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"Suit yourself, even though I could make that in a snap" Joked Kuro, even though he probably could. He walked over to the coffee machine and plopped his elbows on the hard counter.

"So your Miles right, I think I've seen you at school. You're in my math class."

"Yup, I've seen you in my class, and Miles?! No! I'm Len! Hahaha, nah, I'm nowhere as cool as him; although I am way more awesome than him." Miles sat back in his chair, relaxing. He was waiting to hear about Shiguren's visit via text from Len, and then he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He looked at the text.

Dude! Miles! She just... Ran out on me.

Miles held back his laughter as he texted back,

What?! Did you scare her away? Ooh. Len chased away a girl. That's a MILEStone.. HAHAHAHA. JK.

Oh nobody could be more awesome than Len.... Thought Kuro in a dreamlike state. Except maybe Mametchi from Red Zone, but he is a whole level more awesome than Len.

Kuro soon snapped out of his state and started making the latte for Miles, "Why the late night coffee?", he asked

"I was going to head to Len's after this, and since it happens to be 4 in the morning, I need some sweet caffeine to give me the boost to run the remainder of the way there. Not to mention, I'm pretty thirsty. Mix the wish for caffeine and thirst, and you get a latte," Miles said.

Tennyo ran to the Tama Cafe, if she didn't get their in 5 mins she would be late. And she knew what would happen if she was tardy. She got the past 10 orders and noticed the clock on the wall, it read 7:45. "Ahh, got to get to school!"

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Lovelitchi couldn't sleep again so she decided to work on more heart cakes at the TamaCafe's counter. (lovemamaltchi Lovelitchi's mom,runs the cafe) She saw the group of tamas from her school talking at one of the tables.She walked over with Tennyo's order."hello!Heres your latte..."Lovelitchi said with a friendly smile.

"Well thats not a problem." Said Kuro. "Tell you the truth we make better lattes than the Tama cafe"Kuro shaked the can of whip cream and sprayed in on in a mountain of white fluffyness. He then delivered the coffee to Miles. "There ya go, enjoy."

Tennyo ran to the Tama Cafe, if she didn't get their in 5 mins she would be late. And she knew what would happen if she was tardy. She reach the doorway to the Cafe and bumped into a Kuromametchi. "Oh sorry, I was rushing to get in, I work here, and haven`t I seen you in school before?"said Tennyo. "Oh, that`s okay I was just going in to order a fresh latte. And I'm Len from your Math Class" replied Len. "Okay, well come on in!" said Tennyo.
Please don't play my characters!! Len isn't even in the cafe, Len is a MAMETCHI!! Miles is the kuromametchi. Even then, DO NOT PLAY MY CHARACTERS. To everybody else, please ignore the part about "Len" in Lawrence's post.

Miles took the latte gratefully. "Thanks." He licked some of the whip cream and then proceeded to take sips of the hot latte. "Ahh, good as usual."

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"Told you so." Kuro then winked. "We are finally almost closed, don't be suprised if I come to school tomorrow late, I'm exhausted." It wasn't hard to tell KuroMametchi was tired, he had horrible bags under his eyes that he was dying to put cream on, he must of looked hideous. Kuro slumped down on a bar stool and closed his eyes for a bit. He was about to pass out, luckily he didn't live too far from the cafe, so he would get to go home soon and sleep.

Miles finished the latte, and noticed that Kuro looked to be asleep. He put his money next to Kuro, and then began to head out. "See you at school tomorrow," Miles stopped to say before heading to Len's.

Lovelitchi finally fell asleep (after fully decorating 15 heart cakes) She woke up at 7 the next morning and got dressed for school.She headed down to the TamaCafe and asked her Mom for a slice of coffee cake and some orange juice.It was friday and she had practice for her concert today.Her concert was tomorrow in doughnuts park.

Kuromametchi headed home in the dark. After awhile he finally got to his house, and headed inside. His entire family was asleep already which made Kuro even more tired. He let out a yawn then headed to bed and stared at his Red-Zone poster until he fell asleep and had a dream about Mametchi.

Name: Indigo

Secret Identity (only if your character is secretly living a double-life): Secret Ocean Spy Indigo

Gender: Girl

Sexuality: wtf is sexuality

Personality: Determined, adventurous nad the exact opposite of your typical 11-year-old Lovelitchi.

Likes: Exploring, mysteries, action

Dislikes: Girly stuff, fashion, gangs

Special Talent(s): Swimming, fast sprinting

From: An orphan, original location unknown.

Occupation(s): School

The next day at school, Len was tired from the events of the previous night and he let out an enormous yawn as he plopped himself in math class. Miles came in 3 minutes after him, wide awake and hyper. "HAI GU-" He jumped over two tables and did a barrel roll.

Name: Indigo

Secret Identity (only if your character is secretly living a double-life): Secret Ocean Spy Indigo

Gender: Girl

Sexuality: wtf is sexuality

Personality: Determined, adventurous nad the exact opposite of your typical 11-year-old Lovelitchi.

Likes: Exploring, mysteries, action

Dislikes: Girly stuff, fashion, gangs

Special Talent(s): Swimming, fast sprinting

From: An orphan, original location unknown.

Occupation(s): School
Sexuality is the gender that you are attracted to. For example, being homosexual (gay/lesbian) means that you are attracted to the same gender, and being heterosexual (straight) means that you are attracted to the opposite gender.

I like the idea of you being a spy. I've decided that as long as someone's secret identity is unique and there aren't already like 10 secret identities, I'll accept their profile.

We already have a Lovelitchi. Sorry, but you'll have to pick a unique tamagotchi that isn't already chosen by someone. Look at previous posts to determine what tamagotchi you want to be. Once you fix this (and your sexuality), I'll accept your profile.

Hime walked into class, her eyes puffy from crying all night. She dragged her feet as she walked over to her seat in Mrs. Perfect's classroom, and then slumped down in her chair. Her hair cast a shadow over her face, making it hard for anyone to see her face.

OOC: I changed the part with your character Runner and edited him out of it. I didn't know we weren't allowed to use others characters now.

Tennyo walked into class. She sat down and noticed the sad Hime sitting beside her. "Why so glum Hime? If you'd like to you could come to my place after school, or go someplace else."

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Kuromametchi was only 5 minutes late, not a big deal, he quicky apologized to Miss Perfect and she gave him a grumpy look. Kuro sat down in his usual seat behind his friend Hime, she looked upset, but he couldn't help her now, he needed to hurry and write the notes on the board.

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