Kuri's Virtual Pet Log


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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2010
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Te Waipounamu

My collection as of July 2011.




You may know that I've had some other logs on this website, but I always end up abandoning them... I really hope I don't abandon this one anyways. I decided to start a new log because I took an absence from here, as I lost interest in Tamagotchis, but then I got sick for about a month, and while I was sick I really missed my Tamagotchis.

I would of started up another log ages ago, but I lost the memory card to my camera. After ages of looking, I've decided it's long gone. I'll be using my iPod Touch to take pictures from now on.

So I have a picture of my collection above, it consists of:

  • Tamagotchi V3 x2
  • Tamagotchi V5.5 x1
  • Tamagotchi Color x1
  • Tamagotchi iD x1
  • Tamagotchi Tama-Go x2
  • Dinkie Dino x1

So lets start now! For the last week I ran my Black Tamago, which is now on pause. I may as well tell you about my Black Tamago, before I start really logging about my V4.5 that should be coming in the mail soon. :)


I reached into the draw of my desk, and the first thing I found was my black Tama-Go. I bought this a little while ago, during my last school holidays. It was on special, it was only 13 New Zealand dollars. Which was a good deal. I bought it, and I played with it twice. I got lazy though and put it on a very very long pause, but now I've decided to start it up again. Please keep in mind I have to take pictures with my iPod Touch so I apologize if there not good quality.


I hatched it, and it was a girl!




I did all the usual things you do when you hatch a Tamagotchi, feed it, play with it, and clean up the poop it poops all over the floor...




Nokotchi Evolved!

Before and After





So then my Hoshititchi evolved into its teen form! I was kinda disappointed to find I got Shelltchi. I really wanted Mikazukitchi. Mikazukitchi and Korokotchi are two characters I can never seem to get... I've never actually ever got one of them on both my Tamagotchis. I always get Kilalatchi and Shelltchi, or Chuchutchi and Monpatchi. Oh well, Shelltchi's good enough I guess.


Today something not so good happened to my Tama-Go... I went out hiking with my brother and my dad, which was fun, but it wasn't till the car ride home when I realized I hadn't put my Tama-Go to sleep. When I got home all the hearts were empty and Shelltchi was a Marotchi! Oh well... Marotchis a good character, I like her, but whats with her pixel thingy magiggy. I don't know what you call it, her sprite? She looks all tired...


Her closeup is alright though, in fact, I actually kinda like her closeup. xD


Well, that's all for today, thanks for reading!

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Tamagotchi V4.5


So I haven't mentioned this on my log yet, but a little while ago I ordered a V4.5 PC pack! I've always wanted a version four point five, and now I finally have one. I didn't get a picture of it in the packaging, because I was so excited to get it that I opened it immediately, lol. So here is the V4.5, mouse pad, and holder thingy.




I couldn't wait to get this thing started up, so I pulled the tap out, and there like usual was an egg, and I set in the, time and date, my birthday, and my username.




Then it hatched into a baby boy!




I couldn't think of a name for him, but in the end I just thought I'd name him Harry.




After that I played with him and fed him. I must say, the game on the V4.5 is really fun. I can't wait to unlock more as Harry gets older.




Here is a picture of Harry in the holder!




After one hour, Harry evolved into a Hitodetchi!





That's all for today! Thanks for reading!





Today Harry aged up to one years old! Then this afternoon, he evolved into Crackertchi!




I was happy I obtained a Uramame teen, though I was hoping for Ura Young Mametchi, Crackertchi is all right too. Now I can aim for Ura Mametchi. Harry also started his first day of school, and left preschool. I chose Mr Turtle so he can gain his humor skill points. His current skill points are:

Humor: 56

Gorgeous: 52

Spiritual: 22

I like the games on the V4.5 a lot, they are really fun, and so far they're the funnest games on all the versions I've ever owned.




I forgot to mention, I'm no longer running my black Tama-Go.




That's all for today. Thanks for reading.





Today my V4.5 was asleep for most of the day because I had my first day of school, but when I got home I got what I was expecting, a Ura Mametchi on my Tamagotchi V4.5's screen! I grabbed my iPod to take pictures.




