Kutchipatchi's invention


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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2009
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A Kutchipatchi was named Mike. One day Mike decided to walk downtown to buy a soda.


Mike drank red bull accidentally and he got wings.

But the granola bar turned out to be several weeks old. He groaned, feeling sick. It was at that moment, the queasiness seeped into his brain and Kuchipatchi got the idea for the most BRILLIANT invention. It would be so great, it would change the Tama Planet as they knew it. The invention was:


The invention was: a raisin box that, with the press of a button, transformed into a giant robot shaped like a horse. I could clean up anything lying on the ground. But it would never clean up ______________. "This is it!" Mike shouted out, when a passing Tensaitchi asked in a quiet, gentle voice: "What is 'it?' " "Uh...er... nothing, sir. Just... ah.. err...."

Next poster: Fill in the ______________ and what Mike is about to say.

It would never clean up spilled milk, and instead it would poke you in the eyes until you cried.

Mike continued to stutter incoherentaly, and the Tensaitchi walked away, muttering "Freak," under his breath.

Kuchipatchi tried to use his wings to fly to Mametchi's house to tell him all about his invention, but got tangled in a kite and fell into someone's bathtub full of grape jelly.

Mike was spitting-out jelly, when he saw Papamametchi holding wires next to the bathtub.

"Kuchi...Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Papamametchi, expert scientist; why are you here?"

"I don't know...I was flying around with my Red Bull wings, through a land of chocolate, when this green dragon began shooting lawn darts at my face, and...and...wanna see this thing I invented?"

"I don't see why not, but make it quick."

"Tadaa!" *shows raisin box*



"And as a reward for such awesomeness, we shall make you *But...* KING OF LLLLAAMA-LAND!!!"


After the New-King-of-Llama-Land parade, which included PB&J fighter-jets and dancing unicorns, Papamametchi asked Mike, "By the way, what happened to Kuchipatchi?"

*background music immediately stops DJ-style*

Mike started to get a worried/guilty look on his face, sweating and all.

"I...I...I d-d-d-don't...know w-what you mean...er..." (Looks like he might have something to hide, hint, hint...)

*The next poster's job is to either reveal why Mike is so nervous, how the parade went, or something to advance the plot*

((I fail. I forgot the Kuchipatchi's name was Mike, so I said Kuchipatchi in place of his name xD))

"er...well mister, you see...the thing is...um...OHMAIGOSH LOOK OVA THERE." Mike screamed, pointing over Papamametchi's shoulder.

"What? What's going on!" Papamametchi cried, whirling around.

As soon as his back was turned, Mike drilled into the ground with a nearby jackhammer and hid in the hole.

Papamametchi returned within seconds.

"I didn't see anything." he said. "So what DID happen to Kuchipatchi?"

Mike gave a little scream and ran out of the hold, but stopped when his foot hit a toothpick.

"You're highness!" Papamametchi yelled. "Are you all right?"

Mike tried to get up, but the cut stung as it touched the ground.

"OUCH-TCHI!" Mike called.

"I'll take you to Nurse Bananaface." Papamametchi said. "Once she rubs some rice cakes on it your wound will be all better."

In the infirmary, Mike lay on a giant turtle's shell, while Nurse Bananaface, a pie tin, rubbed rice cake all over Mike's foot. Papamametchi leaned towards Mike.

"So about Kuchipatchi...."

"Kuchipatchi is me, sir. It's my secret identity!" Mike's wound healed, and he used his red bull wings to fly out the window.

Mike (a.k.a. Kuchipatchi) then used his Red Bull wings to fly over to the bakery, as he was getting peckish.

He then noticed that he didn't have money-- all he had was his awesome invention raisin box. "This is at least enough to get me a donut, rightchi?" he thought to himself.

So he flew to the Giraffe Bakery. Yes, that's what it's called. He went to the tama at the counter, pulled out his raisin box, and asked "How much is this worthchi?" The Androtchi behind the counter answered "BZZ.. This is worth... $3.00" Mike grabbed the box out of his hands. "So what can I get for itchi?"

(Next poster: you fill in what Androtchi answers.)

"You-can-have-BZZZZ-one-from-the-bottom-BZZZZ-shelf." The Androidtchi said mechanically.

"Only one? But I'm the Llama King-tchi!" Mike complained, fluffing his wings. The Androidtchi's head exploded, and Mike stole all the donuts and ate them one by one.

Mike was bloated after eating donuts. He turned the box into the horse, and rode it to a shop where he bought milk, but then he spilled it! The horse began poking Mike's eyes, and pushed him into flowerbed, and Violetchi sprayed him with her hose.

"Whaaa! What's wrong with you-tchi?!?"



"OKAY!!! So, what do you want?"

"Well...Well...There's something I must desperately know, for the fate of the world depends on it: *voice of kid in Tootsie-Pop commercial* How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie-Roll center of a Tootsie-Pop?"


Suddenly, all of the buildings in TamaTown crumbled; giant man-eating pegasuses were firin' their lazors over all the citizens; eggs were laying chickens...

"You see? YOU SEE?!? I was serious! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!! RRAAAUGH!!!" Mike then attacked Violetchi, but the two got sucked into a vortex that suddenly appeared.

Which spit them out a minute later in an unfamilliar land. The first thing noticed was three girls, one with lavender hair, one wearing a sailor suit, and one with enormous brown pigtails. They were doing a weird hoppy bounce dance while surrounded by bouncing hearts and bright flashing neon lights.

"Dance to the beat, wave your hands together, come feel the heat forever and forever, listen and learn, it is time for prancing, now we are here with Caramell dancing!" they sang.

"I have no idea what is going on!" Mike cried, but was unable to resist dancing with them. "What's your name-tchi?"

"My name's Brittney, what's yours?" Brittney was also dancing and clapping to the upbeat song.

"I'm Mike!"

Brittany replied, "That's great! *monster voice* NOW WE CAN KILL YOU!!"

The girls mutated into gigantic, fierce beasts, and chased Mike and Violetchi through the meadow.

"Quick, into the pond!" Violetchi cried out to Mike.

So they jumped in, and so did the beast-girls, who melted upon entering the pond.

"High-five!" Mike called out. The two then did the obligatory high-five.

((Brittney WAS the Violetchi, just so you know.))

"By the way, my name's Sherri," the Violetchi said.

Mike smiled and picked a flower. He shyly gave it to her.

"You murderer!" she screamed, throwing paint on him. "FLOWER PICKING IS MURDER!"

(@GirlzRule Oops, sorry... :p )

Mike was screaming and running away from Sherri when he was walking in mid-air. Then, seeing that he had run off a cliff cartoon-style, he fell down...Then he woke up...In a Griffin's kidney!

Mike was utterly disgusted, and tried holding his breath to knock out the stench.

"Oh... it's so sticky and slimy herechi..."

He tried to find the exit but instead resulted in finding gold.

"Ooooh! I hope no-one minds if I... ...take thischi..."

He picked up as much as he could carry, but then tripped over a Wii that wasn't there earlier.

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