lala0629`s log :)


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Page 2!

Ok, I just got back from a friend`s birthday pary at build-a-bear. I was the oldest person at the party. I stuffed a bunny.I named her Megan. I got her a white sweater with a sparkly skirt. Anyways, Ryan evolved into a kutchitamaitchi.

Ryan: Hello!

Me: Anything you want to say?

Ryan: Hehehehe.... Hi!


Age: 0

Generation: 3

Weight: 15 lbs

Star ranking: None

Genere: R&b music

Tone: 304

Rhythm: 321

Original: 311

Recent Occurences: Evolving into a child

Future Occurences: Evolving into a teenager

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Ryan just evolved into Kititchi! Now we are waiting for our music teacher to come. I hope the music teacher comes really soon!

Ryan: Hello! Look at me! I am Kititchi!

Me: Awesome Ryan! You`ll be Mametchi in no time!

Ryan: Now let`s play some games! We need to raise up my stats!

Me: Great idea Ryan!

Ryan: Well since I will meet my band members soon, I want to be all ready to get a pro debut!

Me: That`s the spirt!!!!


Age: 1

Generation: 3

Weight: 20 lbs

Star ranking: None

Genere: R&B music

Tone: 418

Rhythm: 434

Original: 461

Recent Occurences: Evolving into a teenager

Future Occurences: Evolving into an adult

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Hey guys! What`s up? Ryan just got invited into music school,and his teacher gave him a boom box! How kind! Ryan is sleeping now. Tomorrow he should evolve into an adult. I won`t post the stats and the conversation,because I don`t want to wake him up,because I want him to be perfect care (His stress is already 52!) I know his stats are about 650 or so in each. I will update stats tomorrow, as well as the conversation.

Ryan: Zzzz.......

When I came back from the bathroom,Ryan evolved int Mametchi! Sorry if I didn`t post alot today, I am feeling under the weather.

Ryan: Yay!

Me: Yay! You evolved!

Ryan: I hope they like my music next time!


Age: 2

Generation: 3

Weight: 30 lbs

Star ranking: None

Genere: Rock & Roll

Tone: 599

Rhythm: 623

Original: 648

Recent Occurences: Evolving into an adult

Future Occurences: Getting Married

Hi everyone, I am feeling much better. My dad and I went to Kohls to buy my mom a gift. We got out of school 4 hours ago, and now I have about 11 days of winter break. Ryan has been just fine. They don`t like his music though. I probably didn`t tell you this, but he has an all boy band. His bands name is " Knights" since its a all boys band. The other members are Gozarutchi and Toskatchi. If my caculations are correct, Ryan will get married Christmas Eve.

Ryan: Hiya!

Me: Im sorry the judges don`t like your music.

Ryan: I just need more practice right?

Me: Right.

Ryan: Lets play music games then!

Me: Alright!


Age: 3

Generation: 3

Weight: 31 lbs

Star ranking: 999th

Genere: Rock & Roll

Tone: 670

Rhythm: 702

Original: 753

Recent Occurences: Evolving into an adult

Future Occurences: Getting Married

Hi everyone! Before I get started, I am going to give a shout out to KeroPyontchi! She is a really awesome friend! When you have the time go to her profile and say hello! Anyways, the judges finally like Ryan`s music! He even got to 1st ranking! I am so proud of him! He is 4 years old, which means he gets married on Christmas Eve. I need a new tama to log. After a month,it gets boring just running the same tama .Right?

Me: Ryan, your music is really great! You even got 1st rank!

Ryan: Will you stop bragging?

Me: Sorry Ryan. * Sneezes*

Ryan: What`s wrong?

Me: Nothing much. Just getting a little cold.


Age: 4

Generation: 3

Weight: 30 lbs

Star ranking: 1st

Genere: Rock & Roll

Tone: 848

Rhythm: 883

Original: 938

Recent Occurences: Evolving into an adult

Future Occurences: Getting Married

Hey! Ryan will probably be getting married tomorrow. He wants to marry Memetchi or Violetchi. He is also fine with Mimitchi, Makiko, Onputchi, or Maidtchi. Tomorrow, is Christmas Eve. I will be having it at my cousin`s house. I don`t know if I could update it their though.

Ryan: Hey!

Me: Ryan,you might get married tomorrow.

Ryan: Will you stop teasing me?

Me: Sorry buddy. Your going to have to leave me two days after you get married.

Ryan: Noooo! I want to stay with you! * Cries*

Me: It`s ok,you get to visit your baby just like your mom, Alessia did. Right?

Ryan: Right. If my baby is a girl, I want her to grow into Makiko. If it`s a boy, I want him to be Kuromametchi.

Me: Alrighty :) !


Age: 5

Generation: 3

Weight: 30 lbs

Star ranking: 4th

Genere: Rock & Roll

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Recent Occurences: Evolving into an adult

Future Occurences: Getting Married

Merry Christmas!