His closeup is very cool, though his sprite is kinda just a Mametchi sprite, but a different mouth and an added tail. I'm glad I got Ura Mametchi, I'm still not sure whether I should aim to get the secret character, it'd be nice to keep Ura Mametchi but it would also be good to have another evolution. Oh well, here are his skill points:

Humor: 155

Gorgeous: 64

Spiritual: 26

Nothing else for today, I guess I'd better say the usual, thanks for reading!

Hey people of earth and beyond!




I decided to go for the secret character, so I gave Harry a boost in his skill points. I raised all three of them, I made his humor points really high, and made his spiritual points higher then his gorgeous points, for some reason I really wanted to make his spiritual points higher then his gorgeous points. In the end his skill points were:

Humor: 387

Gorgeous: 103

Spiritual: 125

And here is happy Harry! Now a Hyottokotchi!




Harry also got a job at the circus! I really like the mini game you play there, it involves jumping on a trampoline and popping balloons! I've found all the games on the V4.5 really fun. Harry is five years old today, hopefully he'll get married tomorrow! I kinda want him to marry a member from the Ura Kuchi family, so I get a better chance of getting Ura Kuchipatchi or Ura Debatchi!


That's all for today, thanks for reading.





I'm very excited to announce that Harry got married! He turned six years old yesterday, but I didn't want to take pictures in the dark, so I waited till today to get him married. I set the time to 10:29pm and then the magic started...






After Harry married the darling Ura Violetchi, they had a beautiful baby girl. I'm not sure what to name her, maybe Lily or something. Maybe not Lily, because I don't want to use to many Harry Potter names in a row. But I don't have to decide for another day or so.


I guess that's it for today, thanks for reading!

Hi. :)




Last night I caught Harry leaving his daughter in her bed. Harry had a good life, but he's decided to give his baby to me so I can raise it.




The following morning I woke up to a crying Tamagotchi on my V4.5's screen, I happily punched in her new name, I named her Niomi. I played with her, and fed her. After an hour, she evolved into a Hitiodetchi, like her father was.







I may start up my white Tamagotchi iD sometime in the next few days.




That's all for today! Thanks for reading.

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Niomi evolved into an Ura Young Marotchi! I was aiming for her, even though I didn't know how to get her.




Niomi got accepted into school and chose the canvas teacher as her teacher. After two days, she evolved into a Ura Zukyutchi.




I'm happy I got Ura Zukyutchi. Her evolution has been a good one for me, and I can't wait till she gets married and then she can have a baby, and I can get onto my third generation.




I'm going to start up my iD either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.




That's all this entry in my log, thanks for reading. :)





A lot has happened to my version four point five recently. Niomi went to a job interview to see if she could become a fire fighter, and she got the job! A few days later, she got married, much to my excitement, and had a baby boy!




Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted most of her wedding pictures. Well, do be straight up about it, I accidentally deleted all but one. But at least it was a clear picture! I also accidentally deleted the pictures of Niomi and her child... I'm such a good father. :)


I decided to name the new baby boy Danny.




After sixty minutes of playing and feeding him, Danny evolved into his toddler stage, Tamatchi.




And like any other toddler Tamagotchi, he got accepted into preschool, which he attended regularly so he could up his skill points.

After his preschool days were almost over, Danny evolved into an Ura Young Mametchi!




Not sure which character I'll aim for, but I'll probably decide soon.




I haven't started my iD yet, but I did try once. However, I failed miserably at taking pictures with my iPod of it, so I put it away because the picture taking was frustrating. I'm gonna have another go over the weekend, hopefully the pictures will be alright.




That's all. :D

Hey people!




I finally started my Tamagotchi iD! After a little battery hunt around my house, I was able to start it up. After punching in the time, my birthday, and a username a little egg appeared on the screen, and before long the wobbling egg hatched into a Tamagotchi baby girl!




