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Active member
Aug 15, 2005
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It isn't like... the Marutchi for V1 and V2 is it? -crosses fingers- Does anybody know? I searched for the answer, but didn't find it.

i dont think its so good...


maybe like maruchi..

i dunno..

some people say mitsutamatchi is like hotodetchi [i think!]

so its not that at least..

and so im guessing maruchi and not a great charicter..

I think its a good character because I took perfect care of my baby not letting the hearts go below 1 empty and made sure it exercised and i got a Kuchitamatchi. Its not a good character on the original Tamagotchi but it has to be on v3.

I think it's this...

tamatchi: Marutchi

Misutamatchi: Hitodetchi

Mohitamatchi: Kinakomotchi

Kuchitamatchi: Kuribotchi

I think it's this...tamatchi: Marutchi

Misutamatchi: Hitodetchi

Mohitamatchi: Kinakomotchi

Kuchitamatchi: Kuribotchi
i dunno..


i dont think so cuz my friend got one.. her first one was a christmass tree one..

then it DIED..

the next one was a kuchitamatchi,

then a nikatchi..

so i think they arent very good.

there's no good child.

An hour is not long enough to tell how you cared for it. Its totally random what child you get.

Your friend got Nikatchi and Pirolotchi because he was taking bad care of his CHILD, not baby

there's no good child.An hour is not long enough to tell how you cared for it. Its totally random what child you get.

Your friend got Nikatchi and Pirolotchi because he was taking bad care of his CHILD, not baby
Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Thanks everyone.

there's no good child.An hour is not long enough to tell how you cared for it. Its totally random what child you get.

Your friend got Nikatchi and Pirolotchi because he was taking bad care of his CHILD, not baby
no there is.

and my friend is a girl :huh: by the name of 'christina'

i kno there is a difference but i think hotodetchi is worse than maruchi cuz i keep getting it. and it CANT be random, since tamas cant be random. a computer cant create a random #. [a webbie can but not a computer.]

and i happen to know that my friend got mitsu while taking OK care.

after all, the v3 toddlers have to match up to a v2 one, and those ARE NOT random. for sure.

v2s are too random.

Once I got a kinakomotchi, and then next gen I treated the baby exactly same care and I got kuribotchi...

meh..., i dont think theres a good toddler. :huh: i think there is a good teenager and adult. but not good toddler. i mean its just 1 hour right? it be pretty hard to judge which tama you get in that one hour. >.>

computers can to generate random numbers. I did a little programming and we learned how to make a program generate a random number.

thats a program..but tamagotchi dont use that.

at least not for the choosing charicter part.
Actually, for the choosing character part, you're wrong.

I read on the official tama website that it's completely random what gender baby you get and it's completely random what toddler you get.

IT'S TRUE.........

i think it is or am i outdated??? im referring to the first tam ever made.

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