king transforming my tama!


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Sep 22, 2007
Reaction score
Prescott, Ont
hey all

i got a chest from the king, and it turned my tama into the old man, temporarily and then he turned back, what was this?????? i'm confused lol

You got a bad chest.

Chests, when opened, holds random things. It can sometimes contain good things like money or items, or bad things like a puff of smoke that change your tamagotchi to an old man/woman or a baby and empties your tama's happy hearts.

It's not the king's fault though. He just doesn't know what is inside the chest :D

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Yes u got a bad chest, a good chest will contain money or a item, a bad chest will transform ya tama into either a baby, or old timer, and it will empty all his/her happy hearts! :D

Hope i helped and have a great tama day! :D

That is a random animation the chest does. If you get a bad chest it will transform your tama into either baby or oldie. A good chest comtains either gotchi-points or a item!!

Hope i helped and have a great tama day!

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