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Lost Girl

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2009
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Brisbane, Australia.
Soooo, have any of you guys got jobs?

Where? Do you like it? What was your first job?

I don't have a job right now, but I'm thinking of applying at the Cafe or the Newsagency at the shops near my house.

I'd rather not work at McDonalds or something D:

So yeah :) xD

Nooope, not yet.

Though I wanna learn how to make lemonade so I can possibly sell lemonade every weekend, maybe. Mum says that'd be too much trouble though, getting a stall and everything.

So I'm gonna see if I can get a Paper Route. :)

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I work at a smoothie stand with my friends. (the link is in sig!)

.. it's not exactly a 'job' more like us lying around on the front lawn with a cash register, a blender and some fruits. And the friendly neighbours who have nothing better to do buy a drink to make us feel good.

Shhh, we try to seem professional

... When I'm around 16, (3 years or so) I wanna work at Dairy Queen. Or the shoe section at Sport Check xD

I've done paper route before, and it sucks. It pays horribly and it's really tiring.

I've had three jobs. I need one now >.< I've been out of work since I hurt my back last July.

I need to find a desk job or something that doesn't involve a lot of standing and/or walking because(yay Washington "doctors") my back is still pretty bad.

My first job was at Walmart, and surprisingly for all the crap they get, they treated me the best of all three places. If I could, I'd work for them again.

I've had three jobs. I need one now >.< I've been out of work since I hurt my back last July.I need to find a desk job or something that doesn't involve a lot of standing and/or walking because(yay Washington "doctors") my back is still pretty bad.

My first job was at Walmart, and surprisingly for all the crap they get, they treated me the best of all three places. If I could, I'd work for them again.
Far out D: I hope gets better really soon! D:

@ RawryCakes.x , I've been delivering pamphlets for like Coles and Kmart with my Mum for a while now, and I think that's similar to doing a paper route. It pays really well I reckon haha.

: D

I babysit right now, and that's about it. :p

I'm turning fifteen at the end of the summer, so that means I'm still a little young for anyone to hire me. But I already have a list of the places I'm going to look for NEXT summer. (I'll be about to turn sixteen next summer.) I need the money if I'm going to go to Japan my senior year of high school over spring break. I'm going to check out the pizza place near my house, King Kones, The Book Nook, etc. (I already asked King Kones when they hire, and they said they're supposed to hire at sixteen, but they've hired at fifteen before.) It'll just be a summer job, because my parents don't want me working during the school year.

I'm so desperate for a job though. Nobody's called me to babysit for a while. I'm gonna send out more flyers. XD

I never had a job.

My town is small, so there are not many opportunities

My grandma owns a Bar thing. It's not as bad as it sounds. It's just a hangout that serves food and alcohol. I help out over the summer and make food, but I don't get formally paid since it's just my grandma.

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I had a summer job in a office, and it was booring.

I think I might work in a place thats "on the scene" like a GameStop, the movie theaters, or hip clothing store like Spencer's or Hot Topic.

I have a crappy paper round.

And I babysit for my aunty too.

I'm almost old enough to apply for a decent job. I'm looking for a job now.

I hate my paper round.

Lol babysitting sounds like a good idea, but I'd probably just make a mess of it lol.

My friend has a job with another friend's Mum throwing parties for little kids, so that's pretty cool hehe.


Although... next year or the year after I might be helping my dad. He owns a buisness so that's a good start. 8D

I used to have a job at a bank and they treated me like rubbish it wasnt till i left to have my baby they realised how much i did for them and expected me to help them when i was on maternity leave, so in the end I said I wasnt coming back and Im glad I did that. No my only job is to look after my family.

Me? A job? I can barely take care of myself so babysitting is immediately off limits. I can't stand for very long so I couldn't be a cashier. And I don't desire a job, so therefore, I'm jobless. =D

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