Last time you cried?


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Last night.
It was like, 11PM and I rubbed my eyes and my right contact rolled up to the top of my eyeball where I couldn't reach it. I started freaking out and hysterically crying.

But then eventually I got it. xD
Ughh, I did that once. I was freaking out, cause I thought my contact went behind my eye. I found it eventually...

Last time I cried... when something got into my eyes.

The last time I cried was when I heard that my biffie was in a coma.

I felt really stupid after I heard it was just a rumor. >.<

^ He already did. ;__;
I've been crying since a little before 6:00 PM. It's 7:23, now.
Krysteh. D':

I'm so so so sorry. Like WeiWei, I'm also crying for you.


^ He already did. ;__;
I've been crying since a little before 6:00 PM. It's 7:23, now.
aw... that is really sad I felt like that when my rabbit died

I read that topic you made about needing a hug because of your rabbit and I almost cried because it reminded me of my rabbit ;-;

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Well, does it count if I rubbed my eyes and my eyelashes turned inside out and got stuck between my eye and eyelid and my eye watered a lot as if I were crying.

A few minutes ago.

Whitney Houston was on! ;)

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^ My cat went missing for 2 months and came back fine. I haven't seen her since june but mum saw her pop her head up over a fence the other day. There is hope.

I cried today. It was windy and I had to force tears to get all the dirt out of my eyes.

^ My cat went missing for 2 months and came back fine. I haven't seen her since june but mum saw her pop her head up over a fence the other day. There is hope.

It was about half an hour ago when I found Little One. She kept trying to run away from me and it really hurt me. Then when I finally got her and took her home, I cried tears of happiness

Like, 25 minutes ago :p I hate mornings xD And before that, 5 hours ago because my tummy was aching... O_O

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