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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2007
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o.k, what job do you want when you are older, or u already have?



p.s you guys/gals rock if u answer! :(

I want to become either a veterinary technician or a veterinary sergion!

I'm only 13 but I've been working for years on my knowledge of animals. (it's funny, because on "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader" I always get all mad when they can't answer questions about animals)

I really want to be an author. I've already started writing books and I handed in a few to my Language Arts teacher to read and correct. And the one friend that I gave one of my chapters from one of my books to, keeps bugging me about making a thrid chapter. ^.^

im gonna be a movie director/comedian

iv already made alot of movies (they would be on youtube if my sister didnt kill my computer :D :D

I would really like to Become a Comuter girl. I cant really remember what it's called but i'd love to have a go! -After all, you would get loads of money. I'm only 12 now, so i can't really GET my job. :B

But hopefully, if i stick in at school- i'll get the job. ^.~


My future ambition isn't very common.. That's why I chose 'Other'.

I'd like to become an Animal Behaviorist some day. But that's just for now. Seeing as I should develope other skills as I get older, other things will probably come up for me. :lol:

By "Computer Guy/Girl", would you mean something along the lines of a Computer Technician??

I'd like to become a writer or maybe a doctor. I like writing a lot and you get paid a lot for being a doctor, plus you get a cool office. :lol:



Author, professional bassist (aka ROCKSTAR!!) marine biologist, movie director, photographer, chef, politician, and many more I would love to do. It's going to be hard to pick one...

I want to become either a veterinary technician or a veterinary sergion!
I'm only 13 but I've been working for years on my knowledge of animals. (it's funny, because on "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader" I always get all mad when they can't answer questions about animals)
I couldn't stand to be a vetrinarian.

I want to be a authour. And if that fails, then I'll try to be a prediatrician.

I voted duck because I like them :lol: I want to be an author or a lawyer... it goes like this...

I go to college.

After I get my Bachelor's degree (that's what I'm aiming for), I write a book.

I make like a thousand dollars for it XD And I go exploring the world with my best friend.

After exploring the world, I become a lawyer.

The end. :3

You forgot a brain surgeon xD I seriously would make a good surgeon. I have great hand-eye coordination, and I can work under high pressure situations (Unlike the robot on The Simpsons Movie xDDD)

Seeing as I'm 17 and already employed when I was 15 I decided to be either an artist or an author/novelist.

But, currently I'm working at a coffee shop T_T

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