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These are the things I think about when I'm bored, so I have it all planned out 8D
Hopefully, I'll get married when I am 21-23.

Have 1 kid at 24. (Boy: Nate. 8D)

Another at 26 (Girl: Heather)

Another at 29 (Girl: Scarlet)

and The last at 33 (Boy: Thomas)

My family. xD
Bold 1 is my name.

Bold 2 is my dad's name.

I lol'd XD

As for the original question, no. I never want kids. I can barely deal with kids online and other people's kids. Why would I want to deal with my own?

Plus I run a huge chance of passing off mental disorders to offspring, and nobody deserves to be put through the same things I have.

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Ahhh, I love children. They're so great and I love taking care of them and they make me so much happier, laugh at me when I drop something/fall over and it makes me feel all good.

I want 3 boys. I've already chosen the names. There is only one of them which is a normal name though. Here is what I want to name my children:

First child: Chapter

Second child: Anonymous.

Third child: Bradie.

Just like Michelle, I am a natural child entertainer. I love children [even though Im sort of a child myself]. I hang out with the toddler next door [as some of youmay know] and when I went to Russian,I became like best friends with my cousin.

Sometimes I wish I had a little brother or sister. But, the thing is, when they get a little older, they'll start being annoying-ish.

Maybe, but I don't know yet. The future will come when it comes.

I honestly, really, and truly do not want to have kids.

I can't stand them. I wouldn't last 2 minutes babysitting before going nuts O.e and I don't want to deal with teenagers and their hormones and stuff. I feel sorry for my parents XD

But hey, who knows what will happen in the future. *mysterious music*

I'm gonna have kids. Not sure when, but not soon.

I don't normally think about stuff like this very often :)

These are the things I think about when I'm bored, so I have it all planned out 8D
Hopefully, I'll get married when I am 21-23.

Have 1 kid at 24. (Boy: Nate. 8D)

Another at 26 (Girl: Heather)

Another at 29 (Girl: Scarlet)

and The last at 33 (Boy: Thomas)

My family. xD
You can't choose if its a girl or boy.

I would just want one, but I know I can't control that. And I would want a boy... Just because.. [Try to find out why... xD]

I just don't want to have two [Or more. o_o] kids. My mom wanted four, but got two [Me + my sister. xD], and now she regrets ever wanting four. xD


Your right. I read a magazine, and it was about your baby's gender, and it said something like if you hide a pink spoon under your pillow.. You'll get a girl, or something like that. o.o It's probably a slim chance you'll get what you want, you know?

I'm gonna name my kids after people on TT.

Such as:

Phoebe (Love your name!!)

WeiWei (When I said it was the best name ever, I MEANT IT)

Esther (Might spell it Esthah though XD)

Ksenia (Whenever I say your name I just say Kenza)

....Add many more

^ lol.

I just had a second thought.. I might not be able to handle them, I got my grade 1 reading buddy suspended from me today. :D

But I guess I still want kids. I hope so, at least.

EDIT- and I'm not gonna use the medical procedure where you can choose your gender. I think that whatever child you get is the one for you, and choosing one based on gender or looks isn't right :lol:

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I'm gonna name my kids after people on TT.
Such as:

Phoebe (Love your name!!)

WeiWei (When I said it was the best name ever, I MEANT IT)

Esther (Might spell it Esthah though XD)

Ksenia (Whenever I say your name I just say Kenza)

....Add many more
Awwe. -feels special-

But nuuu. It must be spelt Esther. Or it doesn't count. xD

I intend on having kids. I want at least 1 girl. ^-^ I’ve already picked out a couple names…Aaron, Nate, Julianna, maybe Nadia…the name Zephyr is growing on me, too.

I want four kids. Or maybe just 2. Like x.Rachel said, the idea of childbirth? Meh.

It's a medical procedure.
Choosing Baby Gender
The joys of genetic engineering.

You can pick your babies gender, hair color, eye color, etc.

I think that it's inhumane. I'm completely against it. D:

Well, not to sound like a child-molester, but I love kids. [Even though I kind of still am one.]

I volunteer at my local YMCA Day Camp every summer. I'm pretty much the only one who goes their by choice - the kids' parents make them go, some of the other volunteers [CITs] are forced to go by their 'rentals, and the counselors are getting paid - their summer job. It's my home there. I love being with the kids, teaching them, working with them, and seeing them develop and improve. I get so attached to all of them - the younger ones like my siblings, and some of the ones that are only a few years younger than me I become close friends with.

I know for sure that I want to go into a child-based career. I always have. I'm pretty set on being a teacher - either a middle school teacher, or a musical education teacher.

So it makes sense that I want to have kids someday. :]

I want to have 3 - 4 of them.

I want to get married young. Though I know neither of my parents would support that, it's MY life, and not there's.

I want to have a family. I want to have a husband. I want a nice little house.

Teacher's are making better salaries these days than a few decades ago - $40k - $60k per year. And they get off holidays and the summer - so I'd get to spend plenty of time with my kids.

Hopefully my husband will have a good-paying job though. ^_^

Onto childbirth though... well, I took Child Development 1 first semester of this year. We went deep into sexual education and prenatal development. Dear Jesus, I am TERRIFIED of giving birth now. We watched fertilization happen, from inside a woman's fallopian tube [some woman volunteered to put a camera in there and tape when her and her husband 'did it.]

And then we watched a video of a woman giving birth - COMPLETELY uncencored. The majority of the video was shot from between her legs. So you got to see how far the vagina stretches when the baby's head is pushed out, and how long it took, and the screaming, and the contractions, and... words can't even begin to describe. It was probably the most frightening thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

So... hopefully in the next 10 years, I'm physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to go through the birthing process.

I think I can handle raising kids though. -knock on wood- :lol:

I would love to have kids one day, but the idea of taking care of them scares me. Especially since I have to take home the electronic baby that cries this weekend for home and careers. Apparently the baby cries in the night and you have to wake up at ridiculous hours and tend to it. I'm not so sure about kids now.

But I believe that kids can make a person feel complete, and like they have something to live for. I'm sure I'll end up having kids, but I want to be in my 30's when I have my kids. I would like to have a steady job, preferably as a neurologist in a high paying area, like NYC. You can make over 400,000 dollars a year, so I've learned from home and careers, where we get to choose a job, go to college, get a house, a family, a salary, bills, etc. Just as if it was real life.

Anyway, I plan on having my first kid at the age of 33. Her name will be Gloria Isabella -lastname-

Then, at the age of 36, I'll have my second child, a boy. His name will be Matthew Christopher -lastname-

Then, I'll be done with kids. Only 2 for the me. But, I think I'll be satisfied with just 2.

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