Kingdom Hearts


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Lol, I seriously thought that Sora and Kairi would kiss in KHII 'cause I thought I saw a screen shot of that on youtube (pfft, photo shop). Didn't happen and I was like "Eh?" Anyway, just now I've been getting annoyed by all these fanmade pics and theories about Kingdom Hearts characters being gay or bisexual. Like jokes about Sora x Riku or Axel x Roxas and stuff like that---it just gets me really irritated because it feels like people are twisting up a perfectly good story and making it sickening. :( I'm gonna stop reading comments for a while 'cause I really hate sick and twisted ideas like that.
Heh heh...heh........heh....

I'm going to go now... -runs-

I haven't been able to play KH for a while. Meh.

Heh heh...heh........heh....I'm going to go now... -runs-
Hang on a sec...don't tell me that YOU'VE been joking about---?

*mock shock*


Well excuse me for my fangirl ways.

So yeah. Have you guys noticed the resemblance between Ventus and Roxas?

Well excuse me for my fangirl ways.
So yeah. Have you guys noticed the resemblance between Ventus and Roxas?
You mean the fact that they're practically identical? :( Mmhmm. Actually I read the whole thing about BBS on wikipedia to decide whether to get a PSP or not, and wish I didn't read it 'cause it looks great, and now all the surprises are spoiled. :( But hey, I knew the story for CoM and still had fun watching all the cutscenes, so... :) I'll probably still have fun.

Random fangirl post:




Heh. Oh, and my mom and I think I should get a haircut like Kairi's from KHII. XD

Lol, looks like I'm gonna HAVE to get a PSP now! :p I just ordered a Logitech PSP Slim case and an extended battery life kit for the PSP off Amazon. Therefore...I'm gonna try to pre-order the BBS bundle at GameStop this week or next week. :D Wisha me luck guys!

So! Who else is getting Birth by Sleep?

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Went to GameStop yesterday and pre-ordered the bundle and another individual copy of the game so I can get mah case. :) *EXCITED* Aaand I can get it after my first day at my new school! I wonder if I can finish HW fast enough?

Hey, if you guys wanna see a hilarious Kingdom Hearts skit on youtube, look up "NYAF 2007 Roxas Doesn't Feel Like Dancing." XD

Tomorrow. Is. THE DAY. 8D

~ Birth by Sleep ~

I picked my bundle and extra game up yesterday, but I didn't have time to even start BBS because of HW. :angry: Not to mention I screwed up on the screen cover and got icky dust AND air bubbles stuck underneath, so I gotta spend ANOTHER $10 for another pair (yes, I screwed up with TWO screen covers). Maybe I'll ask the guy at GameStop to put it on if he's good at it. XD

Hopefully I'll have time to get started on BBS and play for a while today. :blink: That'd be real nice. But I wanna deal with that dumb screen protector too. I'm just leaving the icked-up-air-bubbled one on 'cause I figure a messy temporary protection is better than getting a scratched screen, sooo...

I gotta go get ready for school now. XD Byez.

One of the dumbest things ever: I googled on how to get the UMD disc out of the plastic case thingy, and then turns out it's supposed to STAY in there! XD Good thing I didn't try harder to open it, or that would suuuck. Ok, I'm going to sleep soon but after owning this for over 48 hours, I at least want to START the game! :p

I JUST GOT BIRTH BY SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's the best Kingdom Hearts game EVAR. My favorite person is Ven :3

I have BBS. It's awesome. I actually see Roxas as Roxas and Ven as Ven now. I thought they were the same person.

I have BBS. It's awesome. I actually see Roxas as Roxas and Ven as Ven now. I thought they were the same person.
Yeah, it took me a little adjustment too. :D I love Ven---he's such an adorable kid. I finally finished with Terra's story on Proud Mode earlier today (love the epic ending for his, even if I knew what was going to happen), and started on Ven's story. I played ALL DAY 'cause I was actually done homework. :D I just finished Ven's part in Radiant Garden and my little comment for that is...

OMG I LOVE LEEEEA! XD <-- Fangirl attack. *rofl*

Anyway, next stop: Disney Town. Blah. Hm. If I'm half done Ven's story, and I'm playing in the order of Terra-Ventus-Aqua, then I'm half done the whole story! :eek:

Ooh! Juicy piece of news everybody! Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded DS is set for the US!

January 14th, 2011

And I think the same is for EU.

Oh, and here's the link for that cosplay skit of "Roxas Doesn't Feel Like Dancing."

You guys are gonna LOVE IT. ;)

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Reviving the thread just to say...


...until Re:coded is released in North America. :D Woot woot!

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