Just wondering...


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[SIZE=8pt]According to people who just meet me, I look older and act way more mature than fourteen. Which is quite surprising. If you see me inside schoo, your opinion of me will be completely warped. But I suppose I have my moments.[/SIZE]
No to both.

I just turned twelve yesterday, but I look 13-14.

But when I'm online, people think I'm 14-15.

And they often think I'm a guy. 0.o

No, don't have time for a relationship.

Although, a few guys have tried asking me out and hitting on me. After those tries, they should expect the answer (;

I dont look it, nor act it. Most of the time I act older but with my friends

im my stupid self xD Im 13 and EVERYONE thinks im 16+. e__e;; its really

awkward when your walking your dog and 20yr olds ask you your age xD

Or walking to your friends house and people stop in the car, roll down their

window and ask how old you are. Of course I awnser 13, I mean if I ignore

them they might like hurt me D:

I'm 10, but people sometimes think I'm in the 3rd grade!!!! And I act about my age, so I don't see why they think of me that way.

I act older and younger...older if its serious and look older.

[offtopic] I went to CONvergence this year and they almost gave me an adult badge Dx [/offtopic]

I act about my age.

I do sometimes act younger though, because I miss my child days.

I can also act a lot older in some situations.

So, I guess it all balances out for me to act just my age.

Its not a bad thing at all to look younger! And theres nothing wrong with having tamagotchis. Heck I still have most of my stuffed animals. I've been accused of being 15 when I'm actually 13. But I act like an adult. (I'm an only child and grew up with adults my whole life) The bad thing about looking older is the guys.. <_< (you know why) so be happy you look young.

I am 16. Most people guess me to be 14/15.

I have a very mature mindset. I have the mind of a 19/20 year old.

I act how ever I want. Somedays I'm a total child, others I'm very much an adult.

People say look 9 or 10 at age 12, and act 3 or 4 :eek:

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I'm 10 and often mistaken for a average 12 or 13 year old due to my height. Most of the time I act 4 or 5 (and end up walking into something - it hurts but I'm used to it) or some times I act like I'm 13ish and talk about clothes, shoes, cds, shops etc. non-stop.

Normally i'm told that I look 2-3 years older than I am.

Haha, my face looks like I could be old and i'm sort of tall.

I act like a 9 year old.


Kidding, most people think i'm older when they get to meet me too.

I guess I act my age but I definitely don't look it haha.

I look like an eleven year old with a lot of makeup on. And I'm 15.

I've been told that I look and sound like a 14 year old, even though I'm only 12. xD

I think that's pretty awesome though, besides the sound thing. I have a pretty deep voice (deeper than sum of the guys' voices at my school), but it randomly goes high when I talk to people, but I still wish it was a little higher so I won't sound like a dude. xD

No. I'm in my early 30s but look like a teenager. I still like toys and cartoons. Well kind of. I like electronic pets but have little use for other toys. Then again I tend to not think of electronic pets as toys. Cartoons though, I'd rather watch Spongebob than anything on prime time TV.

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