Just looking for some friendly help


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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2010
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Australia, NSW
Hi there fellow tamatalkers. I was just wondering whether anybody owned a Home Deka tamagotchi. I have 2 and for the life of me i cant figure out how to use them. Maybe some of you know? Or maybe someone could point me in the right direction. Hopefully there might be a help topic on this. I wasn't sure where to post this, and i understand if it gets moved, but i would like to figure out how to use it :ichigotchi: And which tamas can they connect to? is TMGC+C one of them ? :p thank you so much for any help i receive ;)

Hello! I don't have a Home Deka but I know some resources on how to care for them. Here's the link on this site for all the original instruction manuals: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=116745. It's under "Models Sold In Japan," of course. :ichigotchi: I also like this website...I visit it for information on the more vintage, rare Tamagotchis: https://www.peppersoup.net/tamasquare/. I believe Home Dekas can connect to Keitai, Akai, and Hanerutchi...I don't know about any others. Here's a list of the Tamagotchi releases to date, and it has descriptions of all 3 of those: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Tamagotchi_releases. Good luck! ;)

I just realized that the instruction manual on TamaTalk for that one will be in Japanese because it's a Japanese release, LOL. That won't help you out much unless you know how to read Japanese. ;) I hope the other links I provided will help make up for it! :ichigotchi: Oh, another site that I've been visiting for years is Tamenagerie, which was created by one of our very own on TT, Mothra: https://www.tamenagerie.com/. There's a ton of information on that site, including stuff about Keitai and Akai.

Thank you so much :ichigotchi: That's all SO helpful, my Japanese isn't good enough to read a whole manual but i can kinda piece it together :p , those links are great! Kudos :p Sometimes its pretty tricky to find useful tama information, especially on the Japanese releases ;)

I hope to return the favor, so if there's anything you wanna know, don't hesitate to ask, I like to think myself a guru on Tamas lol

Anytime. :ichigotchi: It sure is tricky but as you get to know more about Tamagotchi, you tend accumulate all these resources in your head and you remember the ones that are awesome, especially if you've been doing it for years! Thank you for your offer...I might have to take you up on that sometime! I would say that I'm pretty well-versed as far as vintage Tamagotchis go (reason why my user name is what it is ;) ) but I know only enough to get me by when it comes to Connections. :p I mainly collect the older ones. I had the V4 once and it was alright. I might get into collecting the newer ones when I get the chance.

Yes i have to say i love all of the "older" Tamagotchis. The new ones are very so-so, and get carried away trying to go in a new and "hip" direction (music star = joke ;) ) I have to say that Japanese Tamagotchis are my favorite, they are just so interesting to examine and learn about. I have found myself more attached to my Japanese Tamas. I have to say, i do really love the Tamagotchi colour. As far as connections go, i am quite fond of the V3, maybe just for the simplicity of it, and the abundance of great characters that change with generation, Loved It :ichigotchi:

That's good information to know when I consider buying a Connection in the future, although I might collect one of each just for the fun of it. I also think the Japanese Tamagotchis are pretty cool. They have all these releases that are only exclusive to Japan. It's like, when do we get all the fun? :huh: Thank goodness for Ebay though. The Japanese Tamagotchis also have a variety of different characters (like the Lucky Poo on the Angelgotchis that's not available anywhere else :lol: ) and features.

Apparently you can get the lucky poo by just hatching your Angelgotch and leaving it for 5 days, and do absolutely nothing to it. So i might try this, could be interesting :lol: . I know what you mean, all the good stuff is released in Japan. Pity we dont have the market for some of the cool Tamas, like osu-mesu and Home Deka. eBay has been a life saver, but im thinking maybe some one should ban me from eBay for a month or so, that way my bank account can have a rest :huh: I dont really want to know how much money i have spent so far. But hey, when you collect them, and enjoy them, its not really an issue ;)

LOL, I know what you mean about the Ebay spending. I went 3 straight months just spending money on these vintage Tamagotchis. I might go back through my e-mail account to document how much I've spent. It's soooo worth it and the prices are pretty decent anyway, so it's not really an issue, just like you said. :huh: Are there any in particular that you've been eying? I can't wait to get my hands on a Santa and Devil but alas, I need to make more money first...those guys get expensive! I am but a poor college student right now. :lol:

