Just wondering...


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im 14 years old but when i wear make up i could probably pass for a 16 year old.

i sometimes act my age but most of the time i act younger than my age. im quite tall, and when i was in year 7 people thought i was in year 9.

i don't wanna grow up though.


It depends.

When it comes to acting, I can act extremely mature for my age, or I can act as immature as a six year old. xD Seriously. At times, you can't believe half the stuff that comes out of my mind. 'Nuff said.

For looks, I range to a few years older to a few years younger actually. I'm trying to remember the last time someone guessed by age correctly. So yeah.

I think I act my age most of the time (I'm almost 15), sometimes younger, sometimes older.

A lot of people say I look 17, but I don't think so.

I'm fifteen, and I'm turning 16 in 7 months. Although I'm a 10th Grader, most people at school who don't know me will often assume that I'm a 7th Grader (the youngest grade in my school). Which means most people think I'm about 12. I bet if I didn't have my uniform on, people would think I'm even younger! <_< Most people in 10th are often suprised to find that I'm actually the 11th oldest student in the 10th grade!


It has its ups and downs. Often when other students ask for solutions from other students, they won't take mine seriously because they think I'm "Year 10's Little Kid". But it can be helful because sometimes they may go easy on me in a game, because they think I'm so fragile. ^_^

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Yesterday someone mistook me for a Middle Schooler. I guess it depends on the person and their judging of age.

It doesn't help that I have round face. So people call me cute all the time. xDDD So it could make me look younger, for sure. I get called cutie, sweetie, cutie pie, and even peanut. Yeahnothanks. xD

i'm tall for my age, but i have a baby face with fat cheeks and everything, but i've been told i look both older and younger than 13, so idkkk P:

as for acting, i'm not really sure either. i have some friends that act really immature, but my other friends are really mature and act like real teenagers xD i'm in the middle.

I look 12 when in reality I'm 16. On the internet I act extremely immature but irl i act in the 20's

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I've been mistaken for being 14 quite a few times, I've been called a Year 8 as well when I'm a Year 7.

I try and act my age but sometimes I act older and sometimes I act a younger.

I’m fourteen, but I’ve been told I look fifteen or sixteen by some people. I even got into a 15 rated film, and that was when I was still thirteen. As for my maturity, I tend to act pretty immature on the internet. IRL, it depends on the situation.

I'm 13.

I think I look my age. Ocassionally people have told me I look older. I act alot older than all my friends when I'm in a ohsoserious mood. Although I'm 13, when I want to act like I'm 10 years younger, I sure do. ;D

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I'm fifteen.

I've been told I look younger than I am..

But also that I look older.

As for acting, I can act really mature, and then really childish.


Well. Get this.

I'm the tallest girl in Year 8, yet also the youngest person in the school.

I'm often mistaken for a Year 10 - 11. Until people find out my age.

Apparently I look older, but I think I look my age.

Online and in real situations, I act mature.

With my friends and at school, I act my age but since I'm so loud and humorous, you could say I act younger.

By looking at me I could probably pass for a 12 year old at the least.

I act my age.. I think. I can be really youngish and random, and also calm & mature.. but most of the time I act in between.

I'd say i look just about right for my age. People have thought i was older and younger than i actually am, so i guess it kinda balances out. I act my age sometimes.... I can act very maturely and responsibly at times, but a lot of times i goof around and act like a kid. Really i want to act like a kid for as long as i can get away with it, because you can only be a kid once, y'know?

Erm. I don't seem to act my age... But, I'm eleven, and my uncle thought I was graduating college. xD

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