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I just remembered that I stuck my tongue to the freezer because my brother told me that it would stick.

It. Did. It. Hurt. D:

Yesh. Those vitamins were goood.

When I was 6 months, my Dog thought I was a wild animal when I cried, and she attacked me!!!

When I was 1, I ate: Marker, Dog water (from the dish), Dirt, Dog food.!!!

When I was 2, I fell out of my climbing tree in my backyard.

When I was 3, I was potty trained, but at the grocery store, my dad was talking to someone, and couldn't here me telling him I needed to pee, so then I was walking around the store, and pee was dripping down my pants!

When I was 4, I purposly summersalted down my aunt's stairs, got a scar on my forehead, and a HUDGE dent in the wall.

When I was 5, I stuck a fork in an outlit.

When I was 6, I tripped over a christmas present.

When I was 7, I accedentally started my aunts treadmill, and my little cousin was on crawling on it (he was 5 at the time) and he fell between the treadmill and the sofa, and he got a big rash on his back.

When I was 8, I wanted to blow my birthday cake outside in the wind! 8O

When I was 9, at school, I poured juice on my enemy's head at recess. :D

When I was 10, I roasted candy over a campfire at my private beach at my birthday party.

When I was 11 (my current age), I flipped out at my best friend when my enemy chucked a badminton birdy at school.

Yes, I've done stupid things all my life.

When I was about one or two years old, my parents got back together and I was reintroduced to my older sister. I had my toys, and when her and my mom moved back in, I took hers and wouldn't let her touch anything. x3

Then I turned four when we moved into our house in El Dorado, and we had a floor vent that got really hot, and I used to love crackers back them and wanted them warm. So I stuck held my crackers over the vent. 8D

When I was six, we moved into our apartment. Kirsten was too preoccupied with her video games, so I made friends with the wall when she wouldn't play with me. His name was wally and, unlike her, he always gave my ball back. :3

Then I discovered the wonders of sharp objects and carved his name into our bathroom wall with a tack. ^^

I also remember that when we were younger, my mom used to find out if we were really sick or not by making "Magic Water". She told us to stay out of the kitchen because if we went in, she couldn't add the secret ingredient.. Which was food coloring. If it made us feel better, then we were faking. xD

Heh. Vitamins FTW!

I did lots of stupid things. I liked to decorate my room with drawings O____O If you saw a picture of my room before, you would scream X.x I drew weird things on pieces of paper, and I put them on the wall. And I drew on the staircase with a permanent marker. My mom got mad because she caught me drawing.


My mum had bought a new bottle of shampoo, and she was in the bedroom on the computer. She went into the bathroom and found me with the whole bottle of shampoo on my dry hair, saying "Poo, mummy, poo!" It took at least 12 washes to get it all out

I HATED vitamins. We had Flinstones Chewables, and I would cry and scream and throw a fit because I wouldn't want to eat them. They were all dry and chalky. (Which is weird, because a lot of you are saying you loved them.) O_O

Hmm...What have I done?

Ah yes...

I was about 2-3 and I was in my swimming costume in a Changing Cubicle(is it a Cubicle?) with my Dad and I Shouted "Daddy? Have you farted?" Everyone in the other changing Cubicles were laughing and my Dad said "No, I haven't".

I rolled off the bed millions of times!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Also, I remember this time in preschool when the teacher told us we were going to have chocolate pudding. I was sitting on the floor...then I saw this stuff that looked exactly like chocolate pudding on the floor and I thought that one of the teachers must have been preparing it but spilled some. So I scooped some up with my finger and stuck it in my mouth...and OH MY GOSH I STILL REMEMBER HOW IT TASTED: it was like...I dunno...bitter and mixed with alcohol. tasted nothing like chocolate. I spit it out right away and pretended nobody saw that!! (NOTE: don't worry, it wasn't poo though!!!!)

