Keep your Tama's away from the principal's drawer!


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Well, my school is pretty lenient on this kinda stuff. I remember last year, one of my classmates brought her new V3 to Biology class and played with it and all. Then everyone noticed and went over to her, including me. I was the only person who also owns a tama. Then our Bio teacher came over and asked the girl what it was and she told her. She just said, “It’s cute” and even played with it for a bit! And some of the other girls wanted to play with it too! My tama had a dead battery so I left it at home. Later that week, we had singing rehearsals and the girl is the school pianist and I saw her playing with it before the rehearsal started. Our teachers don’t mind unless you don’t do it in class and distract everyone. :p

once during math class (which is TOTALLY INSANE) i went to get a book from my locker and when i came back the class clown/class irk took my tama form my desk and started to play with it the teacher took it away from not knowing it was mine so i went to the teachers desk and asked for it back and she actually gave it back to me!!!.i continued to play with it because i sat at the back and the teach is trying to make the loony class settle. :ph34r: :ph34r:

My school doesnt allow them either so I just go into the bathroom at recess and feed hem what they need and stuff so they are fine. THen at the end of the day I just take it out and play while my mom is in the car waiting for my brother. (I go in the backseat so no one sees) I usually have pockets. Whether It's in my pants pocket or my jacket pocket, no one really notices. Last year, I quckly shuffled it in my desk and then my eeeeevvvviiiillll enemy (For example, DONNA. she saw me and told the teacher but she didn't care and said that if I played that insted of homework, she will take it away.)told my teacher and I said i didn't.well, whatever. I don't play it 24-7-365 or anything!

wow thanks. hey, when ever you have ur tama in ur purse, always check on it in class(in ur purse) and pretend you are trying to find and eraser or pencil or something.

but i think everybody in 6th grade knows that i have a tama. i accidentlt make it obsius(how ever you spell that!) but they are nice so they dont tell

Well, in my jr. high school everyone thinks tamas are dorky and for little kids so me and my best friend are the only ones that have them. So there are pretty much about them because no one ever has them. :]

I normally check on mine during lunch, chorus, and at the breakfast tables. I hide mine in my purse and It's never gotton confiscated though my cell phone has because were not supposed to have them which is really stupid so I have to hide that in purse too ]:

:lol: TG4E

2 year 6's (who our now year 8's) in my primary used to take tamas out of their pockets and connect them under the table!!!

It was weird at my school cos people could sit on the loo and connect through the wall! or was it the gap under the wall...

At my school we're required to wear an ID and I just put my tama on it and play with it during class while it's connected to my ID and if they ask to take it up I tell them it's stuck on my ID and that if they are going to take it up they have to take my ID up too (Which they can't do since it's against school regulations)

330 post:tip,if u put it in your bag,just check on it when everyones buzy or its the 4 lockers 2.

I normally keep my tamas in my pockets, and play with them in Art class. My camo pants have good pockets, but when I wear jeans I make sure I wear a shirt or sweater with pockets.

I have a v1 so it's really easy to hide it's so [SIZE=8pt]TEENY TINY!!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE]

Heh i remember when my Gym teacher took mine away when i was jogging after school he is the worst he said something like this "Tamagotchis are for wussys" so i had to sweep kick him grab and RAN for my life :furawatchi:

heres another you where jakets at school 24/7 then get a scrunchi and hook your tama chain to it and stuff ur tama in your jacket sleve

[SIZE=14pt]My tamas been taken away too;[/SIZE] it soooo stinks!!! But i luv the clock idea!!!! My teacher rocks though she doesn't care!!!!!!!! :furawatchi:

Ugh, I remember in 4th grade, if somebody in my class saw me or my friend with a tamagotchi they'd go all like, "MRS. ____!!!! ____ AND ____ HAVE TAMAGOTCHIS!!!!" ><

Here are some tips :furawatchi: !

1- Always have the sound turned off. My friends tama once beeped in class and got it taken away.

2- Don't check on it during class. Check on it during lunch, recess or when you're in the bathroom.

3- Keep it in a deep pocket. I wouldn't risk putting it in your desk because the teacher (unless you sit in the back) or a classmate might see it.

4- You could also pause it, but that affects its growth

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