As usual, like any other Tamagotchi I start up I do the basics, feed the Tama a few meals, and then play a few games. Soon she fell asleep in her bed, and before long she woke up so I couldn't play and feed her some more. She fell ill a few minutes later, but she was cured soon enough. After the hour had passed by, she evolved into her toddler stage, which turned out to be Hoshitchi!




That's it for my iD!




After two days, Danny the Ura Young Mametchi finally evolved into his adult stage! When I heard the evolving noise I rushed to find a Matsuritchi in Ura Young Mametchi's place! So now Danny is at his adult stage!




Danny also got a job at the gym! The game is really fun, you have to press a button over and over again to help him pull the weights. Danny's gonna be strong by the time he gets married.




Well, that's all. Thanks for reading and stuff. :)






Thanks! And by the way, I forgot to answer your question in your last comment. I bought my iD from eBay. :)




So after one day of being a starry Hoshitchi, my iD evolved into her teenage stage. After playing with Hoshitchi, there was a few beeps, before a bright light appeared and she evolved into Shelltchi!




Shelltchi's a cool character, I'm glad I got her, even though I knew I was getting her, because I didn't give her any care misses.


Just before, I was thinking about my V4.5, and how it has school and jobs. It made me think, it's kind of a shame that the iD doesn't have jobs and schools, I think that would really make the Tamagotchi seem real, because then it would be like a full Tamatown in your Tamagotchi. But oh well, I guess the people at Bandai Japan have ditched the idea for school since the Uratama.




Nothing much has happened to my V4.5, however this morning I caught Danny brushing his teeth.






That's all for today. :)

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Danny turned six years old last night, but I waited till today to get him married. I set the time to 10:29am and waited a minute, and then the matchmaker came! Like any other marrige on the V4.5, the matchmaker intoduced Danny to a nice female Tamagotchi, it was love at first sight, and soon as the fireworks came into vision in the night sky, they had a baby girl!





So now Danny's married with a child, that went fast. Still though, I can't wait to see what will happen on the next generation. I want to get the generation number up to at least ten!




Yesterday, my iD was mostly asleep because of me having to go to school. But when I got home, I found my Shelltchi had evolved into a lovely Chamametchi!




I've always found it odd how they've made Chamametchi an adult, she doesn't look like one, she looks more like a teenager. And she is Mametchi's younger sister, and them being at the same stage doesn't make sense, especially since in the anime Chamametchi kinda talks like a baby. I like Chamametchi, but I liked her better as a teen.



And today my iD is still a Chamametchi of course. She'll be able to marry soon too. I'm currently working on getting all her Tamatomo characters, so I can get the character stamp.




Well that's all that's happened lately, I hope you enjoyed the entry. [/align]

Hello! Unfortunetly I have to split this update into a 2 parts, because it says I'm posting more images then I'm allowed to... oh well.




Chamametchi got her full Tamatomo!




Chamametchi was also ready to marry. I've decided to get a photo taken in the photo studio every generation, so I can remember my past Tamagotchi! So, I took Chamametchi to the photo studio and with the help of Lovepapalitchi, Chamametchi chose her clothes and background, and then was photographed.




Chamametchi was very happy with the final picture!


Romance was in the air, so I took Chamametchi to the matchmakers.




The matchmaker presented Chamametchi with three young Tamagotchis who were interested in Chamametchi. Each on of them tried to talk her up, hopefully one of them succeeded in pleasing Chamametchi.






(part 2 below)

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Chamametchi had a tough decision, but she picked in the end. In the end it was Kikitchi who Chamametchi liked the most.




They also went on a few dates, and I merged all the pictures into a GIF.




And then my new second generation Tamagotchi was born! Chamametchi had a boy!





After an hour of caring and feeding the newborn, he evolved into a Mattaritchi!




(part 3 below)

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Danny left his baby girl to me! I decided to name the new baby Hine, which is the Maori word for girl.





After 60 minutes, I was pleasantly surprised to find I had obtained a Tamatchi, the same toddler Hine's father Danny had been as a toddler.




Well that's it for part three of my one post that had to be split into three because of image limits..... Thanks for reading!

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Hey! Just a quick update!




