Kat's V3 Log


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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score

Black and Pink V3-

5 year old Memetchi



99 lbs

Named 'Shiv', short for Shivhan after my friend

First Gen.

Black and White Striped V3-

2 year old Patapatachi



99 lbs

Named 'Devon' after my friend

First Gen

My Patapatachi, Devon, Just grew into a Mametchi! :D

And hes fallen in love with my Memetchi, Shiv!

Lets see what happens from here. :huh:

:huh: <3 :mametchi:

Shiv the tama is in love with Devon the tama but they won't mate. The Matchmaker came trying to find Shiv a tama to mate with. I want the two to mate SO BADLY! ><

The Real Devon saw my tamas today. Hes like, "OOH! TAMAGOTCHIS!" and was looking over my shoulder. He got so close to me...meeeeh, im off topic talking about this. :( I love that boy.

Nothing else new.

i was in math today and when Shiv woke up, i made Devon visit her and voila! Two new baby girls! :huh: . TAKE THAT, MATCHMAKER!

The real Devon stole Devon the tama today. God, im in lurve.

I'm naming the one girl Ariel after my friend (because she didn't want me to) and i wish i could name the other one 'Sloane' Hm. Maybe her nickname- ASLAN. Muahaha. I'm Sloaning it! <3

thats all

the little'uns got sick during school today. Amanda and i connected ours (Hers is named Rev and is a Bunbuntchi.) even though we were about 5 feet away- and it still worked!

I'm gonna go search for my angel tama now.

Going to work today, hope i can take care of my tamas AND animals at the same time while trying not to bump into my crush, who has been spotted at my work a few times by my sister....


Oh! My mistake! My sister's tama is named Rev and is a Tsunotchi I think! AH, i've gotta take a pic of him! :furawatchi:

Devon and Shiv left today. My little Tam was crying. The one is named Ariel and im thinking of what to call the other girl...

I need to go to work now.

New Stats:

Name:Ariel (after my friend)

Age: 0

Weight: 97 lbs

Breed: Kutchitamatchi

Gender: Female

Generation: 2

Traning: |

Parent: Devon the Mametchi

Name: Aslan (After my friend Sloane)

Age: 0

Weight: 72 lbs

Breed: Mohitamatchi

Gender: Female

Generation: 2

Traning: ||

Parent: Shiv the Memetchi

Both of my Tamas evolved into teens, and both are now Hikotchi's. I don't know why, i just have always disliked them, thay annoyed me.

Oh well, i'll be back.


I got the boom box, it didn't blow up.

I hate how the boards get kicked off a page in like, two minutes after you post in it. T_T Now i remember why i made my own forum and left all the big ones. Oh well.

Tama's sleeping.

Had to clean up after the tamas a LOT during school. The matchmaker came to my sisters tama in the middle of chlass and she had forgot to vturn her sound off, lol.

Anyone who actually reads my log, PM me and say 'Hi'. I like making friends.

Muahaha, i thwarted the real devon today and he got mad because he couldn't figure out what i tried to make him, and he stole my tama. He gave it back and apoligized later, heh heh

My tamas evolved and Aslan fell in love with my sis's tama, Rev.

Aslan is now a Debotchi

Ariel is now a Decotchi

Thats cool Jiro, whats the Santagotchi code?

oh, sorry about the rushed post. I was yelled at because we had to go to my softball game last night.

My sister, Amanda, her Tama, rev, has turned into an Ojitchi and it no longer loves aslan.... Amanda saw that he changed during science and freaked out, it was so funny.


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