.:.Kuromametchifan123's Tama Log.:.


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I'm back after four more days, along with some pictures! :) I don't know if I'll be able to update tomorrow or not, my parents are taking me out to see Battleship with them either tomorrow or Saturday. :) Just a quick update today though...


I've finally named Hanako's baby, Akemi, which means bright and beautiful. She evolved from a Rolutchi... (We changed the living room to Strawberry Living by the way, isn't it cute? :) )


To a Sasabotchi...


And, yesterday, to Perotchi! I've had her several times before but, that's okay, she's really cute! :3



She got her last happy symbol today... (I won't get the rest of them since when I had Berry the Perotchi, I got them all. :) And, sorry she's dirty, I hadn't given her a bath yet! )


-Nikki and Akemi

And I've already broken my goal! :p But for a kind of good reason, I haven't had anything to update about, Akemi's been really quiet for the past three days.


We woke up to a dirty, dusty house this morning, Akemi and I vacuumed, scrubbed, and dusted our house until it sparkled. :)







Afterwards, we walked to the Arcade to play two of the new games we downloaded on Friday. :)

***Read post below***

***Read post above***


This one is called Noble Snacks, the goal is to catch the falling foods that are shown the the box in the top right corner. We got 140 Gotchi Points from that one, we were so close to winning, the most you can get is 200 GP. :)


Next, we played a matching game, I can't think of what it's called at the moment though. :p This game is just like Memory, except you have to try not to click on the worm, if you do, it's game over!



Because I was holding the camera and trying to take pictures, instead of paying attention to the matches, we only got 20 GPs. :)


I think I'll get her married tomorrow, hopefully I'll get a girl, I need to get Pitchipitchitchi (Or however you spell it. :p )

-Nikki and Akemi

I'm back! Exams are over, I've taken the last test of the year, no more studying, the neighborhood pool is open, and the last day of school is Tuesday next week! :) I'm so excited for Summer, I'm going on three vacations, I get to log a lot more, the pool is open, I'm taking tennis lessons, and more time to be with my friends and be here on TT! So, after three weeks, let's log!


Akemi was happily married to a Peintotchi today! :)






It's a boy! :) His name is Natsu, which is Japanese for Summer, perfect for what's coming up for me next week! He hasn't evolved yet, I'm hoping to get Shinshitchi, Bokutchi, or Spacytchi so I can get the last of the boy characters that I can get. :)

-Nikki and Natsu

A quick update with no pictures as I'm using an iPad, and I'm about to go to bed for the second to last day of school tomorrow. :)


Natsu evolved into a Hamikamitchi, (Or something like that, I forget how it's spelled.) even after I gave him a bunch of care misses when he was the tree-like toddler. (Forget his name! @.@) I'm hoping to get Shinshitchi, the only Tama I haven't gotten from Hamikamitchi. I gave him a few care misses, hopefully I got the 4-5 that I need to get him!

-Nikki and Natsu

Hello! The last day of school is tomorrow, (For me, at least. ;) ) I am so excited for summer! The pool is calling my name, so are a certain pair of sunglasses on my desk. :)


Guess what Natsu evolved into?


Shinshitchi, just like I wanted him to! Oh my gosh, he's so adorable! :3



So, after d'aww-ing at his cuteness for a few seconds after he evolved, I started to scroll through the pages under the door icon for no reason, then saw this:


I had unlocked a new destionation and didn't realize it until now! How, I don't know! :p The new destination is the Concert Hall, Natsu asked me to go and we walked there, not knowing what to expect...


The Impressionist from the Tamagotchi anime appeared, saying something about Lovelin and Meloditchi in his speech bubble. To our surprise, it was a concert!



Lovelin and Meloditchi came out from behind Lovelin's stage's curtain, they both started to preform Happy Happy Harmony, while dancing around stage of course! :) Natsu and I both enjoyed their show, his happiness went up some too. :)

-Nikki and Natsu

Again, sorry about not updating, I've had a really busy week! -_-


Natsu got his first happy symbol today! We had walked to the restaurant for dinner, Natsu ordered steak. Neither of us knew it would be one of his happy symbols! (Then again, what Tamagotchi doesn't like steak? :) )




The steak, 50% off thanks to the Eco Triplets! :)





Two down, one to go! :)

I think I'll start up another Tama soon, one of my connections. I don't know which one, It's between one of my Music Stars and my v5 right now. :)

-Nikki and Natsu

(Edit: Did I mention I on summer break right now? :) )

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I'm getting really bad about updating consistently! -_- Just a quick update today without pictures, hopefully I'll have more time to make a better update tomorrow.