I seem to have forgotten to post a picture of Hine in her toddler stage! Woops. I did take it, I just didn't post it, so yeah... I'm gonna post it now. :)






This morning I was playing games non stop basically, and I decided to change the wallpaper. I decided to go with none of the options, and use a password to unlock another one. I chose to Aquarium Room, because I know Mattaritchi loves fish. I think. So, here's a picture of Mattaritchi in his new blue room.






That's it for this short update. ;)





Today was Hine's final day as a Tamatchi, so I took her to preschool for her last visit. She's always going to miss her preschool teacher, she always gave Hine the best music lessons and taught her and helped raise her skill points.


Hine evolved into a Zouritchi!




I'm kinda dissapointed I got her, I like the character and everything, but Hine is now a Ura-Mame teenager, so I can only get a Ura-Mame adult, and Ura Zukyutchi is basically the only Ura-Mame teenager I actually like... And I don't want to get her twice. Oh well.


Hine also got into school, and I picked the flower teacher.




Earlier today Mattaritchi evolved into Monpatchi! I'm kinda suprised, I didn't realize I had given him any care misses. I must have though. I'm happy I got Monpatchi, but also a bit disappointed, because there is only Kikitchi and Kuchipatchi that I can obtain. Why is their six female adult characters but only five male characters? They could of easily fitted a Shimashimatchi or a Tensaitchi in there. But for the answer, I guess I'll never know.






Thank you for reading. :)

Hello! Part one of log post, because of image restrictions. -_-




I started up my V5.5 for the:


I'll also be posting about it here.


So, I started up my V5.5. It's a red carpet design, and I put a fire flame key-chain on it, because I thought it went well with it's design.


Anyway, I found a spare battery and plonked it into my V5.5, and soon after setting the date and things, I was presented with three eggs.




In about a minute they started hatching, the middle one hatched, then the egg on the left hatched, then last but not least the one on the right hatched. I decided to name the family "Hoshi" which means star in Japanese (I couldn't think of anything else.)




As basically anyone would do when starting a Tamagotchi, I played and fed the newborns.




Part 2 in next post.

Part 2:



Unfortunately, after a few minutes, one fell ill and the two others caught it from one another. However, the doctors were knocking at my door as soon as they could to help.





And soon, sixty minutes had wizzed past, and the newborns evolved into their toddler stages!






Hine evolved into her adult stage! Her glamorous skill points were in the lead out of all of them, resulting in her evolution. I was expecting it, but it's still nice to have this character. Hine evolved into Tsukkomitchi! She also got a job at as a hairdresser, which she enjoyed very much, but honestly, she mostly just liked how much she got paid every morning, but who doesn't. Hine also got married! She found the love of her life through the matchmaker, and soon she had a ring on her finger and had a baby girl by her side!






Monpatchi happily passed through his teenager stage with joy, and now he's a Kikitchi!




He's all ready to marry, he's got his Mo. Once he get's his Ta, Ma, and To he'll be on his way to the matchmaker to find the love of his life, like Hine did.




That's all! Thanks for reading.

Hi! Again my log has to be split up, oh well. This is part one:




I've been working on the bonding, and trying to get it up. So far I've managed to get it up to 80%! I've also obtained a "Sociable Family."




And since everyone else in the hatch I'm running this V5.5 in took their V5.5's to Tamatown, I decided to as well.


When I logged in, I thought, what better place then the Royal Tama Cruise for a V5.5? So in that decision I clicked on it. My v5.5 helped the Royal Orchestra, which was fun. We also decided to go to the book store, which is in the main island in the expo Tamatown. Unfortunetly, we messed up the first customer, but we got all the rest! After that I exited the expo, it was a fun trip.






Hine left her baby! I decided to name her Alia, which is a Swahili, Arabic, and Hebrew name. I chose it for it's Arabic meaning though, which is sublime, which according to my dictionary means: "Of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe."


I did all the usual stuff you would do with a newborn Tamagotchi, and as usual she fell ill and had a nap half way through. But after the sixty minutes was up, she evolved into a Kuchitamatchi! I hope this means I won't be getting a Uramame teenager.





Part 2 in next post.

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