I still don't know what the heck that stuff was to this day

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Last month, I was at a sleep over. I slept on the bed, and my friend on the floor. Her head was right below the bed. I fell on her head, woke up, got back on the bed. Then an hour later, I fell back on her head, and i DIDNT wake up, but I got up nd went back on the bed anyway. ROTFL

When I was 3 I went into my parents bedroom and took my moms make up and drew all on everything. I was spanked. Wow.

Everyone LOVEs those vitamins and I've never had them. :D

I've done alot of stupid things...

I trip over air and over my feet all the time

When I was 2 when we lived in our old house my mom was doing dishes and I walked over to the dish washer and took out a big knife. Uh oh. (me+tools=pain)

I stuck my finger into an outlet while I was plugging in my DS charger. It was fun.

When I was 3-5 years old I summer salted down the stairs. Owch but fun.

I slip in the shower and fall alot

I do ALOT of other stupid things. =o_o= whoops. (btw that's a bad attempt at making a cat)

I HATED vitamins. We had Flinstones Chewables, and I would cry and scream and throw a fit because I wouldn't want to eat them. They were all dry and chalky. (Which is weird, because a lot of you are saying you loved them.) O_O
I used to pick JUST the red/pink ones out. Anything grape or orange flavored is EVIL. D;

So I used to take all of them so my sister could have the leftovers.

When my Mom gives me purple vitimines, I eather stuff them down the whole in my teddy, or chuck them at my mom. But when shes watching, I take it and LITERALLY pushed it down my throat with my finger. Nutts to Chewable Vitamines, I think purple vitimines are shovable vitimines!!!

-Called 911

-Put pen ink in my mouth.

-Put a battery in my mouth. ._.

-Ate a poisonberry. o.o

-Took medicine w/o my mom seeing.

I pulled up a chair and pushed a pot off the burner and replaced it with a golfball and a bow of matches. I was about 3. I ran and hid in the bathroom. When I came out about 5 minutes later it was so smokey that I couldn't see but I managed to get outside to where my mum was freaking out holding the other children and daddy was looking for me. Mum has told me that story about a billion times. I started pyromania from a young age.

When I was really little I used to climb onto the bathroom window sill where I would sit and eat toothpaste. I stopped doing it after I accidentally knocked a jar of pot pourri and it smashed. I cried :(

Before I developed Limaxaphobia, I used to pull the shells off snails.

I used to record myself making stupid noises on tape.

And OMG! once when I was 8, I was playing a pokemon game on the computer and thought 'How would I play the game if that dissapeared?' So I got a green permanent texta and traced it. Then I was scared that the other things on the screen would dissapear so I ended up tracing the whole lot until i realised what I'd done. I freaked out, turned off the computer and did something else for about an hour until I heard my dad scream 'LARA!!!!!'

He had to spend hours scrubbing it off ;)

I'm sure theres more stupid things I did, but I cant think right now so I'll post them later.

I wrote in permanent marker on an antique piano bench and antique coffee table.

I set my clothes on fire.

I set a cat on fire.

I rode my horse bare-back without a helmet though I'm not aloud.

I touched a barb-wire fence.

I cut my cat's hair. (now it's bald!!!)

I wrote on the computer.

I made my boyfriend suck on PERMENANT marker!!! (he lived)

Came pretty dang close to killing my cousins hedgehog.

Touched Fire coral.

Stepped on crab shells.

Rode my friend's Golden retriever like it was a horse.

Knocked down my friends tent.

Poked holes in my air mattress.

Ate tree bark.

Ate flowers.

Ate flower. (like things you use to bake)

Rolled over my foot with the computer chair.

Stuffed Snow down my shirt.

Drank salt water.

Killed Hermit crabs.

Gave my 9 year old cousin several Indian burns.

Marked in permanent marker on the computer screen. (It eventually came off)

Marked on my dad's head with colored scented markers with my friends. (he smelled like lemon, burnt marshmallow, honey, watermelon, and Kiwi!)

Climbed up the wall many times. (It's fun and I never fall!)

In marker I gave my mom a beard, mustache, and glasses!!!

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