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I get called 'emo' a lot because I generally sit alone in class and stare at my feet. I only have a few close friends that I really trust.

I can't exactly be labeled.

Im not on drugs, so that rules out 'druggie'.

I don't have many friends, so im not 'popular'.

I get a lot of C's, D's, and F's, so im not a 'nerd'.

Im terrible at sports, so im not a 'jock/athlete'

I dont wear preppy clothes so im not a 'prep'

I dont wear all black and etc, so im not a 'goth'

I dont enjoy ranting about the government so im not 'punk'

I dont listen to emo music (hawthorn heights and stuff like that isnt emo, btw), so im not 'emo'

I dont fit well into a steriotype. I guess Im a dork.

Oh ma i gawd u hav no idea whut ur talkin bout. TALK 2 MAI BFF LINDSEY! SHE WOULD BE PART OF THE PUNK ROCK MOVEMENT IN THE 80'S IF SHE WAS ALIVE AT THAT TIME! Look u hav no idea about labels and i do because it is in my school EV-ER-Y DAY! people point at ppl and say "He is jock" "shes a prep". I mean ppl GROW UP and Stop labeling!

Your the one that dosent know what your talking about.

Sweek Kandi is awsome :D

Labels are just another way to hurt people. Don't like 'em.

I'm in the Nerd/Geek/Animal Obsesser category. People think I'm so called "gay" when I tell them that gay is NOT a synonym for stupid. It means happy or homophobic. The end.

SweetKandi's long post just about sums it up.

Oh ma i gawd u hav no idea whut ur talkin bout. TALK 2 MAI BFF LINDSEY! SHE WOULD BE PART OF THE PUNK ROCK MOVEMENT IN THE 80'S IF SHE WAS ALIVE AT THAT TIME! Look u hav no idea about labels and i do because it is in my school EV-ER-Y DAY! people point at ppl and say "He is jock" "shes a prep". I mean ppl GROW UP and Stop labeling!
Ok. If you're going to argue with someone and basically call them stupid, why not work on your grammar?

I know dang well what I'm talking about. Labels are EVERYWHERE. Not just at your school.

Take the stick out of your butt, get off your high horse and realize that other people know what they're talking about. You and your little friend aren't the 'label information gurus.'

Educate yourself, then argue with someone about something you obviously have no idea about.

Sweet Kandi is right.

She knows what she's talking about. Labels are EVERYWHERE. It's not just at your school.

I see labeling all the time at my school. I get called a "nerd" because I'm smart, "popular" because I hang out with the populars alot and everybody knows me, "prep" when I wear lipgloss...I hate being labeled, but no matter what we say or do it won't stop!! So you should just watch your mouth when you call others stupid, ok? You're labelling them.

Also, saying "he's a jock" or "she's a prep" isn't that bad, actually. Using it against you to make fun of you is when labelling is bad. We all have our views on who somebody is. Unless somebody says, "Oh wow...she's a dumb prep! I could never be her friend. She's too...preppy! Gosh...." then it's bad.

Actually, when you write emo, it's EMO/E.M.O, not emo. EMOs have emotional problems and so they are depressed. E from EMO means Emotional, but I don't know the rest. I was once told it by a hairdresser at a party :huh: xD

I know someone in my class who is a 'nerd'... It's just that he's soo annoying, he thinks he knows everything and when the teacher asks something like '32 + 49' he sits there going, 'Well, X plus 3 is so-and-so, and Y multiplied by 76 is whatever...' it is just the most annoyingest thing ever!!! I know we shouldn't label, but if we could he would be in the Annoyings list.

I might post later and say more.

geeze, another label topic.

labels can't be avoided now, society has now become so stereotypical

labels are mere barriers meant for people to avoid other people who are different.

Honestly, I dislike labels and don't belevie in them.. sure, a lot of people do, but labels just can't be avoided now.

So many people follow them now, because they want to be 'cool' and such. The people that follow labels are too afraid to venture outside of there little group of friends and befriend those of other differences and interest.

