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are you sure it was honey?? maybe it was a love potion. different items do different things to tamagotchis!

oh shes happy and if you have a nother one oof the opisitee gender rthen connect them and the'll fall in love!

Connect with another tama of a different gender and they will fall in love and have baby tama's B)

ur kuchipatchi is in luv cuz since u gave him/her the honey/luv potion. with this u can connect with an other tama which the opposite gender and they will fall in luv. if u dont have an other tama which is the opposite gender the potion will ware off

The love potion has a heart on it and it say Honey at the bottom. It does on both of mine anyways B)

*points to purples avatar* i like your mutant noil! ok, so,i just took my costume off and now she looks like a fat mimitchi cross panda big eared tama.

Actually it a Mutant Babaa :mimitchi: . I can't put the costumes on my tama's yet coz there not old enough :p

I think I have full training but I dunno. Is the highest it can go up to nine?

This is all the stuff I found: Minimum weight: 30lb. Favorite food: Corn. Un-favorite food: Corndog.

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