Keep your Tama's away from the principal's drawer!


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i took my tama to school once! :ichigotchi: my spanish teacher saw it, and she said to put it away. :D she does these rounds around the classroom, i think to prevent cheating.... :D i dont think she minds about them, just as long as we pay attention. :blink: either that, or... shes never seen one before. :D ok. im done. :furawatchi:

If your reading a novel or a book on your desk make the book closer to you so it looks like your reading it. then leave a little space between you and the book so you can see your tama. :D hope it works!!

My school is very pleasant about Tamagotchis. I sometimes play with them in class, but the teachers don't really mind unless they think I'm "disturbing the others." They have never took them away from me, only said "Put it back, please" and walked away to look at the others. I just try to study and do my homework well. My Maths and English teachers are both easy-going and they let every pupil do whatever they want, as long as we listen and do our work. But my Russian teacher is quite mean. I always pause my Tams during her lessons. I'm in middle school (or jr. high, whatever you call it).

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Well, my school dosen't allow electronics that aren't related to education there, so when I go to school, I just leave my Tamagotchis home, paused (even though I'm in Summer Vacation right now.)

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My teacher is really nice, she lets my friends and I play with them during class.

But only during breaks like when she gets the work paper, when she needs to go to the princapals office, or needs to copy extra papers or something.

But theres this really really really mean girl in my class, she steals EVERYTHING from me.

And says I am not cool at all.

SHE SAYS tamagotchis are dumb, stupid, and especially if I love tamagotchi! :)

You know what Tamasluvfritos99, I think that the girl who said that is EXEPTIONALLY rude! Everyone has a right to enjoy their own hobbies, and for you, it happens to be tamagotchis. I hate to be frank, but IGNORE HER! The same thing happenes to me... Kinda sucks, dosen't it? Ah, well, life is life!! :lol:

im in high school too and we arent allowed them but i bring them anyway. i havent had mine taken.....yet. its a bit hard cos i have 5 tamas (2 v1, 1 v2, 1 v3, 1 v4) and a angelgotchi. at primary school we were allowed 2 have them 4 about 2 years until somepeople said theres had been stolen but they actually hadnt. 1 girl found hers a year later under her trampoline. it was cool while it lasted. we even had a tamagotchi cupboard in our cloakroom area.

I took my tama to school a lot of times and left it in my backpack. I made it sleep so it wouldn't lose growth time :) I just took it out again when it was recess and lunch, but I had to hide it in my jacket so the teacher couldn't see :D It was kinda hard when I had no jacket in the summer, but I stuck it in my tiny pocket ;) One problem though... they was a huge lump! >.<

when i was in year 3 i have finished year 4 we could bring it in for golden time. it happened every friday and still does we coud bring in our on things like tamas rc cars all sorts :D and :rolleyes: friends

Wow! Yeah at my highschool tamas are doubly not allowed *in the written rules in our agenda is no electronics and also no pets <.< >.> but my teachers don`t mind because they never hear the sound. I used to wear a tama anyard with liek FIVE hooked to it *when i go back to schoo it may be 9 :huh: * The teachers and the students all say "Your crazy!" but hey i got 3 people into tams. Death_kills on this site Jasmine and Elizabeth.I`ll play with them after i turn in my work or i`ll make it look blatantly obvious that i finished my work and then play with them. I usual play with them hidden..I`m always used to having the screen far away from my eyes and sometimes i`l play with them on top of meh desk... But Next year I`m gonna do what i did last year...ask my teacher after i turn in my work if i can take care of my tamagotchi. They usually say sure *many times because they do n`t know what they are* and if my teacher sees me playing with it and say no electronics i`ll tel them they said i could take care of it through! :huh:

And my english teacher saw my obsession and gave me 4 of the old promo mcdonalds keychains xD wich is awsomeness! *hooks tamatchi keychain to purse* As long as you don`t play with them when your Susposed to be doing work your good.*and the sound is off* one time checked on my tama in class and i forgot to turn the sound off before class started and it beeped and when my teacher aske me what i was doing I told him "I forgot to turn the sound off but it`s off now :rolleyes: " Cause that`s what i did...turned it off :D then he lookd at it and said "That`s kinda cute" reffering to the mimitchi xDDD

But yeah these tips are bound to work quite well for the classes in wich teachers do not like them. :huh:

im glad our teacher wasnt mean...she just took away my friends because she kept playing with it instead of doing her work! And she is right to take it away! :rolleyes:

WHAT? TAMAGOTCHI A SWEARWORD?!? *falls off chair and rolls aroundon the floor laughing* o_O

My stupid math teacher took my Tamagotchis away (they were on a Tamagotchi lanyard) and put them on her desk and we went out for recess (theres an option between recess or staying in the class reading a book) and there was no one watching the class and someone stole my Tamas and it had my house keys and every thing on them. Luckily I found out who stole my Tamas and I stole them back :rolleyes: and how could Tamagotchi be a cuss word?! Its japanese for cute lovable egg!

I live in Australia, and me and my friend are the only 2 people in the school who own Tamagotchi's.

I carry mine on a cute little necklace for everyone to see, and the teachers don't even care! I even play with it in class and I have never gotten in trouble.

But Tamas aren't a huge trend in Australia, the only kids who really own Tamas are primary school kids..

So that's probably why the teachers don't care much about it :rolleyes: :mellow:

I love my Tama

in my school tamagotchis are ok with the principa :( l, but with the teachers they are like, forbidden :( . cuz once i had mine with the sound ON, and guess what? ALL the boys in my class would be, like, :D OOOOOH! NATALIA HAS HER TAMAGOTCHII!!!! :mellow: and they totally embarras me >.< they can practically break a lung saying it that loud :lol: >.< the teacher took it from me, but i begged her to let me put it on pause. :D

and she let me :eek: :( but i got it back the next day, shes cool, my teacher. :blink:

p.s. i secretly bring them anywayz B) , but ALWAYS put the sound OFF!!! :( :(

at my school a kid (philip) got caut with 1 and the teacher just said "put it in ur bag" :D :ichigotchi: :kusatchi: :mimitchi:

thanks for the advice ! now i will take my tama more often

PS to erinface: i live in aus to and i LOVE tamas

my tamas! :unsure: + apple thing (ringotchi)