Natsu and I didn't do much today besides play a few games and go to the park. I had a busy day, so we didn't get any happy symbols either. Hopefully I can get the last of his happy symbols so I can get him married soon, I feel like I've kept him too long since I haven't gotten all of the characters yet. :p

-Nikki and Natsu

I'm so sorry for not updating, again. Father's Day, birthdays, all day stuff, I've been pretty busy lately, really sorry about that! Anyway, yay for updates at 1 am, and yay for over 7,000 views, 20 five star votes, and six followers! :D Thanks so much!! I don't have a big, sparkly banner like usual, instead, I have some Tamagotchi art and a picture filled update! :) I finished drawing Lovelitchi and Meloditchi a few minutes ago:



Cute? :)


Natsu got his third happy symbol from pancakes, my favorite breakfast Saturday. :)



One more to go! :) I'll have to marry him off soon, hopefully I'll have time to get his last happy symbol tomorrow!

-Nikki and Natsu

(Edit: Typo)

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Really sorry for not updating, again. I've been pretty busy, yesterday was my Dad's birthday. :) To make up for all of the posts I've missed so far, I have a giant update for everyone. And giant, as in 41 pictures and five Tamagotchis running total giant! :) Let's log!


Starting off this update with my iD-L. :) I finally got Natsu's last happy symbol (After remembering that the dojima roll is a happy symbol for all of the iD-L Tamagotchi.) and married him off!


The dojima roll! Even though I've talked about it before, I'll talk about the dojima roll anyway! :p According to this blog:https://sakurakofromjapan.blogspot.com/2010/04/dojima-roll-mon-chouchou.html dojima rolls are really popular roll cakes in Japan. They're made of sponge cake, with fresh cream in the middle, yum! :) Above is a side by side comparison to the Tamagotchi version and a real dojima roll, (Dojima roll picture credit to: https://www.flickr.com/photos/makki_1105/3995592754/ ) I get why every Tamagotchi likes them! :)


Mamapatchi is staring at him, it's kinda creepy. :p





And finally, that's all of them! Right afterwards, Natsu and I walked down to the Matchmaker...

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He chose the cute and fluffy Watawatatchi. :3


Is it just me, or does Watawatatchi look a little Mametchi-like from the side?


Then, the dating scenes...


A stroll through the park...


Natsu preposing, I missed the picture of the ring!



**Continued for the second time below!**

It's a boy! His name is Akira, meaning intelligent. :)




His first meal and snack...






Natsu's page in the Tamatomo book. :)

**Continued again below!**

***Continued from the last three posts***


I started up my Nano a few days ago, right now, I have a Lovelitchi, and she doesn't have a name. :p



Nano's are really low maintenance, she hash't done much at all. :)



I started up my v4.5 yesterday afternoon, right now, I have the teenage Yakantchi with really low skill points. :p She hasn't gotten the letter to goto school yet, I don't know what I want her to evolve into yet, so I'll have to look at a growth chart. :)



Yep, I'm running my Tama-Go again! I just had the sudden urge to run it yesterday, I don't know how long I'll keep it on. :p Instead of reseting it, I downloaded the character that was already there, a Shelltchi. :) (No picture) She evolved into a Pipotchi this morning, I got a blurry picture of her evolving too.





She's cute. :3 We haven't played any games or anything at all today, she hasn't done anything interesting. :p

***Continued again below!***

***Read the four posts above first!***

Music Star

I had the urge to run my Music Star too, I figured since its Summer, I should be able to spend enough time with it. :) I've had my Memetchi, Melody (The first name that popped into my head when she hatched.) has 999 in all three categories for her stats, and she won two 1st ranking awards, one for Asian music, the other for pop music. :) Her band's name is the Sparklez, (I don't know either...) and she married a Shimashimashi (I hope I spelled that right.) yesterday, and had a baby boy. They should leave tonight. :)


Our cute little family. :)


I saw them doing this today, a Summer animation? They were looking at the sun, I don't think that's a good idea. :p


Melody's stats, and a picture of her band with Penny the Onputchi and Colleen the Masktchi, they're in 1st right now...