Before I start I wnat to give a shout out to KeroPyontchi to liking two of my posts. Stop by her profile and say hello! The match maker came today, and he offered Makiko. Ryan took a minute to decide, and then he said yes. They had a wedding with fire workds. Then the curtain opened. Out of the egg came a......... boy! I hope next gen is a girl so I can try for Memetchi!

Ryan: Hello!

Makiko: Why hello! * Holds baby*

Petitchi: * giggles*

Me: Ok we have to go to our christmas party

Ryan: Alright! Lets go!


Age: 5

Generation: 3

Weight: 33 lbs

Star ranking: 4th

Genere: Asian Music

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Recent Occurences: Getting married

Future Occurences: Leaving

I have a wonderful surprise for you guys! I got an ID L-E! I will be logging here. When I hatched him, I got a Nittobotchi. He wears a little yellow hat. He met a couple of little tama pets and friends there. He saw the book pet. Since I can`t name him, I think I will call him Yuki which means snow in japenese.

ID L stats:


0/4 tamatomo

weight: 5 g (grams)

Generation: 1

Music star stats:

Age: 6

Generation: 3

Weight: 39 lbs

Star ranking: 1st

Genere: Asian Music

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Recent Occurences: Getting married

Future Occurences: Leaving

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Ok, so Ryan and Makiko leave tonight. I am going to miss them :( . Yuki evolved into Furusupantchi,the fruit bowl character. Then today he evolved into Bokuhoshitchi, the star character. I can`t belive tomorow he`ll be an adult! He`s growing up so fast! I treated him to a parfait, since Yuki has been such a great boy.

Me: How`s everyone doing?

Ryan: Awesome!

Makiko: Wonderful!

Petitchi: * Giggles*

Yuki: Great!

Me: Glad everyones having a good time!

Me: Yuki, why don`t you introuduce yourself to us?

Yuki: Hi my name is Yuki. Right now I am a Bokuhohitchi. Lala promises tomorrow I will be a Kutchipatchi. He`s green so i`m writing in green. Get it? Because tomorrow I will be Kuchipatchi and he`s green. But, I am blue right now because I`m not a Kuchipatchi yet. I am a Bokuhoshitchi. I had to call to her twice today because my hunger meter emptied twice. She didn`t come until I stopped asking though. I bought alot of things yesterday and today at the tama market. I met alot of pets at -

Me: Ok ok we get the idea.

Yuki: Can I continue my story now?........ Thank you.

Yuki: So as I was saying, I met alot of pets at the Donut Park today. It was really fun. I saw hapihapitchi, bagubagutchi, Sopratchi, Rubitchi, Harapparatchi, Shurikentchi,and Onsenmoguratchi. I want to adopt Onsenmoguratchi becuase his red nose is so cute! It reminds me of Rudolph. You know, Rudolph the red nosed reigndeer. He pulls Santa`s sleigh. You know what he does? He guides all the other reindeer and Santa through the fog. And do you know how? He uses his nose! Isn`t that amazing

Me: Yep it`s pretty amazing.

Me: Now say good bye to Ryan and Makiko. There leaving to go to tama town tonight.

Makiko: We need to think or a name for our baby. What do you think?

Yuki: I think you should name him Jake.

Makiko: I like it. How about you Ryan?

Ryan: Well, everybody likes it. Jake it is!

Me: Yay!

ID L Stats:

Age: 1

0/4 tamatomo

Weight: 12 g

Generation: 1

Music star stats:

Age: 7

Generation: 3

Weight: 39 lbs

Star ranking: 1st

Genere: Asian Music

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Recent Occurences: Getting married

Future Occurences: Leaving

Hey guys, I haven`t blogged for a while. Sorry about that, I was upset that my IDl-E broke. My dad sent it back, and got a new one. Unfourtnatly, he didn`t know which are english and which are japanese, so he ended up getting a japenese one :( . The buttons are pretty much the same though. Just in japanese! When I tried to put in my name i japenese, it didn`t have all the letters I needed for my nickname which is "Lala" or my real name (which wouldn`t fit in english,but would fit in japanese.) so I just used hearts :) . I like that it tells you the name of the character. I hatched a pink girl character named Mormoirotchi in english. When I translated her name it was " Pink of course". Now she evolved into Rolutchi which translates into " one course" I decided to stop the music star for now and focus on the IDL. Were going to call her Love for now. She doesn`t want to talk right now, so i`ll let you know tomorrow!

Love has evolved into the cactus girl, and then into Perotchi,the cake character. I am trying to get Love a Sopratchi as a pet. Now, it is time to get happy stamps. I got a fruit sandwich first. I think the animation is cute! Next, I made her try on some cat ears.

Me: Yay! Happy stickers!

Perotchi: Yay!

Me: Lets go find Sopratchi at Donut Park!

Perotchi: Yay! Sopratchi is awesome!
