Just for girls?


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So stop caring what other people think. That's their opinions. Ignore them.
agreed. It doesn't matter what your gender is, or if people think you're a sissy, or weird, or stupid, or fat, or anything. YOU know what YOU are, and know one can change that. :)

I know what you mean,bandai made them more for girls.I was afraid to get one cus thats how I saw it from ads(most of my friendsare boys and im a tomboy mostly)but I got one and brought it to school and set of a new craze

Now listen i like girls just as much as a i like boys. Boys just sometimes can't be bothered. (YES i know girls sometimes can't be bothered but it occours with boys more often, trust me I have 9 of them, and they all couldn't care less about tama's. The youngest had one for a while, then just chucked it onto the floor and frustration!)
Umm actually Mimi when you say 9 of them do you mean boyfriends? lol also i do not think it is for girls because i know loads of boys who have Tama's!!!!!! Why would anyone say they're girly? I mean, is having a dog girly? Its basicly the same thing.....

oh come on it is YOUR opinion, and whatever the heck your brother says just ignore it, it is your opinion and your brother should respect that.

I just say it is not for boys to my brother is case he gets one and knows how to play it and wrecks mine.

i know a boy who has 19 tamagotchis and no body makes fun of him its okay dont let them tell you different your nice and cool probaly im a girl and i have a boyfriend and we connect and they always get married its not girly ok just saying its okay i love tamagotchis so does every one else dont let them tell you different

Everybody has opinions some helpful, others rude. It doesn't matter if you are a boy or a girl. I know a TON of guys who like tamas. If someone says you are a sissy for liking tamas, ignore them. They are fun little toys that anyone can play with.


My brother rags on me constantly saying I'm a sissy for liking Tama's even though I'm a boy. My next door neighbor thinks that they are also for girls.
I'm a girl but I think Tamagotchis are for both girls and boys!

My Brother, he's 15, wanted to have a tamagotchi of his own so I let him borrow one! He called her idiot! XD :blink: (but he doesn't play with it anymore cause of his videogames! ^.^') :blink:

Tamagotchi were actually aimed at high school girls in Japan, but no-one really cares, do they? :puroperatchi: Soon after they were realeased, even business men were using them! (So I wouldn't worry..)

oh come on it is YOUR opinion, and whatever the heck your brother says just ignore it, it is your opinion and your brother should respect that. I just say it is not for boys to my brother is case he gets one and knows how to play it and wrecks mine.
Maeo please dont bump up old toppics likes...

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