And, her awards...




Melody plays the harp, and she was a Hitodetchi as a toddler, and a Ringotchi (The first timeI've gotten Ringotchi, ever! :p ) as a teen.

So, that concludes my huge, photo and Tama filled update! :)

-Nikki, Akira, Lovelitchi, Chloe, (My v4.5, in case I didn't mention that.) Pipotchi, and Melody

Sorry for not updating yesterday, I was babysitting for our neighbors, (And got paid $30 for it! :) ) and my uncle came over yesterday. (He's still here today.) I have kind of a lot to post about, so, let's log! :)


After evolving into a Kaubotchi as a toddler, and a Bokuhoshitchi as a teen, Akira evolved into exactly what I wanted him to evolve into, after tons of care misses, Gozarutchi! :)



Yay! As it's past ten o' clock, he's asleep. I'm planning on getting at least one of his happy symbols tomorrow. :)

Tama Nano

Nothing new really with Lovelitchi, she needed a snack a few minutes ago though.


That's what happens when you press the C button on a Nano when your Tama needs a snack. :p



She went to bed with these stats, now I kind of feel bad. :/ She evolved into the character the original Chloe, (The Chloe on my v4.5 from last summer.) was, the "Potato chip with glasses", Shitekitchi. :) Now she needs a job as a weight lifter, and she would be just like Original Chloe.


Nothing new with my Tama-Go, except Pipotchi turned a year older. :)

Music Star

Melody and her husband left their baby boy, Evan, with me yesterday. He evolved into a Kuribotchi as a toddler, and when right after my pictures uploaded, he evolved into Hinotamatchi in his sleep...


With these bad stats. -_- I'll feed him in the morning, when he'll wake me up beeping at 7:30 am! :p

-Nikki, Akira, Lovelitchi, Chloe, Pipotchi, and Evan

Again, sorry for not updating, I've been really busy lately. I have lots of pictures, but I'm really tired, I was out all day, so I'll just post my iD-L pictures. Once I get some sleep, I'll (Hopefully) be able to post them tomorrow, even though I'll be out again tomorrow. -_- I think I'll just update about my iD-L today, and catch up on the others tomorrow. Sorry if this post is boring!


My iD-L ran out of batteries today, I put in some new ones, so it's back on now. :)


I got another one of Akira's happy symbols on Monday, and another yesterday. The first was from the scroll, and the second from this green tea thing, it's a download item, but I forget exactly what it's called. Trying out the scroll:






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***Continued from above***




LOL, I'm not sure what happened there, I wonder what the scroll said?

His next happy symbol, from the green tea stuff:



Akira invited Mimitchi over for tea, she enjoyed it...


Next, Pipospetchi came over for tea, he enjoyed it too...


Then, Akira made some tea for himself, and got his next happy symbol!



Just one more left!

-Nikki and Akira

Okay, I'm officially bad at updating everyday. -_- I'm really sorry again for not updating for four days, I hosted a sleepover with two of my friends on Thursday, we had a really bad storm and flickering lights Friday, and yesterday, I was out at the mall with one of my friends. Tomorrow, I'll be in the car for ten hours with my parents, driving to my Grandma's house for the 4th of July. I won't be back until Thursday, and I don't know if I'll have time to post while I'm there, sorry about that! ^-^; So, let's log, with pictures!


I finally got Akira's last happy symbol today, from the afro. :p









Finally, that's all of them! I'm planning on getting him married tomorrow, while I'm in the car, to kill some time. :p

Tama Nano

A really weird story of why I took the batteries out of my Nano. I was positive all of Lovelitchi's stats were full, but she actually ran away Friday morning, even after I fed her before she went to sleep at 10 pm. I left the note the Nano characters leave when they go on the screen, less than an hour later, the low battery symbol was on the screen. Weird, I've never had a battery glitch with my Nano at all before. :/ It's tabbed for now, until I pick it up again, I just don't like that Lovelitchi ran away because of a glitch.


No glitches with Chloe, I took her batteries out because I wasn't paying that much attention to her at all. :(


Pipotchi married a Mametchi a few days ago! Pipotchi laid an egg Wednesday morning, it hatched into a cute baby boy. His parents left Friday morning, leaving their baby in my care. :3 I'm waiting to take care of him in the car tomorrow, so the poor little guy's been on the crying screen for a while. :(


Aww. :( I don't know what I'll name him yet, I'll come up with something.

