Jelly with JULITA


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MnMztama495 Put TJ's stats in her log. Who ever is reading my log. Go read MnMztama495's,but after mine. LOL. It is still the morning so nothing happend. Oh look Matt,Roro,and Mouse just pooed. They are my v5. Im gonna go see if there are some tamagotchis on ebay. I will ask my mom for it for KIDS DAY. YES it is a real POLISH holiday.

♥BYEBYE♥ (In case some of you are wondering, I am a GIRL)

Everyone is going to be soooooo JELOUSE of me!!!!!

PJ turned into a [SIZE=14pt]MEMETCHI!!!![/SIZE] :D

TJ turned into a [SIZE=21pt]MIMITCHI!!!!!!!!![/SIZE]

You know whats better than one Mimitchi???? [SIZE=21pt]2[/SIZE] because that is what Etnis Turned into!!!!!!!!

My v5 grew up too. Matt-mamekatchi Roro-chamametchi Mouse-korokotchi. They all have 0% bonding. I know thats sad. :(



MY 2 MIMITCHIS ARE DOING FINE!!!! Sorry trying to rub it in. :lol: Tuck grew up into a matsuritchi. I guess it is cuteish. :gozarutchi: I was thinking about doin stats on my log,but im not sure. If you people want me to then i will. PM me your answers!!!


HI people.

Im sorry for not updating it is just i am bored of tamagotchis at this moment. :eek: They just don't intrest me as much. I will still be on tamatalk but i won't be writing. All i need to start again is something,but i just don't know what.

♥BYEBYE♥(for a while)

IM BACK!!!!! Holy cowzer that was a long time ago. What took me soooo long. Who knows? I started playing with my tamas but then the battery ran out. I might get a new battery soon.




i didn't get new batteries =[

I really wanted to but i just dont have the time :)

Welll...... you can read the memories. if you want

Awwww i miss my log. i want to start playing again but i dont really wanna spend money on batteries and stuff....

I miss writing bout tama's. they were fun :[

you can still read my old enteries if you want.... D:

Hey peoples do i have some great news or what ! i got a new battery !!!! unfortunately only one but whatever it will do. i put it in my v3 and i decided to download to see what i had. i have a one year old girl named ugg after the shoe. her whole family has been named after shoes :]

okay well she is the ball with the big lips so she ugly now but she will hopefully get better B)

well i really wanna start my log again but idk if people will read it. if they dont then whats the point you know what i mean? well if you used to read my log or you read it resently and liked it PM me because i wanna see if its worth reading. so yaa. dont forget to Pm okay?!

imm baaackk and my beloved ugg is still the same person and age ! :furawatchi: why isnt she growing?! arggg. ive been begging my parents for more batteires bc i like playing with a lot of tama's not just one, but no luck so far. i think im gonna have to buy em myself. dundundun. lets see how much i got. (go check) and the total amount is......

$1 wow that wont even buy half a battery. great. well does anyone know why ugg isnt growing?? if you do please tell me okay?? and also can u get the playpen and slide for the v3? thats all for now..


good afternoon.

im sooo happy ugg is now 2 years old ! yay and i was beginning to thing she was glitched. well theres a mirror in the shop and i really really rea;;y wanna buy it but its 3000 and i only have 1894 and she wont play any games bc she weighs 15 pounds which is the lowest. and i try to give her snacks to get her fat but then she gets a tooth ache !!

and now i have to go because i have a stupid english project due tom. grrr :angry: But i shall leave you one question. who has a good log? i want one to read but it has to be updated daily bc i want to like read it everyday. and now i really gotta goo. byebye !

ohh and also if you like my log or have any improvements please PM me !!!

okay byebye for real :angry:

omg omg omg !!!

ugg evoloved and i missed it ! she is now a debatchi and she is adorable. the weird thing is she should have grown up at age three but she did at age 2. i dunno why. its odd but whatever im happy.

when does the matchmaker come?? seriously guys please PM me.

ugg is now 4 years old. and i had her on pause like the whole day but i bought a chest thing and i got 1500 points !!!!

i was suppper suprized :]

she went to australia a couple days ago and she got a surf board. i just love her buck teeth they are just adorable :(

i just finished eatting oreo's with milk and it was yummy. and i think ugg is going to sleep soon sooo shhhhhh.

and sorry for not posting for like 2 days ive just been supa busy sorry. but i now have 650 views which i pretty happy with i wish i could get like 1000 but i dont that will happen...but if you are reading my log can you please tell me?>it would be a huge selfesteem boost !

and now i must leave you all bc i gotta catchup on some logs ive been reading soo seeeeya :D

ugg was just brushing her teeth ! lets all say it together awwwwww <3

okay now byebye for reals

ugg has a baby girl !!!!!! the matchmaker came at 7 and bought like the duck lookin one and i agreed with it bc he was cute :]

so ugg is a young mother only 5 !

and idk what to name her ! but it needs to be a shoe brand bc thats the theme of the family like van and levi and etnis. got any ideas?!

hello readers....

ugg is still withh her baby girl :] and today i had to go to polish school and i didnt wanna pause my tama so my sis took care of ugg and her baby. she did an okay job. :)

i also bought a doll for ugg and future baby who still doesnt have a NAME ! thanks alot readers. im angry at u guys. so good day


ugg left today at 12 a.m i stayed up just so i could say bye to her :'[

I'll miss you ugg. you were a great tama that was adorble. i guess bear takes after you. bye ugg (sniff sniff)

well now i have an adorable baby girl named bear after bearpaws the brand and she is adorable. ~!~ she is the child that kinda looks like a tooth. and i she played with her doll like 3 times as a baby then when she had the nap before evolving the doll was over her ! it was super cute:)

now she is just hoping all over the screen being a cutie pie. i think her name suits her very well :rolleyes:

well i gotta go bc desprate housewives starrts today !!!!

byebye !

P.S 705 views !!!

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okay ik someone is reading this log or else my views couldnt have went from 705 to 715. so who is it >:]

whoever it is thanks a bundle. high five !

okay now to bear she is still an adorable tooth :] that sound gross but she is cute. i just fed her a snack bc one of her happy hearts were dowwwnnn. oh my gosh i just caught her on the toilet ! sucess and now i had to feed her a scone bc i have no food at all. she gets very active while i write about her. guess she likes being in the spotlight :]


ohhh yaaaa i forgot to ask.

if you have a good log send me the link. i want a good read.:)
