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Apr 1, 2005
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i got my new tamagotchi connexion today and it is now at the toddler stage. however, it's a bit weird... firstly i thought it was a Kinakomotchi because it rolls around and jumps but it doesn't seem to be the right shape. it's kind of a star shape, instead of just having a blob on it's head. is it a Kinakomotchi???

i managed to get a pic, i know it's poor but it might help...


ok the pic didnt work but paste the URL into your browser to have a look. please help, i really want to know what it is!

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I think the new Connexions have all new characters... that's just my understanding though. I don't actually have one at the moment, but I'm sure some others that have one in hand can verify :)

i looked up the characters you get on the connexions though and it doesnt look like mine is there..

connextion 2. maybe thats why... its a teen now and its like a little alien in a space ship or something!

yep,... its a new connexion 2 character for sure.

i hope they have lots of new characters on connections.. to me connections have the leaast amount of stuff in it compared to the plus's and the connexions! lol. :unsure:

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