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"Hahahaha! You should seriously say that, though!" Shiguren laughed. "I'll be right back. I just need to go to the bathroom real quick." Shiguren left, leaving her daily clothing and accessories behind. What she didn't realize was that her "matchmaker" plans had fallen out of her purse and onto the floor.

Kuro pulled his sunglasses above his head and looked at the boy in front of him. He had to do a double-take to realize who it was. Kuro instantly started panicking. Even more when he started talking to him. "H-h-h-hi Alejandro." Kuro said. He couldn't help staring at every single muscle. Compared to Kuro's slim figure, he looked like a god. "you r-r-run too?"

Alejandro noted Kuro's reaction, tilting his head slightly to the side. Maybe--just maybe--Kuro had developed feelings toward him as well. This sent his blood rushing through his veins, and Alejandro had to concentrate so that he didn't slip into Spanish; he often could only speak in Spanish when nervous. "S-sí, yo...uh, I run. Why do I not see you running as well?" He stood there awkwardly. He felt like he was looming over Kuro right now.

Kuro was to nervous himself to notice Alejandro was stuttering as well. "Er... I usually g-go in the morning. Sorry... I mean earlier in the m-morning." Kuro was happy his stutter stabilized a bit but he was still as red as an apple.

It took Kuro awhile to finally get enough courage to ask about prom. "So wh-who are you planning to take to pr-pr-prom" Oh great, the stutter was back.

Len and Miles both agreed to ask out their dates later on, in a way that wouldn't appear as if it had been planned. Miles knew in his heart that Hime had a crush on Len, from how Len had described the way she fled in the middle of the night from Len's apartment, for no apparent reason. He knew that if he wanted to have any chance of getting Hime as his date, he would have to ask her out in a place where Len wouldn't be around, otherwise, it would look too planned.

"Okay!"Lovelin noticed something on the floor. Whats this?She picked up a piece of folded notebook paper."Matchmaking plans" was written in neat cursive on the front.Feeling curious,she slowlly unfolded the paper and bit her lip. These are people from school?Oh my gotchi these are people from school!!! She let go of the paper like it was a cactus and watched it flutter to the floor.Mental pictures flashed through her mind of her classmates. That makes three of us.I should probablly tell her that i'm Lovelitchi.She picked the paper up from the floor and folded it up like it had been.

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Alejandro lost all verbal control after being launched this question. "Oh, yo he pensado que posiblemente tú quería ir al baile con mí…” Alejandro rambled on, his legs now shaking from embarrassment and fatigue. He started to sway as his balance faltered. Behind him, the girl with the lollipop from before had returned, this time with a friend. They were giggling and conversing with each other, pointing at Alejandro. After they seemed to come to a conclusion, the lollipop girl ran forward and pushed Alejandro with all her might. Alejandro, completely unprepared, fell forward onto Kuro. He struggled on top of Kuro for a moment, then grabbed hold of the lawn chair. He pushed against it and was able to lift the majority of his body weight off of Kuro. Alejandro’s eyes were wide; his face was literally centimeters from Kuro’s. The two girls were giggling the whole time like two miniature yaoi fan girls. Their bodies remained in contact, and Alejandro could feel Kuro's heart racing. Somehow, this calmed him considerably. Alejandro took a deep breath, and asked: "K-Kuro, would you do me the honor of going to the prom with me?"

Shiguren walked back from the bathroom, rubbing her hands together to rid them of any remaining moisture left over from washing her hands. She saw Lovelin standing there awkwardly, and she walked a little faster until she was standing in front of her. "Lovelin, what's wrong? Is something bothering you?..." Shiguren reached out and rubbed Lovelin's arm comfortingly.

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Kuro was surprised of the sudden reaction of Alejandro. His Spanish was too rusty to understand what he was saying so he just nodded with a puzzled look on face. It probably had something to do with trying to find a date (Genius little Kuro -_- ). Besides, someone like him probably would have dates lined up around the world. Unless.... It was too late for Kuro to think more as the beautiful body that was standing before him fell on top of him. The closeness of it all made Kuro freeze. He started to regain control when Alejandro backed up a bit. But then Kuro froze once more when Alejandro had asked him the question he was waiting for.

