstance, if still current that is, to better.

i hope you find happiness. ^_^

i only sugest maybe warn them, so they know what to expect. sorry for writing so much, i am too a jealous person.

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