Keitai log!!! <(^.^)>


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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2004
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Olympia, WA
I dont have my keitai yet but it should get here Monday or Tuesday and when it does im gunna keep a log on it!!! Yays!!! &lt;(^.^)&gt; so um yeah it'l be cool n stuff!

[SIZE=14pt]Keitai Log[/SIZE]

part one,Awaiting arrival 1-25-05

Okay so the person from ebay said it should get here within 7-10 days, yasterday was the 7th day and it didnt arrive so im hopping it will get here taday! wich will be the 8th day ^^ so um yeah im home from school sick taday for the twentysumthinth time (seriously ive missed about 23 days of shool this year!) And since im sick ill have lotsa time to figure out the keitai, were if it got here when i was better and id have to do shcoolwork and be in skool not giving me much time to mess around with it.So yeah hope it gets here taday and if it does ill post more here ^^

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grrrrrr, it i checked the mail and it isnt in the mailbox. The person said they would send it by airmail, i wonder if that means it will come in the mail or be diliverd by a truck?

keitais (japan only) can connect with a cell phone and you can but in passwords to get items and theres new characters! ^^

P.S. it still isnt here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GEEZ! it STILL isnt here!!! im afraid it has gotten lost in the mail ;_; if that is so than what a waiste of 38 bucks!!!! ohj i hope i still get it '___'

[SIZE=14pt]Keitai log part one[/SIZE]

The first day ^^

Okay i recieved my keitai today and i started it around 6:20 (pm) and it turned out to be a boy and i named him Pi-pi ^.^ he was a cute little hersheys kiss (lol :huh: ) then about at 7:20 he turned into a starfish thing ^^ then he went to bed at 8 and is sleeping ^^

[SIZE=14pt]Keitai Log part 2[/SIZE]

It changed!!! ^^

Okay so i brought my keitai to school and showed it to my friend and now he realyy really really wants one! ^^ and i was starting to wonder if it would change taday and at about 7:30 (pm) it changed into Ringochi! ^^ (the Apple)

[SIZE=14pt]Keitai Log Part 3[/SIZE]

Awwwww Pi-pi had a babie!!! ^.^

Okay so Pi-pi was 9 and i was starting to wonder when he'd mate and i came home from scholl turned the sound on, and then the match maker came!!! ^.^ Pi-pi mated with a furawachi and had a baby boy ^^ Now i have to dicide on a name.....

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keitailog!!!! part 4!!! ^^

to lazy to make big blue lettering...

Okay so i havent updated this log in awhile so i will now! ^^

okay so i named the boy Meepi and he turned into a kuribotchi and then into a young Mametchi (sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!! ^o^) then into a kuchipatchi!! ^^ and now he is 5 ^^

[SIZE=14pt]Keitai Log[/SIZE]

Meepi had a baby ^.^

Okay, so uh i was sitting there when i hered the beeping noise that happens when the gotchi king comes and i was anoyed because well its kind of annoying how it beeps whenever the king comes to clean up poos, anyway i looked at the screen and it was the matchmaker!!!!! Meepi mated with a mametchi and i was hoping it'd be a girl because so far they were all boys and i had my fiongers crossed and it was....................a GIRL!


too lazy again...

okay so i ahvent updated for a while...but this is what happend! i named the baby Hana wich means flower, and she turned into achestnut dude, ichigotchi, then memetchi! just like her ol' ganpappy! XD
