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I have to get a job when I turn 14. Dx I wouldn't mind babysitting, but I'm definitely not doing a paper round. Way too early. x.x

I'm deffinatly applying for a Jr. Councelor at camp when I'm 14. MAYBE Jr. Staff next year, but that's up to my parents.

I drive a school bus. For 7 years now. I worked for Motorola for 22 years as a process engineer. I drove a semi truck for 8 years before that. I am also a licensed contractor for painting and drywall. So I am a busy person.

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But I joined Kiddie Crew in McDonalds when i was 8 or 9.

I really love working there. :)

I babysit now and then.

I want a job sooo bad. Not this summer though, because I'll be young (15) && I'll be busy with summer school. Maybe summer of junior year I can wait tables or something. That'll be great pay.

Ew, work XD

I used to deliver newspapers when I was 11, but I HATED it so I quit. I'll never do that again. I don't even remember why I wanted to in the first place.

And currently...

I don't want to work unless I actually need to, which I won't for like, 3 years, so yay.

I would like to do a paper route.

Soon, I will be babysitting.

My friends and i will be taking a couse on Friday, December, 4. A P.A day. But right now, I don't have a job.

Im only ten yes,but I do 1 about to be 3 jobs.

One,I work for an elderly woman,help her do things around the house,2 dollars per hour or none at all,I told her that because I don't want to put her through the trouble of paying me.I really base it on wether they live in houseing ect.

Two,I have a class I go to for babysitting,so I get my license soon.

And a lawn care serive,no costumers yet.

Nope, but I'm looking.

I'm not going to go to a fast food place. No way.

Since the beginning of this year I had a job teaching piano, but I decided to quit rather than continuing it next year. I just think it's not for me... I wasn't enjoying it. So right now I'm jobless. xD I might apply for a few jobs next year (I'd really like to work at Gloria Jeans or Starbucks), but if I don't end up getting a job that's okay because I'll be studying for my HSC and stuff, and I can always get a job when I'm finished with school. :)

Well I'm like the schools slave. I pass notes to class rooms and transport items to different rooms all day. And I have to make posters and spend my after school activities at school. Also i do the annoucments (I love doing that one though)

I dont get paid.

E d i t;; Grammer

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This summer I'll be old enough to be a referee for little kids soccer ;'D

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