I think that I may have spent...say $400.. (dear god). But I have bought 2 Colour Tamas, so there's $100. I REALLY want a Santa and a Devil, but I cant justify like $170 for the Devil and $220 for the Santa. My car is draining my bank account quite thoroughly, so I don't have the cash for them right now anyway. I'm keen to collect all the Osu-Mesu pairs, there really cheap considering what they are. I 'kinda' want a US Angel, but when I can get a Japanese one for $20, and i have to fork out about $180 for a US one, makes me think twice. I'm shocking with money allocation though. Every week I'm like "OK, i have rent, petrol money, phone bill.. nope i cant afford a Tama this week" then 10 minutes later its " oh... $15 Tama on eBay.. brand new you say... Sold!". HAHA! :mellow:

Yeah, those Colors could be huge money suckers. I hear they're worth it though. Keep checking Ebay for the Santas and Devils. Yeah, their prices are pretty steep but I've seen them go for "cheaper" than they normally do a lot. There's even a Devil on Ebay right now that's $99. There are a ton of Santas available for less than $150 or $200 even, and no one's buying them! Makes me hope that they'll lower the prices even more. I always just keep checking for everything in general, I have my saved searches activated so I don't have to keep my eye on Ebay all the time...it sends me an e-mail every time something I want becomes available. You never know what you can get on there. I got lucky with my Osu/Mesu. Someone sold a used smoky/clear pair to me for $15. True about the Angels too, the Japanese ones are so much cheaper. Like I said though, you never know what you'll find. I got mine for about $15 too, but it wasn't the color that I wanted and its battery cover was missing...which was fine, I was willing to be flexible with the color and I had spare parts to replace the missing one. I'm the same way as you with money allocation sometimes, hahaha. :)

I think i may be addicted to eBay lol. I just keep finding "bargains" that i just have to get. But your right, if you really look on eBay, there are quite alot of "cheaper" (and i use the term loosely haha) Tamas. I havnt ever found any devils/santas under about $200, so i think that's whats next on my list. I really want the devilgotchi, so i might save for that (ha saving, thats a laugh :D ). I think i might jump on eBay now and try to search for some bargains. If i find anything good I'll let you know :angry:

Thank you very much! :ichigotchi: Try doing Ebay Saved Searches by searching for something and then there should be a link at the top where you can click on it to save it. Ebay will send you messages every time that item becomes available. I remember before I did that, I would only look for Santas and Devils very sporadically (when I had the chance) and there never seemed to be any for me. Now that I have saved searches, I never miss a time when those are for sale. It makes it seem like they're less rare than they really are. Hahaha, be careful when you go on Ebay to search! Everything looks so tempting.

Oh you don't need to tell me about temptation lol. Just last night when i was doing my regular eBay search (its i nightly habit now *sigh*) There was this gorgeous pale blue school Tama, and its was only $15 including postage!. So VERY tempting, until i realized that petrol to get to and from work was probably more important ha!. Hey I'll give that eBay tip you mentioned a go, and hopefully my very own bargain Devilgotchi will pop up for $10. We can only wish :p

LOL, a Devilgotch at that awesome price? We can only hope. Ohhh, the joys of daily life and responsibilities, getting in the way of our Tamagotchi-collecting. :huh: I search Ebay every day too. In fact, I don't even close the page down, I've got it in my tabs pretty much 24/7. :D

LOL Totally know what you mean. Its at the point were i leave my eBay tab running ALL the time, and i just close my laptop instead of turning it off. That way if i have to get up for a drink or whatever, in the middle of the night, when i get back i can have a little browse :p

I do that too...I don't even turn off the computer, but I hibernate it, with all the tabs saved. Takes way too long to turn the computer back on again and try to load up all the tabs and whatnot. :)

Too true. I have no idea why my laptop is so slow lately. I have no games or anything installed on it, yet it takes about 15 minutes to load up. I do have a Tama simulator though hehe :)

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