I find labels the reason for bullying, because there is like a food chain for the different groups.. the ones that are consider the top of the food chain of the labels, prey down on the labels before them.. because they feel like those people are lesser and unimportnt, guys.. as Sweet Kandi says.. ".were all human.." i think that's what everyone should just consider themselves as.

Society has always and will always be divided in some sort of group or class. And in all honesty, I see more talk here about labels than in my own school. I feel sometimes we are just beating our heads on the wall in such discussions.

There will always be populars there will always be unpopulars- whether that is determined by money, beauty, how much black they can wear or whatever, it's all the same and sometimes I think discussing it shines more light on it and makes it an even bigger problem.

Sweet Kandi is defiantly right, and so is everyone else who is trying to make a point. Were all human. Yay for us.

Of course, Labels have always been around in a different way or form, because it's all a stereotype. And they will never go away because sadly there is no Utopia anywhere here.

ima popular/ nerd/ goth/prep ^.^

whats wrong with goths?

whats wrong with populars?

it kinda seems like ur lableing the ppl that are labled. u cant make an asumtion about somone without knoing them first :D

i mean first ur saying "popular ppl are retards who make lables" and "goths are ppl who are down on life and just want atention" BUT THEN u say that u shouldnt judge somone without knowing whats INSIDE yeah. whats up with that?

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I love black too, it is slimming. :3 I still get called goth because of it.
Anyways, labels suck when they're used against you, like SK said. You don't see yourself as that sort of person, yet it's frustraiting how other people seem to, while using in a negative way.

Like, you need labels/clasifications to get through life, but negatively using them is imature and pointless. Individuals should be judged on attitude, not interests/looks/personel problems.
Mmhmm. Yeah. Exactly.

Like, I've been called fifty different things. Prep, emo, punk, scene, nerd, weird. I've got about every single label thinkable at least once. It kinda bothers me, because I'm NONE of those. Everything is placed under a stereotype now, huh? Kinda sad.

SK's first post basically sums everything up. Yep.

ima popular/ nerd/ goth/prep ^.^whats wrong with goths?

whats wrong with populars?

it kinda seems like ur lableing the ppl that are labled. u cant make an asumtion about somone without knoing them first B)

i mean first ur saying "popular ppl are retards who make lables" and "goths are ppl who are down on life and just want atention" BUT THEN u say that u shouldnt judge somone without knowing whats INSIDE yeah. whats up with that?
Gotta love the smell of hypocrisy.

I don't have anything agaisnt the actual people, I just have a thing agaisnt the labels.

By the way SK you rock!!

And anyway, some people who class themselves as EMOs, Goths, Nerds, ect. are just showing off. The people that are Goths or EMOs or Geeks are the people that don't really care if you call them EMOs, Goths, Nerds, ect..

People who are smart and wear glasses are not Nerds/Geeks/Dorks, they're just an image some stupid person came up with. I'm clever, I wear glasses, I don't class myself as a Nerd.

Everyone knows me. I'm not popular. I'm just a girl who hates labels!! :ichigotchi:

Edit: By the way, I don't wear glasses all the time. I'm short-sighted.

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Mm. I adore black, Doc Martens, and Converses, and yet sometimes I think people mentally whisper "Goth" when I pass by. ._e My aunt keeps on calling me a "punk girl" and blah, blah blah, because I like converses, FOB, armwarmers, and Docs. D: I don't even like FOB that much! And Emo isn't a genre of music. Its a subgenre. (She doesn't mean to irritate me, and its not with disdain or anything. She's just a bit more into pop music, etc, than other adults. xD)

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I hate labels >.< I only made that "Emo: What's your opinion?" topic because I was curious to find what people thought of that paticular label, not because I like labels. I hate all that "OMG that girl giggled she's prep" or "OMG that boy is wearing black he's emo" stuff. If I was to label myself it would be goth but I prefer to be the-random-person-who-wears-black.

I didnt start this topic for ppl to start labeling themselves >_< it only made some1 hate me.

I didnt start this topic for ppl to start labeling themselves >_< it only made some1 hate me.
Who started to hate you?


Anyways, we aren't. I personally am a self proclaimed nerd because I like the term. ><

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