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Len saw Lovelin at her locker, and noticed that nobody was around. He walked over to her, and held out the paper airplane. "Here."

Hime was sitting on a bench outside the high school's main building. She was waiting for Tennyo and Kuro to meet up with her. Hime gazed up at the clouds, daydreaming.

I wonder what Len's doing right now...

(I was thinking of making myself a second charrie like Runner. What do y'all think?)

(that would be awesome!The More characters the better!I won't be able to post tomorrow-Friday though cause I'll be out of town)

Lovelitchi was shocked."Oh my gotchi thank you!"She said.Lovelitchi lowered her voice to a wisper,"Please dont tell anyone.If someone else finds out I'm Lovelin,this school would turn into a paparazzi palace."

Miku and Mimitchi rode there scooters to the mall

Miku: "I' meet you at the mall Mimitchi! I gotta drop Kingyobotchi at home!"

Mimitchi: "Ok, I'll meet u at the front!"

Miku: "k!" Miku took Kingyobotchi home on her scotter

Kingyobotchi: "Thanks big sissy!"

Miku: "No problem ;) " Miku rushed to the mall

Mimitchi: "There you are!"

Miku: "*pant* Yeah *pant* i'm here *pant*"

Mimitchi: "Here, lets rest a wile"

Miku: "*pant* Ok *pant"

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Kuro quuickly gathered his books at tossed them in his bag. He ran outside with a huge smile on his face yet again. "Hello, Hime!" Kuro sat on the bench next to Hime. "I haven't been to the mall in a while, I can't wait!"

Tennyo took her bag and put all of her belongings inside. She quickly ran out the school door and met up with Hime and Kuro, sitting on the bench. "Hey, so are you guys ready? I can`t wait to go to the mall I`ve been wanting to get a new dress, since the prom is coming up really soon."

"I won't tell, seeing as anyway-" He glanced around to make sure nobody was around, and then lowered his voice to a whisper in Lovelin's ear- "I'm a celeb myself."

Name: Alejandro (Meistertchi)


Gender: Male


Sexuality: Bisexual


Personality: Social, Romantic, Traditional, Pious, Humorous, Patient, Polite (most of the time)


Likes: Cooking traditional Spanish dishes, poetry, latin dance & singing, playing guitar,

exercising, displaying his steamy bod in public, me-time


Dislikes: Boring things (including people), talk radio, large & noisy crowds, shirts ;)


Special Talent(s): Bilingualism (Spanish and English), moving his pecs


From: Used to be the tamagotchi of a human on Earth (in Spain, thus his Spanish accent.) He is

a transfer student and now lives in Tama & Earth EXPO, where he can interact with his

human owner across the universe.


Occupation(s): Spanish tutor, latin dance teacher

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A large commotion was going on outside the school. It was nearby Hime, Tennyo, and Kuro.

A bunch of girls were surrounding a new boy in school. Hime had never seen him before, and he looked foreign. Meri was standing next to the boy, blushing and giggling hysterically. The boy was kneeling in front of her and holding her hand.

"Señorita, your hand is as delicate as a butterfly's wing. I caress it in my palm, for fear that I might taint its beauty." He said, looking up at Meri with sparkling blue eyes. The girls sighed, and Meri fainted.

The boy stood up, smirking craftily, then walked away, leaving the group of girls to attend to Meri. He noticed that he didn't have his watch on, so he walked over to Kuro. "Hola, amigo, what time would it be now?" He let his eyelids fall slightly.

Hime was speechless. This guy was utterly man-beautiful; almost, but not quite rivaling Len's looks. Hime blushed, realizing that to her, nobody was like Len.

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Miku eyes widened

Miku: "OMG! I f-forgot about p-prom..."

Mimitchi: "OMG!! I cant wait!!!"

Miku: "I-i dont think im going..."

Mimitchi: "Wha!? But you should!!"

Miku: "*sigh* No one would ask me to go... so theres no point in going..."

Mimitchi: "Im sure someone will ask you :) " "Can you please try to go?"

Miku: ".........I-i dont know......." "*sigh*"

Miles heard people talking about prom in the hallways. "Prom, huh?" He figured he would tag along with Len and whoever Len decided to go with since he didn't have a date himself. He kicked himself, realizing Len would probably want to be alone with his date if he did get one. Miles wished he had the courage to ask out a certain someone who he liked...

Tennyo looked at the crowd. The girls were swooning for the new student. Tennyo didn't really fall in love with Alejandro but thought he was pretty good looking for a guy. Tennyo heard tons of stuff from the crowd like, "I heard that he was a Tamagotchi of a human in Spain." "He's so adorable, I want to date him!" "I think I've been bitten by a lovebug." Tennyo walked over to Hime, "So, Hime ready to go? I think there's a huge sale at Hollistchi and Tamagotchi 21!"

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(Oops, I confused Miles with Kuro in my previous post. So Lawrence, you might have to edit your post a little bit because of me. Remember that Kuro, Hime, and Tennyo are all sitting on a bench together. Sorry for the mess-up :( )

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Kuro turned his head over to the commotion. "Oh great, another cute straight boy for me to swoon over." Kuro whined. He buried his head in his arms.

Suddenly somebody started to talk to him. It was Alejandro! (He finally heard the girls say his name) Kuro was struck speechless. He snapped back to reality and put his wrist to the boy, showing his watch. Kuro faced it, he would never have a high-school romance. Especially not with Alejandro.

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Alejandro held Kuro's hand in front of his face and read the time to himself a few times, just to make sure he remembered it. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Kuro's reaction. He smirked a little then let go.

"Gracias, amigo. By what name are you called?" Alejandro asked, leaning on a nearby telephone pole.

Miles, as he was walking to go to sports practice, noticed a group gathered around Kuro and a Meisterchi. He walked up to Hime. "Huh? What's going on?"

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