Kitty and Guinie pig?


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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
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What should I get?I am allowed to get them both. I already have the kitty, cause we found her. I really want a guinie pig too. Are guinie pigs nice? Are they any better than hamsters?

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I think that guinea pigs are good but you don't want to get them if you have a cat. That's just like the guinea pig saying "eat me please!"

I've never owned one (as we have cats) but I think they're cool.

I have owned a Guinea Pig, cats don't eat them if their in a cage or anything lol.

I personaly perfer cats, I have had many Guinea Pigs, yes they are ADORABLE,

But they die sooner than cats, and cats are more the pets that give you company.

Because Guinea Pigs generally stay outside.

So honestly, I recon you should go for another cat, or if you want to try something different, GP. :]

They are the cutest things, but wow.

I can't choose now xD!

Its really up to you!


Ok first of all, go check out,



They can die from the heat.

Anyways, guinea pig+cat=dinner.

But, check out the above websites for info. I have 2 guinea pigs and I love them. PM me if you have any questions.

Oh and if you get a guinea pig get 2 they are better off with a buddie.

AND NO PET STORES! Want to know why? Because they mistreat them and order them like supplies. Just go to the local rescue or humane society. K?

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Guinea pigs are horrible pets. Well, at least mine is. Mine is scared of anything that moves, so it refuses to cuddle, or play, or anything, despite my efforts to socialize her. It's kind of the luck of the draw when getting a pet. You may or may not like the guinea pig, and it does require a bit of work. Really consider what you want.

Anthrax, with your guinea pig, take it out sometime in room with just you to. Just gently pet it and talk to it, you should be able to tame it. My guinea pigs used to be like that, but I was able to tame them.

I've Got a kitty already on me. He's new but hyper at all times. If I was you I would get Both

U can keep a g.p in a hutch! I have, for bout 5 years, and they are marvy!!

They r blondy ginger, lol. They r related to sprogs piggies, but we both called them Harry n Ron! So i call mine Harold and Ronald insted!

P.S: Mine r from a good pet store tho. They were fluffy, and tubby, cos they give them good food there.

get a guiena pig they rule dont worry about the cat i used have guien pigs and cats dont worry they are preety smart well atleast i think and while they r in a cadge dont worry they rule mine are 4 years old

so far keep your pets outside on the grass in a cvadge with sheltter so they can sleep and make sure they can a have grass a t have room to run around

Anthrax they are not use to you thsat all plyay with them and

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I personally have cynophobia and elurophobia. (fear of dogs and cats) So I'd say, go with the Guinea Pig. :D


I personally like them both but since you already have a cat I would get the guinea pig. If you do, be sure to keep the guinea pig away from the cat. :D

DONT KEEP GUINEA PIGS OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone keeps saying that you can WELL YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wild animals will eat them>>>they can die from heat stroke or from the cold>>>Feed them timothy hay not grass-grass could have E. Coli or pesticides on it.

Aww, Lucky!! I used to have a guinea, but she passed away, months ago.. ^_^

I love both cats and guinea pigs. Whichever decision makes you feel most comfortable with, I say go for it! But if you'd like my opinion, I think you should either get the cat or the guinea pig. Getting both will mount up the responsibility. Cats and guinea pigs don't exactly mix too well ( :) ), and since you already have a cat, you'll have to keep him or her away from the guinea, that's for sure. :p

We can't keep the kitten. She has fleas and it just means another mouth to feed and get shots. So my parents said I can get a guinea pig. YAY!

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