Keep your tamagotchi from the teachers


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Most of you guys are sooo young!

Anyway, I'm in seventh, so I guess I'm not much older. But I'm 13. :p

I've been sneaking my Tamagotchi's to school with me everyday since about 2nd grade. The first one I had was a v3, I think.

When I first started taking them to school, I used to wear those super puffy jackets from Target that used to make me look like a marshmallow, and they had hidden pockets in them that I would keep my Tamagotchi in. Then at recess I'd take it out and connect with my friend Brisyn's tamagotchi.

As I got older, Brisyn would keep his and mine in those gotchi pouches of the characters with lanyards around his neck and keep them tucked in his jacket. We were always in the same class, so I never had to hide my own.

But now, I carry around more than one so I keep one in my pencil box in a hollowed out stack of sticky notes, one in a small pocket of my back pack, and one in my pocket. Maybe two.

I can easily play with them during class, because all 8 of my teachers love me, but they thin I'm texting. -____-

Oh well. xD

Squishee Monster, you think everyone is young! I am older than you (8th grade) but to get to the point I sneak them in a ton of times!!!!!

I'm in high school and the school has a strict no electronics policy, so I'm not able to use them as easily as I could when I was in elementary or middle school. =/ Might try to sometime to just sneak them quickly between classes and use them at lunch...

Last thursday, we had testing in the mornings so the teacher's didn't know what to do in the afternoon, so we watchedscience movies and you didn't have to watch it, you could stay in your homeroom and read a book. I played with my V4 from 12:00 3:00 She was severely overweight and I got her a bit underweight =P

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One day this year i had my V4 and i took it out in math,and the teacher saw me pause it and put it away. She dident take it away. Then i was takin out my V2 and talkin to the teacher and dident take it tamas must be allowed in my school! YARYAYAYAY!

We have desks, with tote trays (6th Grade) and I keep it between my Science and Social Studies, the two topics we hardly do. And over by the class, there is a spot in between the toilets and court yard, and I used to play with it there. No one ever went there. But the popualar girls think its cool to hang around the toilets now, so I play on the field. I know tons of people but not by the cricket pitch. We connect with each others, but none of my friends run a V6 or a V5 anymore. 1 Guy runs a Tama-Go but apparently he cant bring it to school.

I bring mine to school when I can... if I have time of course! in the begining of the year, I brought my V6 but I got the horrible care character because I couldn't monitor it as much as usual. <_< so now I bring either my v1, v2, v4, or v4.5. it is really not that hard because electronics are allowed during lunch, brunch and tutorial I think, actually I have no idea, but everyone uses them anyways! :wacko: everyone here makes me feel old, urrhm, I'm in 9th grade.

Ah... The nostalgia. I remember in third grade when it was a big thing. (Currently in seventh) I brought my V4.5 to school and we played it during recess. Teacher came and I hid it behind my back oh so obviously. I don't know what happened to it. I'm guessing she took it or I simply lost it. Now I'm in seventh grade. There's no lockers apparently(only for PE) and then I just change the clock so it will sleep. Or if it's a teenager or an adult, I will bring it to school and mute it(didn't try it yet though! ;) ). So yeah! :) And the school is pretty light. Tons of people text in class, eat in class, chew gum in class, listen to music in class- Some teachers don't even care anymore! Ahaha. :)

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I'm going to be using my music star as a key chain. I'll check on it in my locker during passing time (keeping it short we only have 4 mins). :D

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I'm in 11th grade, and I've never felt as old as I do now :eek:

I remember back when I was in primary school, I was basically a ninja when it came to keeping my Tamas hidden :p

I'm not sure if I still have mah ninja-like skills, seeing as how I haven't been able to be at school for quite awhile...

Well yeah we could but where is the fun in that? Go on. Take a risk. I dare you.
Yes, I agree with this, some of us like sneaking them in not only to care for them, but it's fun sneaking them in and hiding them from everyone, it makes school fun.

And if you pause them, they never grow <.<

At my school, if you have electronics = Automatic study hall for 1 week, you have to eat lunch in the teacher's room instead of in the cafeteria and the electonic gets thrown in the trash (they don't care what it is, an Ipod got thrown in the trash once)

I guess it depends on how your school is.

For example, during lunch the administrators and teachers patrol around the cafeteria, and I guess playing with a Tamagotchi isn't bad because I had it out, and I was connecting with my friend's Tamagotchi, and they didn't say anything about them. They just looked at them and then sort of shrugged and kept on walking.

I play with them in class too, and my teachers don't say a thing, not even when my classmates are shrieking "LOOK, A TAMAGOTCHI! I USED TO HAVE ONE OF THOSE BUT IT DIED/BROKE!" I think it just might be because I only play with them when I've finished my actual classwork, because then they have no reason to take it away or tell me to put it up. I'm fairly sure they would say that if I played with them and ignored an assignment/quiz/test/etc.

I guess it depends on how your school is.

For example, during lunch the administrators and teachers patrol around the cafeteria, and I guess playing with a Tamagotchi isn't bad because I had it out, and I was connecting with my friend's Tamagotchi, and they didn't say anything about them. They just looked at them and then sort of shrugged and kept on walking.

I play with them in class too, and my teachers don't say a thing, not even when my classmates are shrieking "LOOK, A TAMAGOTCHI! I USED TO HAVE ONE OF THOSE BUT IT DIED/BROKE!" I think it just might be because I only play with them when I've finished my actual classwork, because then they have no reason to take it away or tell me to put it up. I'm fairly sure they would say that if I played with them and ignored an assignment/quiz/test/etc.

I have something similar too when I go to Vietnamese school. Three boys started mock us and girls started yelling at them and I started to whack them with the ShimaShimatchi pouch and a chair. :D

EDIT: Oh and, one of them have Barbie dolls. :D

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I guess it would be OK during Homeroom (Oriole Time) and Study Hall (A days only). My teacher doesn't mind. :) I think I'll keep them in my boot. :D

I guess it would be OK during Homeroom (Oriole Time) and Study Hall (A days only). My teacher doesn't mind. :) I think I'll keep them in my boot. :D
That's what I did back in 5th grade. I almost got caught though. The teacher came over and asked what I was doing and I told her I was just scratching my leg...She believed it. :D

Well i can easily sneak them to school... I just place them in my pocket and play with them when the teacher is not looking. That was when i was 12, and i only had Tamagotchis ( they're small so easy to hide on your palm) but now im 13 and teachers are strict in class, and even if i can play with my Tama-go, my friends will laugh when they see it -.- The best way is to just play during breaks.

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