Music Star

Evan evolved into a Kuromametchi as an adult, his band got to 2nd star ranking, really close to Melody's. He married an Onputchi (Hoping I spelled that right.) the same day Pipotchi married Mametchi, Onputchi had a baby boy as well. (If Akira's baby is a boy, I'll have all boy Tamas. @.@) He's been on the crying screen for the same reasons as my Tama-Go boy has been, so I'll have something to do in the car. :p Again, I don't know what I'll name him yet, It'll probably be something random. :p


Seeing them like this makes me feel bad. ;_;

-Nikki, Akira, No Name Music Star, and No Name Tama-Go

Hello again! :) We ended up driving back home Friday, instead of Thursday. I didn't have time to get on the computer this weekend, sorry for not updating again. My camera just died on me yesterday, after taking one picture of my Music Star, I have yet to find the charger. :p So I have one good picture and two iPod pictures today!


I married Akira to a Shiguhimetchi (Spelling? ) while I was in the car, Shiguhimetchi had a baby girl, the one that looks like a pink eraser. :3 She evolved into a Paletchi as a toddler, then with two care misses, a Sasabotchi, and finally, my millionth Perotchi. :p Here she is, sleeping, (I took that picture yesterday):


She's cute, I'll get her married as soon as I find my camera charger, and charge my camera.


A lot about my Tama-Go for once! I took care of Pipotchi's baby boy in the car, he evolved into an Aruthikutchi with full friendship, and happy and hungry stats. While he was a toddler, I got his training up to four, (Out of like, fifteen. :p ) and he evolved into a Kilalatchi. Then, to my surprise, a Wooltchi. I almost dropped my Tama-Go when he evolved that time, Wooltchi creeps me out a little. ;_;

Yesterday, the Date Place opened up for him, he married a Marotchi. I'm waiting for their egg to come tomorrow, I really hope it's a girl this time. The happy couple:


Doesn't it look like Wooltchi's staring at you? It's a little creepy...

Music Star

Tons of news on my Music Star, he's the most successful Music Star I've had so far. :) Warning, this is really long!

So, in the car, I took care of Evan's baby boy, naming him the first boy name that came to mind, (Well, really the second, I was about to name him Cereal. :p ) Austin. He evolved into a Kuribotchi, the preschool teacher came to the door a few minutes after, and gave him a toy. (I forget which one.) He never went to preschool. :p Then, he evolved into a Kikitchi, as a teenager. The music teacher/Crab Guy came to the door, and gave Austin a keyboard. I took him to school, where he met Thu the Chamametchi, and Daniel the Hinotamatchi, they formed the band Wetpaint. (As this was happening, I had freshly painted nails.) The practiced a bunch, and I kept Austin happy and well fed, with low stress. But, for some crazy reason, he evolved into a Gozarutchi, when I thought I would get Mametchi. His bandmates evolved too, Thu into a Mimitchi, and Daniel into a Togetchi.

They went to their auditions, newly evolved, and got "OOX" from the judges, meaning they didn't pass. They practiced a few times, and went to auditions the same day, again, and got their pro debut! (And 10,000 Gotchi points!) They only had two concerts that day, (They passed their auditions at 6 pm.) and got up to 8th place. The next morning, I checked the clock, Wetpaint had climbed up to second place overnight! After their 5 pm concert that day, they made it to first place. At their 6 pm concert, they won the 1st award for Hiphop music! Then, at their 7 pm concert, the 1st award for rock n' roll. :)

The next day, at concert time, Wetppaint won another award, this time for R&B music. Then another award, for Hip Hop music. And, yesterday, the classical music award. Yes, five awards, I'm not kidding. From a bad care character.

My Music Star's trophy case is almost full already, with only the jazz and Latin music awards left, and I'm only on the third generation!

The band manager came to the door yesterday, with a Masktchi. I hit yes, and they married. Masktchi laid an egg, a few seconds later, a baby girl hatched from it. :3 Sadly, they're due to leave tonight, I hope their little girl wins some awards too. :) The happy family:


I'll take some pictures of the trophy case and post them tomorrow.

-Nikki, Perotchi, Wooltchi, Marotchi, and Austin
