Kiss Kill Marry.


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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Okay. It's simple. You list 3 people and the person below says out of them which one they would kiss, which one they would marry and which one they would kill. No person can be said for more than one or be left out.


P1 - Obama, Osama, Bush.

P2 - Kiss Bush, Marry Obama and kill Osama.

You get the picture?

Rob Pattinson, Taylor Launter, Tom Felton.

Kiss Taylor Lautner, Marry Robert Pattinson, Kill Tom Felton

That was extremely uncomfortable O_O

Mickey Mouse, Elmo, Big Bird.

Best i could come up with xD

I've heard of this game, just using 'Pash Punch Partner' instead. :)

Anyway; Kiss Elmo, marry Big Bird, and kill Mickey Mouse. D:

Bradie Webb, Andy Clemmensen, Shaun Diviney.

[i knew someone would do those 3]

Kiss Andy, Marry Bradie and Kill Shaun.

Sarah Palin, Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton.

Kiss Mario,kill Luigi,Marry Yoshi.

My list is completly random:Zac Efron,Lady Gaga and Bob the builder.

I'm so random.


Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Obi wan Kenobi (Starwars lol 8D)

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Marry Luke Skywalker, kiss Obi wan Kenobi, kill Han Solo.

Jesus, John McCain, Michael Jackson (if he was still alive).

Kiss you,Marry Ksenia and kill monster.

Mamatchi,Kutchipatchi and Memetchi.

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