Just wondering...


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It depends. I act mature for my age and I've got a bit more past experience than most kids.

But I can also be a total spazz.

And look wise, I have a young face but Im tall xD

I act younger, I mean why not? And whenever I try to act serious people think I'm acting all mean and its annoying

Oh gosh, I don't look my age or act it most of the time. xD

(Of course it usually depends on who I'm talking too)

On average I'm usually told that I look about 14...Regardless of the fact that I'm about 17.

I tend to act that way too...xD♥

I remember someone thinking that me and my younger sister weren't sisters, she thought we were friends and she though I was the same age as my sister...Meaning they thought I was in grade nine. D:...Regardless of the fact that I was in grade 11 at the time. xD

Now that is pretty embarrassing. ;3♥

Although when I'm around other adults I tend to try and act my age and what not. I really should get into a habit of that. x3 Lulz.

ya this happens to me!!!! people think im in 3rd grade when im almost in sixth!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm 14, and I'm not usually told I look younger/older or anything. I think pretty much I look and act my age.

I've been told I look up to five years older than I actually am.

I'm tall andddd that makes most of the difference.

I act mature a lot of the time.

Sometimes I have random outbursts of weirdness.

Funnily enough, this conversation cropped up the other day at Tae Kwon-Do. Two of the adult black belts I know very well asked me how old I was because they could never work it out. They were shocked whsn I told them I was fifteen. Thsy said they aould have put me at around eighteen/ nineteen, because I look older but equally because I act maturely for someone my age, and because they're always surprised to meet young people with manners.

I do to take pride in this quality a lot, I think.

Every one always thinks I'm at least fifteen just by looking at me,

But when you talk to me i act at least three years younger haha.

I've never really acted mature,

I mean i am and i could be, but i'd rather laugh at the stupidest thing with my friends:)

i'm fourteen ; fifteen this year <3

iDefinatly dont act my age thow.

iTend to act like a little kid even thow people say iLook about seventeen ?

Its great :)

Oh man, I act like I'm 30, look 25 and I'm only 23. I have never been carded for anything in my life, even in places where they are supposed to card. I don't think playing with Gotchi's makes you seem younger as I still play with one. However my partner Christina gets mistaken for my little brother all the time. She hates it because she is older then me, she's 24 but acts very young. I think who you are is who you are and it doesn't really matter. If you love yourself nothing else matters, everyone matures at different rates, boys mature later in life where girls mature very young.

people think i am older than I am.

(I can not tell my age)

But to all of those people who look younger than they are, You will love it when you are older.

loke when you are 30 people will think 27

Just turned thirteen, so I can pretty much say I look my age.

Although some people still think I look 14 - 15.

I actually act quite mature most of the time. Probably about 14 - 15 as well.

But still, when I feel like it, I can go all crazy and act like I'm seven again.

I can safely say I do look my age, although I'm not quite as tall as I should be.

But, I act older for the most part. Older in the slow, outdated sense.

I'm a childish person at heart though, which is how I act when I'm with the people I'm most comfortable with.

I've always been told I look older than I am, 17 now. I still remember the first day of highschool when everyone thought I was a Junior. XD It was wierd though because I'm so tiny but I guess its a confidence level thing?

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