Kuro nearly screamed. Instead he calmed down and cleared his throat "Of course I would..."Kuro said as tears started forming on the corners of his eyes. But then he remembered one important factor "But are you sure you want to risk it? You'll lose all your followers."

(what is the theme of the prom going to be?)

(Um...how about "Broadway: The Red Carpet"?)

Alejandro chuckled, wrapping his arms around Kuro and rolling over onto the ground. Kuro ended up laying on top of him. Alejandro looked deep into Kuro's eyes. "Right now, I could care less about señoritas." He brushed Kuro's hair out of his face. "You are my only love, Kuro. Mi amor único."

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Lovelin handed Shiguren the folded up Matchmaker paper."Please dont tell anyone but...i'm Lovelitchi."She whispered.

Shiguren's heart skipped a beat as her mind comprehended what had just happened. She suddenly beamed brightly. "LOVELITCHI?!?!?!? OH MY GOTCHI!!!!!" She lunged forward and squeezed Lovelin tightly. "I...I'm Hime!"

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Len was sitting in the middle of an interview, along with his other band members. He got out about an hour later, relieved. He hated interviews, they were boring, and always the same old same old. In any case, he headed back to his house on a skateboard. As he skated by a nearby neighborhood, he noticed Kuro and Alejandro together. He averted his eyes and skated faster, not wanting to interrupt the two. He made his way back into his condo.

(Okay, two things. 1 is, are we gonna do a timeskip soon? And three, when is prom?)

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(^^ one more question to add,when is Tama Mia?)

"You are?!"Lovelin squeezed her back and smiled.Then she saw the clock."Oh we have 5 minutes left until we have to be on the set!We cant get there in 5 minu...I have an idea!"The two went outside and Lovelin jumped in a golf cart that was parked for the stars outside the trailer."Hop in!"

Kuro blushed. By now it probably looked as if he had a sunburn. "I don't mean to ruin the moment, but we should get up now.. Kuro stood up and flattened his now-wrinkled shirt. "So what now?..."

(I think a timeskip would be a good idea soon, maybe a couple of posts after this one. Prom is next Saturday, a week from now, and everyone finds out what roles they got in "Tama Mia" Monday.)

Alejandro stood up after Kuro, somewhat disappointed that they had to get up. He grinned, "How about you come over to my house this evening, and I shall prepare for us a great Spanish feast." Alejandro winked playfully, "I am quite skilled in la cocina."

Shiguren ran and jumped into the golf cart with Lovelin, and they sped off in the direction of the set. Shiguren was so happy; she now had two friends that could fully understand her.

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They arrived on set with 1 minute to spare.As soon as they stepped out of the golf cart,Hannah came over to touch up their makeup."And...done."Hannah had added more blush to Lovelin's face and put more powder on Shiguren's."Places everyone!"The director shouted.Shiguren and Lovelin burst through the set doors,just in time."Lovelin,you're 3 seconds late."Skye smirked.She played Lovelin and Shiguren's enemy in the movie."Places people!"The director yelled once more.

Alejandro smiled and turned to walk away. "See you..." He started walking, but then looked down at himself. His face turned beet red, and he quickly ran back over to Kuro, covering his crotch as best as he could. "U-uh, I need to borrow some more...restrictive pantalones, por favor." He had never been this embarrassed in his life.

Kuro gave him a puzzled look then went to his room. He opened his drawer and took some underwear and pants out. He went back outside and tossed them to Alejandro. Kuro pointed to his house: "Bathroom is there as soon as you walk in."

"Gracias, Kuro." Alejandro hurried into the bathroom to change.

(Shiguren plays the villain, remember?)

Shiguren saw Lovelin exchange dirty looks with Skye. Those two had a major rivalry, and Shiguren often found herself getting involved somehow. She sighed, rubbing her head. She really didn't understand why the casting directors made those two play partner roles. They never really get along.

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