Keep your Tama's away from the principal's drawer!


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oh yeah, once my friends teacher took hers away and lost it. when she found it, it had died and it had been on its 15th generation!!!! :)

I used to check on my tamagotchi during class when I was in elementary school. I only had one tama at the time, my v3. I never got it taken away, just one time I got warned by the substitute teacher that I better put it away or I would get in trouble. Now I am in junior high/middle school and I either pause my two tamas or set them both to the time when they are asleep, because it's much too risky to try and check on them. For example, one time my v4 must have come unpaused, and I had forgot to turn off the sound before I paused it. And then it beeped during a math test!!! My math teacher is very strict but luckily, no one heard the beep but me, or if they did, they didn't care. That was a close one.

At meh school, tam hiding is near imposs, since the uniform has no pockets, but there are two things that make it easy. 1, the teachers don't ever check our desks and i sit at the back, and 2, my homeroom and french teachers have no clue what they are. In french, i leave it on my desk, she sees, and dosen't care, or know that it's a pet, cause it's on clock. It's awesome, but i sorta have to neglect them for the rest of the day, since the only thing i wear that has pockets is te blazer, and that's mondays only... I never get good charachters. :eek: B) :D ^_^

im 8 years old, i am in grade 3 and at my school they let me have my tama at lunch i put my tama in my pocket bcos my v2 was stolenin grade1

never give your tama to a friend, even if super good friends, during class time! because i did so, mine got taken away because my friend got caught playing with it! NEVER DO WHAT I DID! :furawatchi:

Tamagotchi...a swearword...AS IF!!!!! hahaha teachers sometimes can be kinda thick but it is kids stuff
Hey! Kids aren't the only ones that like tamagotchis! :nyatchi: I knew what they were before my son bought one, too.

After reading this thread, though, I'm glad I'm not in school anymore! I don't even have to hide my tamas from my boss, because, HAH, I AM the boss! Let's hear it for being self-employed.

I'll send happy thoughts to all your teachers so they don't confiscate your tamas, too.

BIG RISK! one time i forgot to turn the sound off and my hideotchi was beeping [V2] and everyone exept my friends [i have 10 or 11] was saying OH Tamagotchi :furawatchi: curse them who were yelling! and the teacher was like NO phew! i thoght it was going to be taken away 4ever! :angry: :( <_< YAY MRS.DEmelo!!!! pece with u now. :ph34r: now in grade 4 sob ^_^ . i am getting a v4 so thiz wil com in handi!had v2 and 3 but bro and sis broke it.I HATE YOU GUYS!! [my bro and sis] not tamatalk and i also hate JD

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LOL! This thread is charming ;)

When Tamagotchis were hip the first time, I was in grade 9. I had a knock-off Nano Baby (which hasn't aged well- I left the battery in, it leaked, and ruined the device) and my teacher never tried to take it off me or anything. We must have been attending one of the only schools in North America that didn't pull that stunt on its students.

When the Connection/Connexion models came out, I was between my first and second year of college for my museum studies course. I ordered one of the v1 Connexion models from eBay- those European ones, it didn't have a pause feature that first version! I ran it for about 14 generations straight (again, without a pause feature, or even a reset!) from late July to sometime in the first semester. Interestingly, my college friends (many of whom are more grown up than me, even) LOLed really hard when I came back to school with it, and got the American models for themselves, and we all played Tamagotchi together for all of second year. My little friends list was jam packed! Our tamas mated with each other! We were excited to be discovering things together and sending each other gifts! Our professors thought we were lunatics and I remember telling the chap who's now head of the department all about how mine had been running so long without a pause or reset and whatnot, and retrospectively, it's amazing he let me graduate after that conversation :p In our third and final year, our conservation professor put down her foot and told us we couldn't bring them into the lab. Like you lot, we did anyway, and employed the 'play under the desk' technique and whatnot. :)

Me and my freinds play with tamagotchis on the bus,im not even allowed with them on the bus (leaning in the isle for connecting) but they could,anyway i used to jam mine in my bookbag and put them to sleep and turn the sound off..THEY on the otherhand bring theirs in class and check on it,i dont,my freind rachel (1 less grade then me) her tamagotchi ren out of batteries in class,she reset the back and,"BEEEP".Her teacher told her she was going to keep it for 2 days,Rachels is gunna DIEEEEE! :eek: :p

I live in Ohio, and my school has a few strict teachers

thanks for those great tips!

I nearly got mine taken away, but it didn't (Thank goodness!)

Now I don't have to worry so much!

Thanks again!

My tama flew out my pocket and onto the floor once but my friends caught them and gave them back later. My friend's tama had mail in an exam once!! :huh: :huh: :D :kuribotchi: :nyatchi: :nyatchi: :pochitchi: :pochitchi: ^_^ ^_^ :hitodetchi: :hitodetchi: :mimitchi: :mimitchi:
