Kevin Rudd


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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2006
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Australia just got a new prime minister - Kevin Rudd.

What are your opinions on Kevin Rudd? Do you think he'll do better or worse than John Howard.

I'm not sure but John Howard was going to retire in the middle of it and hand the position to Peter Costello who I wouldn't vote for.

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So do I.

Things could be way different in Australia now.

For better or for worse.

Australia just got a new prime minister - Kevin Rudd.
What are your opinions on Kevin Rudd? Do you think he'll do better or worse than John Howard.

I'm not sure but John Howard was going to retire in the middle of it and hand the position to Peter Costello who I wouldn't vote for.

Please keep all posts respectful. ;)
I was soo tired of John Howard. I'm glad we have a new PM!!!

Right now on T.V is Kevin Rudd' election speech. He seems pretty nice.

Hopefully he'll be better than John Howard. I think it was John Howards' work place agreement banning-whatev, that lost him the election.

John Howard actually visited our school a few weeks ago. He talked to us for like, an hour. I was right at the front as well.

Kevin Rudd seems much nicer but my friend's mum says that all the unions are going to retire. =S

I don't remember any other prime minister but John Howard. He had just been there too long, so that's why I'm sick of him.

Australia needed a change, and that's what we've got.

Howard lost his seat too, so who's going to be the opposition leader? Peter Costello won't. I think he's being 'smart', because most prime ministers stay for atleast 2 terms.

Rudd will be good for Australia. He's younger (like 40 something), he has a head full of hair (well more than Howard anyway), and he is more popular amongst 18-25 years olds. As for Howard, he's most popular with the 65+ years olds XD

I think it's great that Rudd's our new Prime Minister. Howard is a bit too old fashioned.

Out with the old and in with the new... XD

I agree, Jess.

I think the more hair, the better. I mean, Look at Mr. Bush. He's got hardly any hair and in my opinion he's a pretty bad President.


I'd have voted for him. Johnny is stupid and look weird as a cartoon. Kev has hair and looks okay as a cartoon.

So, Kevin Rudd had my vote from the beginning (Or when I finally began to understand & follow the election anyway)

I reckon he'll be a fantastic PM.

John Howard actually visited our school a few weeks ago. He talked to us for like, an hour. I was right at the front as well.
Kevin Rudd seems much nicer but my friend's mum says that all the unions are going to retire. =S
Really? He came to our school too! lucky i was on a holiday!

and anyways kevin rudd always wears rm williams shoes

and his fave shows are family guy, simpsons and chasers war on everything and he is 50!

i mean, i would watch those shows! Maybe im getting old...

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This sounds sooo bad but I really don't know. I don't pay attention to foreign affairs. xP

I like Kevin Rudd.

I also liked John.. But, I do believe it was time for a fresh change.

So I've got no complaints. :D

I agree with Jappyx.

It was fine when John was PM, but everything was a bit bla, bla. We needed a change.

Kevin Rudd looks like a character from South Park! And John Howard looks like a hobbit in a suit. LOL

I think it is important to remember that when the Liberal party came in all those years ago (I not only remember other PM's I voted for them too-old huh?) our country was heavily in debt and not only did he clear that debt we're wealthier than ever before. The baby bonus was introduced by the Liberals and I am sure your parents are loving the $600 yearly bonus for each of their kids come tax time and that is seperate to the kick backs they get claiming you as a dependant. Human nature is fluid and change is inevitable but credit where it is due... The Liberals have done some great things and sadly history shows that Labour brings a lot of debt every time they're in power. Job security is now a thing of the past thanks to the new work laws but the GST has given our economy a boost it desperately needed after 'the recession we had to have' which was all thanks to Labour.

I like Kevin, he seems a great fellow and he's a Brissy boy so he certainly rates highly in my opinion... I even voted for the man so I have high hopes that he will deliver on the electoral promises he made. My hubby whom I love dearly is from overseas and it was a shortage of skilled people in his chosen profession that brought him here and while I have to admit it was good for me I also acknowledge that it is an awful shame we've had to resort to hiring from overseas. I clicked the profile links on those who've posted in this thread and you are all so young and bright... You are Australia's future!

Kevin Rudd's the guy that was taped eating his own earwax right? I saw that on Linkjudge. Eww. XD

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